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Re: Digest Number 757

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In a message dated 6/7/99 6:46:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

emilym@... writes:

<< To see pictures of what I'm talking about, check out his web

page at: http://www.erols.com/ericw25/emilym/slingpage.html The LLL meeting

was great. >>

Love your sling page and all your photos of your littler one! What a good mom

you are. I would love to give Cory an " Lucky Breastfed baby Award " for your

web page. Just go to our web page and then to Win our Award page, easy


<A HREF= " http://members.aol.com/srmegr8ful " >http://members.aol.com/srmegr8ful


Also SO glad you liked your LLL meeting I have found LLL to be a big support

for me. My DH works a lot and will be gone for days at a time it is nice to

have all the LLL moms around for meetings and park days!

Ü~ P.S.A.H.M

~Wife & Life Partner to

~Stay At Home Mom to my 19 month old Breastfeeding daughter, Cecilia.

<A HREF= " http://members.aol.com/srmegr8ful/ " >Family 1st ~ The Earl Family



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Good morning everyone! Due to the fact that my baby is keeping me so busy,

I switched to digest form about a week ago. I would like to ask people a

favor. When you respond to someone's message, please remove their message

or just leave the relevant parts. The digests are so hard to read when

person A writes and then person B responds and includes A's post and then

person C responds to that, including the first two posts, etc... you get the

idea. Thanks so much.

As for our breastfeeding, Corey and I are doing really well. Unfortunately,

when I left him with DH on Friday with a bottle of EBM, he refused to take

it. Poor baby was howling his head off for an hour before I got home. And

poor DH had to hold and try to comfort him thru all that! But we'll try

again. He took it great the first time, that's why I'm surprised he didn't

take it this time. Oh, well.

I went to a LLL meeting on Thursday and one of the leaders showed me a new

and better way to use my sling. Basically Corey is upright, laying against

my chest, with his legs hanging out below. He LOVES it and often nods off

to sleep. That's where he is right now, snoozing away after his bath. It

is wonderful. To see pictures of what I'm talking about, check out his web

page at: http://www.erols.com/ericw25/emilym/slingpage.html The LLL meeting

was great.

As for the sweet potato vs. yam discussion, my understanding is that they

are one and the same in the U.S. but people in the south call them yams.

True yams are found in South America but not sold here. They are one of my

favorite foods! I traveled to China last year and was amused to see that

they have " baked sweet potato venders " who go around with a cart of hot

baked sweet potatoes for sale, just like we see hotdog or popcorn venders!

Wouldn't that be nice to have here :-)

and mom, hope you are both feeling better soon.

I went and bought a nursing bathing suit and top at the Motherhood store at

the mall. I LOVE nursing tops! They make nursing in public so much easier!

I went and checked out all those links that someone posted - there is some

great stuff out there though a lot of it does not fit my budget. I'm

sticking to watching what comes up on EBAY and checking consignment shops.

Hope everyone is well!

and Corey (6 weeks old tomorrow!)

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