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Appearing Spiritual Vs. Being Spiritual

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Appearing Spiritual Vs. Being SpiritualBy Petullo Petullo Our professional experience involving meditation,psychic perception, past life regression, andcomprehensive astrology and numerology tells usthat when a soul chooses to incarnate and livea life as a yogi, nun, or another, similar "spiritual"existence, it's often because of a desire, evena need (on a soul level), to work on or experiencemore spirituality, or soul-searching. Contrary topopular belief, we've found that it isn't reflectiveof automatic spiritual awareness, sorry.In fact, it's certainly possible that the 27 year-old butcher at the grocery store, the 53 year-old mail carrier, the 19 year-old constructionworker, or the attractive, provocatively dressed,45 year-old woman who's a fan of subtlecosmetic surgery and occasional cocktails,for example, are closer to being self-actualizedthan any yogi you will ever meet.A homeless person, professional boxer, militarygeneral, and a rock star, for instance, might allbe far more spiritually adept than the yogifeatured in the best-seller. The insights amusician relays through her lyrics could verywell have far more of an mystical impact onyour life than what you would find visiting asanctuary, place of worship, or reading theteachings of a prominent cleric.You will eventually discover that it's possibleto encounter more wisdom in your own backyardthan it is on the other side of the planet in somedreamy, far-off place. Our apologies if this notionis far less exotic and spiritually romantic, butwe've found it to be the truth. Such ideas maynot sell a lot of books, but they will give you anew perspective.Assuming the theory of reincarnation is valid (ithas yet to be proved invalid), your soul (not yourpersonality) chooses to experience variousexistences on Earth (and elsewhere) to learnand grow. One lifetime might include 40 yearsworking on a farm, another might include beinga merchant, and yet another might be all aboutfamily, children, friends, and experiencing therichness of the emotional side of life.One of the more spiritually enlightening lifetimesfor anyone might include 30 years of solitaryconfinement in prison. Would such an experiencebe fated? We believe so. Remember, soulprogression happens through infinite circumstancesand through multiple lifetimes and often may notappear logical, from an earthly perspective.Years ago, a past life regression client of ourssaw glimpses of herself as a castaway on anisland in S.E. Asia sometime in the 15th centuryA.D. At the end of the session, we guided her toview that lifetime from a higher-self perspective.She casually reported, still in a meditative state,that the extensive isolation in that life, amongothers, was vital to her soul growth because, afterher basic survival needs were met, she (in thatlife, a he) had no other choice but to go withinand reflect.What happens when you go within, such as whenyou meditate? You get your own answers and yougain clarity about your life, your path, andeventually the meaning of life. You become the"higher being" who knows best. Meditation, orbetter, even if only for a short time, a monastic,or solitary existence can be like a spiritual bootcamp for earthlings who have, for whatever reason,ignored their spiritual side. Might a person livinga monastic existence already be self-actualized?Yes, and we can discern such things through ourwork.A review of her (the woman who had the castawaylifetime) comprehensive charts shows a muchhigher level of knowingness, as reflected by dozensof key indicators and subsequent patterns. In ourprofessional opinion, she has earned the awarenessthrough past life experience, and no amount of studyin an ashram or temple in this life (aside fromhelping her to remember her innate wisdom) wouldgive her that now.The point we are making is that truly spiritual peopleoften appear otherwise to many who are conditionedto think that one must be of a certain age or part ofa structured faith or discipline to have divine insight.At the same time, we believe that there is a placefor all the various spiritual adherents and theirrespective leaders in this world. They are doingexactly as they are predestined to do, and werespect all faiths and all practitioners, as long asthey are not hurting others.Copyright © 2007 Petullo, PetulloAuthor's Bio Petullo and Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980's. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask before hiring a Psychic. www.mystictwins.com. www.holisticmakeover.com. SourceClicking This Link Creates Love - Use Caution

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Thanks for this, very helpful



> Appearing Spiritual Vs. Being SpiritualBy Petullo



> Our professional experience involving meditation,psychic perception,

> past life regression, andcomprehensive astrology and numerology


> usthat when a soul chooses to incarnate and livea life as a yogi,


> or another, similar " spiritual " existence, it's often because

> of a desire, evena need (on a soul level), to work on or


> spirituality, or soul-searching. Contrary topopular belief, we've

> found that it isn't reflectiveof automatic spiritual awareness,

> sorry.


> In fact, it's certainly possible that the 27 year-old butcher at the

> grocery store, the 53 year-old mail carrier, the 19 year-old

> constructionworker, or the attractive, provocatively dressed,45


> woman who's a fan of subtlecosmetic surgery and occasional

> cocktails,for example, are closer to being self-actualizedthan any


> you will ever meet.


> A homeless person, professional boxer, militarygeneral, and a rock


> for instance, might allbe far more spiritually adept than the

> yogifeatured in the best-seller. The insights amusician relays


> her lyrics could verywell have far more of an mystical impact onyour

> life than what you would find visiting asanctuary, place of

worship, or

> reading theteachings of a prominent cleric.


> You will eventually discover that it's possibleto encounter more

> wisdom in your own backyardthan it is on the other side of the

planet in

> somedreamy, far-off place. Our apologies if this notionis far less

> exotic and spiritually romantic, butwe've found it to be the truth.

> Such ideas maynot sell a lot of books, but they will give you anew

> perspective.


> Assuming the theory of reincarnation is valid (ithas yet to be


> invalid), your soul (not yourpersonality) chooses to experience

> variousexistences on Earth (and elsewhere) to learnand grow. One

> lifetime might include 40 yearsworking on a farm, another might


> beinga merchant, and yet another might be all aboutfamily, children,

> friends, and experiencing therichness of the emotional side of life.


> One of the more spiritually enlightening lifetimesfor anyone might

> include 30 years of solitaryconfinement in prison. Would such an

> experiencebe fated? We believe so. Remember, soulprogression happens

> through infinite circumstancesand through multiple lifetimes and


> may notappear logical, from an earthly perspective.


> Years ago, a past life regression client of ourssaw glimpses of


> as a castaway on anisland in S.E. Asia sometime in the 15th


> At the end of the session, we guided her toview that lifetime from a

> higher-self perspective.She casually reported, still in a meditative

> state,that the extensive isolation in that life, amongothers, was


> to her soul growth because, afterher basic survival needs were met,


> (in thatlife, a he) had no other choice but to go withinand reflect.


> What happens when you go within, such as whenyou meditate? You get


> own answers and yougain clarity about your life, your path,

> andeventually the meaning of life. You become the " higher being "

> who knows best. Meditation, orbetter, even if only for a short

time, a

> monastic,or solitary existence can be like a spiritual bootcamp for

> earthlings who have, for whatever reason,ignored their spiritual


> Might a person livinga monastic existence already be

> self-actualized?Yes, and we can discern such things through ourwork.


> A review of her (the woman who had the castawaylifetime)


> charts shows a muchhigher level of knowingness, as reflected by


> key indicators and subsequent patterns. In ourprofessional opinion,


> has earned the awarenessthrough past life experience, and no amount


> studyin an ashram or temple in this life (aside fromhelping her to

> remember her innate wisdom) wouldgive her that now.


> The point we are making is that truly spiritual peopleoften appear

> otherwise to many who are conditionedto think that one must be of a

> certain age or part ofa structured faith or discipline to have


> insight.


> At the same time, we believe that there is a placefor all the


> spiritual adherents and theirrespective leaders in this world. They


> doingexactly as they are predestined to do, and werespect all

faiths and

> all practitioners, as long asthey are not hurting others.


> Copyright © 2007 Petullo, Petullo


> Author's Bio Petullo and Petullo are identical twins


> have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980's. They are

> experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and


> life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their


> report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask


> hiring a Psychic. www.mystictwins.com. www.holisticmakeover.com.


> Source




> al.html>


> Clicking This Link Creates Love - Use Caution

> <http://livingonlove.ning.com>


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