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The August 1st Saturn Return By Phalam

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The August 1st Saturn Return By PhalamThe August 1st Saturn Return offers many challenges, but if one isaccomplished in awareness, it offers many benefits in terms ofconscious advancement.  Chiron is the main character during thiseclipse and offers bridges into higher awareness.  Chiron is conjunctNeptune at this time so the main emphasis of bridge work is throughspiritual evolution.  The polarity of Chiron and Neptune at theeclipse point is Venus and Moon both depicted in Leo.  Leo is idealfor this example as it is the collective consciousness that needs tomove emotionally ahead.  So many are trapped within the illusion ofdebt and scarcity.  Emotions are locked up in material cages and veryfew are feeling what feeling is meant to be.  Venus assists thispolarity as the emotions we least understand are those of the feminineinstinct on this planet.  Most women have had to adapt a masculineemotional base in order to survive.  Most men have stayed steadfast intheir skeptical masculine ethic.  So this eclipse is intended to bustloose many things trapped in emotions.What also exists in polarity are Mars and Uranus.  When these two arein compatible relationship either conjunct, trines or sextiles theyadvocate a psychic nature.  However, when they are in polarity theytend to foster the denial of the ability. For those absent of areasonable intuition or clairvoyant ability this eclipse open channelsand tests fear levels. This is also an opportunity to get off thekarmic wheel.  Saturn is in a position to hand out "get out of jailfree" cards and if you are willing to believe nothing can happen toyou, nothing will.  Positive aspects should be taken advantage of withJupiter in trine with Saturn.  This signifies the abundance ofawareness as Saturn travels through the benign sign of Virgo. MarsTrines Jupiter as well - a good time to be aggressive in terms ofdecisions in career moves, investments and purchases.  It is moreimportant now with the economy in decline to test the "Law ofAttraction" in your life.  Venus is in a combined trine with Saturnand Pluto so if you use your feminine energy of passive meditative,you will connect easily to your guides and understand pathcorrections.  Namaste Phalam is a Campanus Astrologer, metaphysical author and trancechannel. His book, Celestial Reunion, heralded by reviewers as"advanced metaphysical teaching that brings new dimension to allmetaphysical thought...one man's vision from beyond the cutting edgeof current metaphysical thought..." and "a Divine celebration ofcosmology. healing and ascension"is currently out of print, but willbe on his website in September in ebook form. To learn more about him,visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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