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Re: To Darla's question - Why I joined Humanity Healing

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Hi Everyone~

I joined Humanity Healing because I am looking for.... a place to

make a difference in peoples lives and help in any way I can. I am

also looking for support and prayers - for myself - and to pray for

and help others.

I believe in healing energy and I guess - you name it - just about

everything I read here. I am not a religious person, I am a Spiritual

Being. I have experienced the power of healing many times personally.

I have been involved in the healing of others. I have no professional

training or certifications. I know I have many abilities but I'm

unsure how to use them. So I guess that is another reason I joined

this group. I haven't posted very often. I want to say that even

though I haven't been active - Humanity Healing has been a tremendous

part of my life and I would be lost without all of you! Just knowing

that there are so many wonderful beings out there sending love,

support and energy out into the world is such a comfort to me.

I don't have a reliable Internet connection right now, but I try to

get online every day that I can and read as many posts as I can. And

I thank Source for all the information I recieve and pray for

everyone requesting prayer or healing. I see all of your strength and

beauty - and I also see how even though many of you are so much more

advanced than I, you still experience difficulties and trials.

As I write this my emotions are spilling out. Tears for your

friendships.... Tears for your pain.... Tears for mine.

There is so much going on in my life and yet I feel that nothing is

going on or moving in my life. Weird, huh?

Last December my fiance' and I decided to make a big change and move

back to my hometown. I felt a calling to " go home " and felt we could

grow more there. We gave up our apartment and moved into a condo with

a friend. She had a breakdown which ended up leaving us homeless.

We've been homeless since April. My fiance' has Epilepsy and is on

very expensive medication. He is on disability because he went into

liver failure after going toxic on a seizure medication in 2004.

Since that time he has been experiencing Petit Mal seizures every few

days. Unfortunately, he is on Medicare. Unfortunately because he has

reached the " doughnut hole " and we now have to pay for his medicine

ourselves. We can't get help from anywhere else because he does have

coverage from medicare...? Over half of his check (over $600 a month)

goes for just 2 of his meds. So we are staying with friends and are

not able to contribute much at all. I can no longer work due to

Carbon Monoxide poisoning that has left me with focal seizures that

scrunch up the left side of my face and close my left eye. I have

between 80 - 150 focal seizures a day. (I've been turned down for

disability twice.) There are no meds that will help me.

I understand and believe that we are exactly where we are supposed to

be - but it's really hard to watch someone you love go through all of

this stress and problems - not knowing where he'll get his medication

when he runs out next week.... There is so much more going on with

not knowing where to turn.

Anyway, I'm not sure why I wrote all of this.... Of course, prayers &

healing energy would be appreciated!

I think maybe I just needed to thank all of you just for being out

there. Know that you DO make a difference in many ways and are so

appreciated! Even to those of us who don't actively post very often.

Thanks for being what we are all meant to be.... LOVE!



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Hi Char...and welcome.

You covered a lot here and wanted to go over some of it. I know some

here can help in many ways and sure they will be in touch. I don't

think you said what area your in or where your staying...that could

prove important to some offering help with housing and ideas, which

you can then offer in private email of course.

Just touching on a few things right off...

Have you been in touch with a no fee attorney to force action on

disability acceptance, most everyone is refused the first time, and

continue to be till attorney's get involved. Personally, I think it

has more to do with a racket than actual way it goes...but they do get

most accepted after some period of time in both settlements and

ongoing support. There may be a suit involved over the drug that

caused him a problem as well...the attorney can find out. Even with

some benefits now, many rules have been revised so could be checked.

Also, I'm not sure if the meds for the two of you are included but

Wal-Mart has that $4.00 a prescription thing going on. There is also

that group/bus that goes around the country, the one with Montel

as spokesman...what is it...PPS, something like

that...someone here will know, but they offer free or low cost

drugs/prescriptions for those who can't afford them.

Of course, if your near the Canadian border you could...... " visit the

sites " .

On the other...if you check the meaning of both of your ailments, you

and he have the same thing, differently experienced. I am gathering

you mean the " simple " and not the " complex " version of the focal

seizures...the simple meaning you have no memory loss, etc...

Both are " electrical " in nature and are in the brain. It might prove

useful to know the exact spot where doctors have said the problem may

be, as this is like a map in pinpointing more complex understandings

and meanings....and for spiritual and metaphysical answers.

Generally, let's go with just the term of " focal " . To See...to come

into awareness...trying to focus.

He, with the Petit Mal seizures, or to say... " goes blank " , ceases all

knowing functions, for periods of time. I would ask how he is after

each one because it seems almost like he's receiving some serious

downloads from higher selves, so intense in fact that it is

" stunning " . Does he seem to have some intense or incredible insights

after these? Does he meditate at all? I'm thinking that he did, or

started, and did so regularly, he might experience less and less of

these, or perhaps none. Working in a way that reduces any major

download [energy/electrical discharge] to a level handled much easier.

It certainly can't hurt him to.

Yours is also electrical in nature, brought on by the c/m poisoning.

This poison is the lack of air/oxygen. I might suggest some time out

in the woods, the deeper the nature the better. Here, we are bringing

the awareness of what trees do. The breath in what you give

them...allow them to take this from you in a deeper sense. I'm

wondering if the more time you could spend among trees the less your

seizures would occur...just a thought. We are not so much using the

plain understanding about breathing out and the trees breathing in as

we are about the trees essence pulls the " reason " for this from you in

a higher vibration and healing.

Perhaps a message may be to move closer to nature, and focus on what

that might mean for you.

You said you moved back " home " because of a feeling you had. Rarely is

that wrong...even when there are all kinds of upsets..jobs, housing,

people, other things that come up to make you wonder why you did it,

bringing on a feeling of self-boding and second guessing. I can tell

you from experience, that feeling of going where you should be always

does work out to be what you should have done, even when it's not yet

clear....look for and " focus " on the feeling you had about it...dwell

on that and answers should come.

The fact that you have now interacted on this forum is what you can

do. You are already " doing " , it's just the understanding that we are,

and being aware...awareness sheds light on the path we discover we are

already on.

This has been just a cross posting of the few things off the top so I

apologize for not being more detailed where possible, I'm sure more

will come as needed.

LOVE is pouring into the situation and things already seem a little


With Love


> Hi Everyone~

> I joined Humanity Healing because I am looking for.... a place to

> make a difference in peoples lives and help in any way I can. I am

> also looking for support and prayers - for myself - and to pray for

> and help others.

> I believe in healing energy and I guess - you name it - just about

> everything I read here. I am not a religious person, I am a Spiritual

> Being. I have experienced the power of healing many times personally.

> I have been involved in the healing of others. I have no professional

> training or certifications. I know I have many abilities but I'm

> unsure how to use them. So I guess that is another reason I joined

> this group. I haven't posted very often. I want to say that even

> though I haven't been active - Humanity Healing has been a tremendous

> part of my life and I would be lost without all of you! Just knowing

> that there are so many wonderful beings out there sending love,

> support and energy out into the world is such a comfort to me.

> I don't have a reliable Internet connection right now, but I try to

> get online every day that I can and read as many posts as I can. And

> I thank Source for all the information I recieve and pray for

> everyone requesting prayer or healing. I see all of your strength and

> beauty - and I also see how even though many of you are so much more

> advanced than I, you still experience difficulties and trials.

> As I write this my emotions are spilling out. Tears for your

> friendships.... Tears for your pain.... Tears for mine.

> There is so much going on in my life and yet I feel that nothing is

> going on or moving in my life. Weird, huh?

> Last December my fiance' and I decided to make a big change and move

> back to my hometown. I felt a calling to " go home " and felt we could

> grow more there. We gave up our apartment and moved into a condo with

> a friend. She had a breakdown which ended up leaving us homeless.

> We've been homeless since April. My fiance' has Epilepsy and is on

> very expensive medication. He is on disability because he went into

> liver failure after going toxic on a seizure medication in 2004.

> Since that time he has been experiencing Petit Mal seizures every few

> days. Unfortunately, he is on Medicare. Unfortunately because he has

> reached the " doughnut hole " and we now have to pay for his medicine

> ourselves. We can't get help from anywhere else because he does have

> coverage from medicare...? Over half of his check (over $600 a month)

> goes for just 2 of his meds. So we are staying with friends and are

> not able to contribute much at all. I can no longer work due to

> Carbon Monoxide poisoning that has left me with focal seizures that

> scrunch up the left side of my face and close my left eye. I have

> between 80 - 150 focal seizures a day. (I've been turned down for

> disability twice.) There are no meds that will help me.

> I understand and believe that we are exactly where we are supposed to

> be - but it's really hard to watch someone you love go through all of

> this stress and problems - not knowing where he'll get his medication

> when he runs out next week.... There is so much more going on with

> not knowing where to turn.

> Anyway, I'm not sure why I wrote all of this.... Of course, prayers &

> healing energy would be appreciated!

> I think maybe I just needed to thank all of you just for being out

> there. Know that you DO make a difference in many ways and are so

> appreciated! Even to those of us who don't actively post very often.

> Thanks for being what we are all meant to be.... LOVE!


> Char


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Hi Char and I wanted to thankyou for sharing your deeper emotions and life with us the thing for Montels prescriptions is PPA Prescriptions across America and it's a really confusing program so don't get flustered with it also you can check with the city or county you live in some counties offer low medical not medical or medicare but it is a program the county takes on for the first so many thousand of people starting on 1/1/ of the year and it offers low prescription and dr costs are like$5.oo but the wal mart thing has been going on all year also and well just gives us all fuzzy bunnies his thoughts are worth a try much love from all of us truly <knightsintention@...> wrote: Hi Char...and welcome. You covered a lot here and wanted to go over some of it. I know some here can help in many ways and sure they will be in touch. I don't think you said what area your in or where your staying...that could prove important to some offering help with housing and ideas, which you can then offer in private email of course. Just touching on a few things right off... Have you been in touch with a no fee attorney to force action on disability acceptance, most everyone is refused the first time, and continue to be till attorney's get involved. Personally, I think it has more to do with a racket than actual way it goes...but they do get most accepted after some period of time in both settlements

and ongoing support. There may be a suit involved over the drug that caused him a problem as well...the attorney can find out. Even with some benefits now, many rules have been revised so could be checked. Also, I'm not sure if the meds for the two of you are included but Wal-Mart has that $4.00 a prescription thing going on. There is also that group/bus that goes around the country, the one with Montel as spokesman...what is it...PPS, something like that...someone here will know, but they offer free or low cost drugs/prescriptions for those who can't afford them. Of course, if your near the Canadian border you could......"visit the sites". On the other...if you check the meaning of both of your ailments, you and he have the same thing, differently experienced. I am gathering you mean the "simple" and not the "complex" version of the focal seizures...the simple meaning you have no

memory loss, etc... Both are "electrical" in nature and are in the brain. It might prove useful to know the exact spot where doctors have said the problem may be, as this is like a map in pinpointing more complex understandings and meanings....and for spiritual and metaphysical answers. Generally, let's go with just the term of "focal". To See...to come into awareness...trying to focus. He, with the Petit Mal seizures, or to say..."goes blank", ceases all knowing functions, for periods of time. I would ask how he is after each one because it seems almost like he's receiving some serious downloads from higher selves, so intense in fact that it is "stunning". Does he seem to have some intense or incredible insights after these? Does he meditate at all? I'm thinking that he did, or started, and did so regularly, he might experience less and less of these, or perhaps none. Working in a way that

reduces any major download [energy/electrical discharge] to a level handled much easier. It certainly can't hurt him to. Yours is also electrical in nature, brought on by the c/m poisoning. This poison is the lack of air/oxygen. I might suggest some time out in the woods, the deeper the nature the better. Here, we are bringing the awareness of what trees do. The breath in what you give them...allow them to take this from you in a deeper sense. I'm wondering if the more time you could spend among trees the less your seizures would occur...just a thought. We are not so much using the plain understanding about breathing out and the trees breathing in as we are about the trees essence pulls the "reason" for this from you in a higher vibration and healing. Perhaps a message may be to move closer to nature, and focus on what that might mean for you. You said you moved back "home" because of a feeling you

had. Rarely is that wrong...even when there are all kinds of upsets..jobs, housing, people, other things that come up to make you wonder why you did it, bringing on a feeling of self-boding and second guessing. I can tell you from experience, that feeling of going where you should be always does work out to be what you should have done, even when it's not yet clear....look for and "focus" on the feeling you had about it...dwell on that and answers should come. The fact that you have now interacted on this forum is what you can do. You are already "doing", it's just the understanding that we are, and being aware...awareness sheds light on the path we discover we are already on. This has been just a cross posting of the few things off the top so I apologize for not being more detailed where possible, I'm sure more will come as needed. LOVE is pouring into the situation and things already seem a

little brighter. With Love > > Hi Everyone~ > I joined Humanity Healing because I am looking for.... a place to > make a difference in peoples lives and help in any way I can. I am > also looking for support and prayers - for myself - and to pray for > and help others. > I believe in healing energy and I guess - you name it - just about > everything I read here. I am not a religious person, I am a Spiritual > Being. I have experienced the power of healing many times personally. > I have been involved in the healing of others. I have no professional > training or certifications. I know I have many abilities but I'm > unsure how to use them. So I guess that is another reason I joined > this group. I

haven't posted very often. I want to say that even > though I haven't been active - Humanity Healing has been a tremendous > part of my life and I would be lost without all of you! Just knowing > that there are so many wonderful beings out there sending love, > support and energy out into the world is such a comfort to me. > I don't have a reliable Internet connection right now, but I try to > get online every day that I can and read as many posts as I can. And > I thank Source for all the information I recieve and pray for > everyone requesting prayer or healing. I see all of your strength and > beauty - and I also see how even though many of you are so much more > advanced than I, you still experience difficulties and trials. > As I write this my emotions are spilling out. Tears for your > friendships.... Tears for your pain.... Tears for mine. > There is so much

going on in my life and yet I feel that nothing is > going on or moving in my life. Weird, huh? > Last December my fiance' and I decided to make a big change and move > back to my hometown. I felt a calling to "go home" and felt we could > grow more there. We gave up our apartment and moved into a condo with > a friend. She had a breakdown which ended up leaving us homeless. > We've been homeless since April. My fiance' has Epilepsy and is on > very expensive medication. He is on disability because he went into > liver failure after going toxic on a seizure medication in 2004. > Since that time he has been experiencing Petit Mal seizures every few > days. Unfortunately, he is on Medicare. Unfortunately because he has > reached the "doughnut hole" and we now have to pay for his medicine > ourselves. We can't get help from anywhere else because he does have > coverage from

medicare...? Over half of his check (over $600 a month) > goes for just 2 of his meds. So we are staying with friends and are > not able to contribute much at all. I can no longer work due to > Carbon Monoxide poisoning that has left me with focal seizures that > scrunch up the left side of my face and close my left eye. I have > between 80 - 150 focal seizures a day. (I've been turned down for > disability twice.) There are no meds that will help me. > I understand and believe that we are exactly where we are supposed to > be - but it's really hard to watch someone you love go through all of > this stress and problems - not knowing where he'll get his medication > when he runs out next week.... There is so much more going on with > not knowing where to turn. > Anyway, I'm not sure why I wrote all of this.... Of course, prayers & > healing energy would be

appreciated! > I think maybe I just needed to thank all of you just for being out > there. Know that you DO make a difference in many ways and are so > appreciated! Even to those of us who don't actively post very often. > Thanks for being what we are all meant to be.... LOVE! > NAMASTE > Char > Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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