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Flip The Switch

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I'm also lacking a " full " switch. I can eat basically non-stop all day

without blinking and without feeling uncomfortable. That's not a

problem during the week on BFL because you're eating set portions

every 2-3 hours. Hunger and fullness don't play a big role in your

meal planning because if you make good choices, you should be walking

around feeling " just right " most of the time.

You do have to make sure that your portions don't start mysteriously

expanding and that you don't start adding gobs of extras (salad

dressing, cream cheese, pretzels, peanut butter, etc.). The main

problem for people with no " full " switch is free day. PLAN your free

day. Decide what delicious treats you most want to eat and make sure

that's exactly what you have. Don't eat mindlessly all day. People

with no " full " switch can totally wreck their calorie deficit for the

week and stall their progress.

On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 15:39:39 -0000, lynette_baity

<lbaity@...> wrote:



> Is anyone else missing the switch that tells your brain when your

> stomach is full? I seriously did not come with this feature. I swear

> I can eat and eat and eat and still not get that " full " sensation.

> Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with this?





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Oooh I can relate. I never eat because I'm hungry. I eat because

it's time - I'm happy, sad, bored, to celbrate, it tastes good, to

sabatage myself, because I suffer from an overactive fork and more

reasons I haven't thought of. LOL I know all the answers I just

don't do them UGH!!!



> Is anyone else missing the switch that tells your brain when your

> stomach is full? I seriously did not come with this feature. I


> I can eat and eat and eat and still not get that " full " sensation.

> Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with this?

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Mine works occasionally, and only on free day :-P~


Flip the Switch



> Is anyone else missing the switch that tells your brain when your

> stomach is full? I seriously did not come with this feature. I swear

> I can eat and eat and eat and still not get that " full " sensation.

> Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with this?









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For help with this issue I've found the perfect solution. Eat what

your BFL amount of food would be then pop a piece of sugar free gum

as a signal to stop eating. It will help you stop picking at what

you don't really want in the first place. I go to Sam's and buy

several flavors of Orbit or Icebreakers in the bulk packages. I'm

sure others find it annoying that I'm chewing like a cow all day but

if it works I'm sticking with it. Try it.


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That may help put an end to continual grazing! I actually read an

article the other day that said that chewing gum could possibly increase

the amount of calories you burn in a day. It is worth a try.

Mostly my concern with not having the switch is the fact that if you

don't have the indicator that says when a person is full and if a person

you suffers from emotional eating, like I do, geez it just makes binge

eating EASIER!

Normally when a person binges, they feel sick or full after hogging

down large quantities of food. I never get that feeling of full. I even

amaze myself sometimes at just how much I can throw down. Sad, very sad

indeed. I will try the gum idea though and I welcome your suggestion!

Thank you.

>>> s_bachrach@... 03/10/05 3:59 AM >>>

For help with this issue I've found the perfect solution. Eat what

your BFL amount of food would be then pop a piece of sugar free gum

as a signal to stop eating. It will help you stop picking at what

you don't really want in the first place. I go to Sam's and buy

several flavors of Orbit or Icebreakers in the bulk packages. I'm

sure others find it annoying that I'm chewing like a cow all day but

if it works I'm sticking with it. Try it.


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Oh! That's a hoot! Thanks for the chuckle!

>>> noreen62677@... 03/09/05 7:42 PM >>>

Mine works occasionally, and only on free day :-P~


Flip the Switch



> Is anyone else missing the switch that tells your brain when your

> stomach is full? I seriously did not come with this feature. I swear

> I can eat and eat and eat and still not get that " full " sensation.

> Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with this?









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I have the same malfunction + I find that on the days I don't drink

enough water it is really bad...I am constantly hungry...When I do

drink enough water I feel full but I am constantly running to the

bathroom (which is better than running to the kitchen I guess)

> > Is anyone else missing the switch that tells your brain when your

> > stomach is full? I seriously did not come with this feature. I


> > I can eat and eat and eat and still not get that " full "


> > Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with this?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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So far, the consensus is to plan our free day very carefully, chew gum

and drink more water. I'll give it a try! Thanks!

>>> hwh20@... 03/10/05 11:42 AM >>>

I have the same malfunction + I find that on the days I don't drink

enough water it is really bad...I am constantly hungry...When I do

drink enough water I feel full but I am constantly running to the

bathroom (which is better than running to the kitchen I guess)

> > Is anyone else missing the switch that tells your brain when your

> > stomach is full? I seriously did not come with this feature. I


> > I can eat and eat and eat and still not get that " full "


> > Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with this?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I too never feel full, I actually never feel hungry either. I'm

totally. Once I start a binge, I feel like I'm just shoving food in

my mouth not even tasting it. and unfortunately I think I do that

everyday, as I haven't been very successful lately. I actually

don't feel like I deserve to be posting here as I haven't even been

exercising lately, but I keep trying and hoping that I'll do it. (I

used to have this thing down pat) UGH!!! Oh well, - I'm definitewly

going to try the gum


> That may help put an end to continual grazing! I actually read an

> article the other day that said that chewing gum could possibly


> the amount of calories you burn in a day. It is worth a try.


> Mostly my concern with not having the switch is the fact that if


> don't have the indicator that says when a person is full and if a


> you suffers from emotional eating, like I do, geez it just makes


> eating EASIER!


> Normally when a person binges, they feel sick or full after hogging

> down large quantities of food. I never get that feeling of full. I


> amaze myself sometimes at just how much I can throw down. Sad,

very sad

> indeed. I will try the gum idea though and I welcome your


> Thank you.


> >>> s_bachrach@y... 03/10/05 3:59 AM >>>


> For help with this issue I've found the perfect solution. Eat what

> your BFL amount of food would be then pop a piece of sugar free


> as a signal to stop eating. It will help you stop picking at what

> you don't really want in the first place. I go to Sam's and buy

> several flavors of Orbit or Icebreakers in the bulk packages. I'm

> sure others find it annoying that I'm chewing like a cow all day


> if it works I'm sticking with it. Try it.


> Stasia







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OOHH Now that I think about it you are right. The key is water and

now that it's getting hot here in sunny California - I will have no




> I have the same malfunction + I find that on the days I don't


> enough water it is really bad...I am constantly hungry...When I do

> drink enough water I feel full but I am constantly running to the

> bathroom (which is better than running to the kitchen I guess)






> > > Is anyone else missing the switch that tells your brain when


> > > stomach is full? I seriously did not come with this feature. I

> swear

> > > I can eat and eat and eat and still not get that " full "

> sensation.

> > > Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with this?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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  • 3 years later...

Flip The Switch...

Imagine we have an Am/Fm radio. On it we find a station we really

like...let's call it life. On the Am channel, or lower frequency, we are

satisfied with the thing we hear...it's fine, it works, it will get us

through. We can " live " with it.

However, we learn by flipping the switch over to a higher frequency,

there is the very same station as the one we like, but so much clearer,

even the feeling of it is better...the stereo effect.

Once we spend some time listening to this new frequency, the other seems

almost, well, hollow. We do still listen to it because we only have Am

in our truck we drive to work, but it's when we climb into the wife's

new car, with the stereo Fm we really relax, enjoy, and find comfort in

" the very same thing " .

If you haven't yet guessed, the " Am " channel is our everyday lives in

these bodies using our ego/personality to go through life not thinking

about much else. The newer car, with " Fm " is the move into our higher

selves. We still live our lives as humans, facing everyday as it comes,

but we do it from a deeper place.

But wait...as we begin to do this, we come to find out that our same

station does a semi-cast[sp] on TV. What was incredible has now become

beyond our imagination. We can now see deeper, not just think deeper. We

have changed, become even more, realized we are so much more.

We do go back to the truck to go to work...our daily grind when needed,

yet, even with the station playing, we are different, we " hear " and

" imagine " very differently than we did before...we " know " there's

more....and we realize we cruised to and from work, through our daily

lives, without really noticing the static coming from the speakers we

meant to, and was so important, to replace before. The trivial drops

away...we expand.

The difference...we got through the grind of our lives wondering if it

ever gets better, and went to finding that there was a greater comfort,

a better conscious understanding in the way we choose to " ride " . And as

we discovered that, we were attracted to the knowing that we could just

sit in this knowing, going deeper to find out everything we wanted to

know would be brought to us, simply by focusing...the pictures becoming


Ask any question and pay attention, the answer will ALWAYS appear. It

could be a post, a bulletin, an email, the next web site you go to, the

next thing you hear on the radio, or TV, the next thing someone says. If

you don't find this true, you have not posed your question correctly,

revise it...and look. It WILL be there.

Here's a little fun experiment...grab the TV remote. Ask a question in

your mind.....see your question and know your going to receive the

answer. Now, do whatever feels comfortable for you...like, go to every

third channel for 10 seconds, and keep changing every 10...listen. The

easier way is to close your eyes and hit the mute button every 3

seconds...put it on a station where they are talking a lot. Give it a

few tries to get the idea of how this works.

The thing that's important to learn is EVERYTHING is responding to YOU.

It is YOU that everything in your awareness is responding to. Give it a

few minutes, a day, a week, a month. I dare you. My God, if you were

only aware of your true power you'd jump out of your skin this

second....but stay in, it's more fun.

Oh, one other thing...it's impossible to use your powers to harm or

hurt...they can only be use to help others...and they in turn help you.

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The thing that's important to learn is EVERYTHING is responding to YOU.It is YOU that everything in your awareness is responding to. Give it afew minutes, a day, a week, a month. I dare you. My God, if you wereonly aware of your true power you'd jump out of your skin thissecond....but stay in, it's more fun.Oh, one other thing...it's impossible to use your powers to harm orhurt...they can only be use to help others...and they in turn help you.

Hi ,

Great post! What you said above is totally TRUE. I had a period of almost two months in a vastly higher state, when literally EVERYTHING was created "just for me". I'd glance at the paper, and the words were personalized, then tune into the radio and a rap station would be playing angelic music, etc. It was absolutely astonishing... for a bit. My "mind" adjusted rapidly, and miracles occurred daily. I was moving or at such a "frequency" (speed) that at one point I saw trees being created from scratch! Literally everything was coming into existence anew, and nothing was repeated or "old". Kind of like perpetual "refresh" on the computer. I'm going to see if I can try holding this awareness, and see if it can manifest more clearly, today. Maybe the only thing blocking it is my "sleep" and non attention to it.

I view that experience as precious. Alas, it got to be overbearing and "too much" for my wiring to handle, and slowly the state receded, but the awesome memories and feeling of it never have. I suspect this is a higher state of consciousness, which already exists within 4D that many tap into or live from daily now. I consider myself (and all of us, really) to be "in the awakening process", as it's a shifting continuum which presently is a bit beyond my control. This is why it's so valuable to communicate with others; we are like light switches; when most of us are "off", the one that's "on" can remind us. Then, for a tiny moment, as long as we can be in that space, we're awakened and "on".

I spent many years studying G.I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ousepensky, and even joined an "esoteric school" to learn how to "awaken". It turned into a cult, but the valuable experiences remain wth me today. Thank you for your en light ening post!



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It's fun and a bit un-nerving at times to realize this is REALLY

taking place. Just over the past two weeks I was ready to cut open my

cable boxes and find the reason people were using my name in vain...lol

You've heard about the " powers that be " installing mics and cameras in

all the newer computers, cell-phones, and cable boxes, so they can

watch you watching TV in your own living room...hehe nananananana.

There was a story about a year ago where a woman at a cable company

stumbled on a secret room at her company where employees were watching

people in their living rooms...don't know how much of that was true,

and I use to do cable...and by the way ALL of these new digital

converter boxes coming out for the change over ARE cam and mic

equipped...take one a part and check it out..interesting huh.

Anyway, every time the TV was on I kelp noticing that every TV show,

even every commercial had my name in it. I'm talking actor and

charters. It's like " " , " Hey " ...this and that...as if maybe

there was a mic turned on or something, and using what it heard as

a marketing tool to me...with the tech in these things now, it's not

out of the question....but...

That's not why I included that as it relates to how " we are creating "

everything in every moment, and are just now becoming aware of it. And

the more " we choose " to hold that awareness, and deepen it, we'll see

this " in every moment " .

There's just this one thing I can't figure...this living room looks

like a tornado hit it...books and papers everywhere, boxes that " were "

being sorted, notes to myself on everything....I know it was clean,

I'm sure of it...I cleaned it...something happened. I suppose I could

strike it up to distilling words into my posts from it, but like

oranges, it just leaves a big sticky mess.

I've intended for " someone " to clean this up but no one wants to show

up. Just means I still have some work to do to increase my

powers....geez, I guess that leaves the old fashioned way...if my mind

looks anything like this room, oh boy.

It's still fun....

--- In , Zany Mystic <zanymystic@...>



> said:


> The thing that's important to learn is EVERYTHING is responding to YOU.

> It is YOU that everything in your awareness is responding to. Give it a

> few minutes, a day, a week, a month. I dare you. My God, if you were

> only aware of your true power you'd jump out of your skin this

> second....but stay in, it's more fun.


> Oh, one other thing...it's impossible to use your powers to harm or

> hurt...they can only be use to help others...and they in turn help you.




> Hi ,


> Great post! What you said above is totally TRUE. I had a period of

almost two months in a vastly higher state, when literally EVERYTHING

was created " just for me " . I'd glance at the paper, and the words

were personalized, then tune into the radio and a rap station would be

playing angelic music, etc. It was absolutely astonishing... for a

bit. My " mind " adjusted rapidly, and miracles occurred daily. I was

moving or at such a " frequency " (speed) that at one point I saw trees

being created from scratch! Literally everything was coming into

existence anew, and nothing was repeated or " old " . Kind of like

perpetual " refresh " on the computer. I'm going to see if I can try

holding this awareness, and see if it can manifest more clearly,

today. Maybe the only thing blocking it is my " sleep " and non

attention to it.


> I view that experience as precious. Alas, it got to be overbearing

and " too much " for my wiring to handle, and slowly the state receded,

but the awesome memories and feeling of it never have. I suspect this

is a higher state of consciousness, which already exists within 4D

that many tap into or live from daily now. I consider myself (and all

of us, really) to be " in the awakening process " , as it's a shifting

continuum which presently is a bit beyond my control. This is why

it's so valuable to communicate with others; we are like light

switches; when most of us are " off " , the one that's " on " can remind

us. Then, for a tiny moment, as long as we can be in that space,

we're awakened and " on " .


> I spent many years studying G.I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ousepensky, and

even joined an " esoteric school " to learn how to " awaken " . It turned

into a cult, but the valuable experiences remain wth me today. Thank

you for your en light ening post!


> Best,

> Zany



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I humbly apologize, I am sooo very sorry.

I was working on letting a big one go

The outhale so huge, I am so sorry about your living room.

Forgive me?

Your Twisted Sister,


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your outhaling proves to be some verrrrrrrrrrry interesting reading.

now, clean it up!


> ,

> I humbly apologize, I am sooo very sorry.

> I was working on letting a big one go

> The outhale so huge, I am so sorry about your living room.

> Forgive me?

> Your Twisted Sister,

> Peacie


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Some how no matter how I wrote it,

It was going to sound funny.

So ok,

I went within and visualized a clean living room.

Looks good now.


From: <knightsintention@...>Subject: [] Re: Flip the Switch Date: Monday, August 25, 2008, 7:22 PM

your outhaling proves to be some verrrrrrrrrrry interesting reading.now, clean it up!>> ,> I humbly apologize, I am sooo very sorry.> I was working on letting a big one go> The outhale so huge, I am so sorry about your living room.> Forgive me?> Your Twisted Sister,> Peacie>

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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ic...

That would explain why I just tripped over that stack of

books....their moving around...hehe...I can deal with

that....thanks...looking better already.


> >

> > ,

> > I humbly apologize, I am sooo very sorry.

> > I was working on letting a big one go

> > The outhale so huge, I am so sorry about your living room.

> > Forgive me?

> > Your Twisted Sister,

> > Peacie

> >


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