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Top Five Ways Reality Shifts

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Top Five Ways Reality Shifts by Sue Larson Our thoughts and feelings change reality around us every minute of every day. Most of us notice that time doesn't always move in steady, sequential fashion...that sometimes it seems much slower or faster than usual, or like it has stopped altogether. Many of us usually get parking spots when and where we need them, find that traffic lights turn green at just the right times, and that friends will phone or write when we think of them. These wonderful synchronicities happen when we're feeling energized and flowing with the feeling of love, whereas we tend to notice more chaotic shifts in reality (in which our keys or purse or coat seem to move around by themselves) on days when we're feeling emotionally high-strung and discordant. At times like that, it's easy to feel that my possessions are causing me suspicion, but there's no proof, as in the song Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House. You don't have to have ghosts in the house in order for reality to shift around you. Current research in the field of distant healing (or intercessory prayer) is scientifically validating the theory that our thoughts and feelings have non-local effects in the world around us. Two medical journals recently published articles on their double-blind studies of distant healing, with statistically significant findings that sick people get better when prayed for (December 1998 Western Journal of Medicine, October 1999 Southern Medical Journal), and Scientific American's April 2000 issue sported a cover image of a quantum teleportation machine! We've come a long ways from the days when non-classical behavior of quantum particles was dubbed spooky action at a distance by Albert Einstein, and tomorrow's technology (such as quantum computers) will be counting on what was considered to be quantum weirdness just yesterday. When we consider the entire range of reality shifts from the Shift Happens variety (where that missing sock never comes out of the dryer) all the way to conscious reality shifting, we discover a wonderful smorgasbord of changes that we can create in and around ourselves. Don't worry if you read through these examples and don't feel that any of these things have happened to you - if you want to experience them and start paying attention to the possibility that these things can happen, you'll be more likely to notice them in the future. Here are the top five types of reality shifts (given in no particular order), with some examples listed for each type: (1) Appearances Groceries appear in the cupboards and refrigerator; letters arrive in the mail (or the mail arrives more than once in a given day); a book (or record or clothing or toy) arrives in a store that didn't have it just a moment ago; a friend shows up or writes or phones right after you were just thinking about them. (2) Disappearances A car vanishes in the road ahead of you or in the spot you need to park in; traffic clears up ahead of you (when moments earlier a traffic jam was imminent); household or personal items vanish without a trace for no apparent reason. (3) Transportations Things thought to have been lost years ago arrive unexpectedly in mysterious ways; something needed from a distant location arrives without explanation or any apparent means of delivery; objects move back and forth between friends' houses without anyone carrying them there; keys, coats, glasses and wallets move around inside our homes with nobody moving them. (4) Transformations Cancerous tissues become well again; cuts and bruises and burns vanish; hair that was straight becomes curly; spontaneous remission of cancer; sudden emergence from a coma; facial features change; traffic lights suddenly become green when they were in the process of turning yellow. (5) Changes in Time Time slows down, stops altogether, or speeds up, or there is communication across time. Read my articles I Felt Time Slow to a Stop and Time Travel Reality Shift for some real-life examples of this. Sue Larson helps people to create their best lives by transforming from accidental manifestors into conscious reality shifters. Larson's popular ezine, RealityShifters News, is eagerly awaited each month by thousands of subscribers worldwide. She provides Spiritual Life Coaching sessions by phone, and has been widely published in spiritual publications. holds a B.A. in physics from U.C. Berkeley and an M.B.A. from San Francisco State University. For more information on reality shifting and 's books and services, visit www.realityshifters.comEnjoy, http://livingonlove.ning.comhttp://myspace.com/rarebreezehttp://myspace.com/asundayinjune

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