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In Response To Alien Contact On October 14, 2008 [Alabama]

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No, my family is not coming for a visit here in Alabama in October. With the way fuel prices are, even in the galaxy, they wouldn't bring the huge 2000 mile wide Strata-booster 777...You can view the original message over on Living On Love that someone posted if you haven't seen it yetHere is an original posting of the October 14th event...http://livingonlove.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=1991933%3ABlogPost%3A7849In all of my studying various possibilities, this is one of the things that stayed on the "back-burners" for a long time. I could wrap my head around spirit beings and other related entities, that was one thing, but aliens, come on now. Well, not till came along and I realized she was an alien, lol, just kidding.....perhaps.But then I got to thinking more and more, when you imagine just what our "future selves" might be. Why couldn't they, wouldn't they be rather advanced beings living somewhere else....thinking mostly in dimensions here and no so much other galaxies. After all, what is another universe but a dimension?I've been trying to bring former selves forward and future selves back to me, so we can all come to some agreements here, like: "let me in on what the hell's really going on". No responses yet, it figures. My former selves may know I'd knock them up the side of the head, and my future selves may be showing a lot of restrain in not doing that to me....lolYet, I've got to pose a question, and did, about this event. I've heard of these/this group. Have even read about them, and some of the channeling some girl was doing way back when, I think it was in Poland, and she would have visits from them.While a huge 2000 mile sized ship showing up would certainly present questions, and hopefully, and more importantly, answers....why not just smaller ships?The bigger question is, why Alabama? With a ship that big, it would cover a good third to half of the U.S. Furthermore, your talking the BibleBelt here. If Christians have a heaven, this is the headquarters. But, I can't say that any of them would mistake a second coming as happening with an alien ship. Not even if they have huge front license plates that say something like "Christ Loves Bama Football & NASCAR".This presents a problem. This is the stuff that heart attacks are made of. "In that time mens hearts will fail". Then, not only are they going to show up, but they plan to just sit there for three days. Nothing is said about seeing all the wonderful sites or trying out the local cuisine. Just that they will be here, then leave. No action, no involvement, no contact...reminds me of that movie of Chevy Chase when he stops with his family at the Grand Canyon...several head bobs, ok done, let's go.It's suppose to be that it's just to make the powers that be, very uneasy. Well duh. They, the powers that be are suppose to certainly throw their best at them to no avail. Ok, so where do all those things they throw at them go? Through and over, and land where? No responses back?Since no response will be given, this leaves me thinking, hologram, projection. It's not really there. Now why would aliens project themselves? Well, maybe they won't be. Smells like a good way to usher in martial law for a lot of people who might just be freaking out right about then wouldn't it? Problem - Solution - hummmmmHere I am planning to grab my lawn chair, some beer and sit back for a whole 3 days, just hoping they decide after coming all this way they will at least decide they did want to come and see me. The talks we could have. The things I could know. I'll even share with you all... I'll write a book. maybe I'll just take off for a nice ride aboard this ship and leave the rest of you to figure it out. But, what is everyone else gonna think when several million people up and disappear after a huge ship appears in Alabama?I might have to wait this one out, give me time to go to Orbit.co and check the reviews first. I'm all for new things, I'm even all for this, but I need just a little more to go on. So there's going to be a big ship, caught that one on cable.So, here's my deal. Since "you" know where Alabama is....let's make an appointment for one of your crew to stop in, and we'll talk. I'll have a lot of questions for sure, maybe even want a ride in one of your little ships...but we could do business, really...I've got some ideas of my own.************************************RealitY

This announced "showing' struck me as odd at first too,..exspecially that they don't plan to say anything...I don't believe the ET's I know would think that smart at all...why show a ship and just hope no one freaks out and not announce themselves on such a monumental occasion??...my first thought was blue beam as well...Please friends at least be cautious enough to not be one of the folks that go to say hello...cause I think this may be how it goes...ALL EYE'S OPENhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKcD_aLZ9EINamaste's'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKcD_aLZ9EINamaste's major toBratcatDate: Aug 26, 2008 1:54 PMA couple of days ago, I read a bulletin concerning possible alien contact on October 14, 2008. At first, I was very excited by this, because like so many people, I do believe there are good aliens out there observing us. But with my past experience with Illuminati cults, I decided it sounded too good to be true. So instead of taking the information at face value, I started to do some checking. What I discovered was quite disturbing.....First of all, for those who have not seen the original announcement, here is a link with a couple of videos along with a transcript of the prediction:http://www. imaginativeworlds. com/forum/showthread. php?p=225096Sounds great, right? Just what we need in these times of trouble and chaos.....but then, I started thinking about the Illuminati's plans for Project Blue Beam, which is a FAKED alien invasion complete with "rapture". For those not familiar with the details of Project Blue Beam, here is a link with the various stages...we have already completed many of these:http://educate-yourself. org/cn/projectbluebeam25jul05. shtmlThe Illuminati is a vast network of various satanic cults. Most people believe there is just one form of Satanism, but that's what they want you to believe. Fact is, there are just as many forms of Satanism (if not more) as there are branches of Christianity.The Illuminati cults like to plan their events around pagan holidays. In the First Contact announcement, they state that this ship will appear on October 14, 2008, and be viewed for 3 days.I found there are two connections to important Illuminati dates at that time:1. Ayathrem: Zoroastran holy day. `bringing home the herds', one of the seven obligatory feasts of Zoroastrianism and one of the six gahanbars (or gahambars). The gahanbars date back to the pre-Zoroastrian agricultural people of the Iranian Plateau and mark the changing of the agricultural seasons. The gahanbars were absorbed into Zoroastrianism as religious holy days and are celebrated with feasting and fun. In the Fasli (seasonal) calendar, Ayathrem is celebrated from Ocotber 12 to October 16.***Note: What a "coincidence" that this harvest festival falls around the time of this alien event.....I found this quite disturbing since this feast is also called "bringing home the herds"....and the Illuminati considers us all as cattle. I personally refuse to follow the dangling carrot into the slaughterhouse.How about you?2. The Knight Templar's attempted destruction occurred on October 13 1307, which became the infamous "Friday the 13th". Just like with the date September 11, the dates around October 13 could be used by the Illuminati to not only help to usher in the NWO, but to effectively eliminate a large number of people, just like they did with 9/11. By launching Project Blue Beam on this date, they are not only furthering their agenda, but exacting revenge as well.http://www. howstuffworks. com/framed. htm?parent=friday-thirteenth. htm & url=http://www. templarhistory. com/who. html (Beware of the fake "rapture", like with Flight 93 on 9/11, many people taken up to the "ship" for a fake rapture will either end up in camps or dead. Either way, they will never be seen again.)Going back to the original announcement for First Contact, I noticed some other things which raised questions in my mind:Why Alabama? Could this be the answer?:A - the sound of the Heart, or the BreathALA, or ALLAH - the Supreme BeingBA - the ancient Egyptian word for the etheric double, I believe, or the Light bodyMA - the Great MotherThe Illuminati, as shown in their name, are Sun Worshipers....worshipers of light. But it's a distorted view of the "enlightenment" that "New Agers" believe."So perhaps, this name is symbolic of that place in our Heart that can recognize the Supreme Being and allow it to infuse MA, our Mother Earth, and our own bodies, in order to raise its frequencies to BA, our Light body, so it can transmute, or ascend, to the next dimension. Interestingly, this name also relates to Bama who is a Light being come to usher in the Great Shift. BA-MA = the fusion of our Light Body with the Body of the Great Mother. So where is this to take place? Is it really in 3D, or in subtle levels, made visible by light technologies of our space brothers? Certainly, it will be made visible at a sacred vortex of Mother Earth,ancient or new, where the veils are thinned." http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53 & t=6097 If this is an Illuminati ploy for Project Blue Beam, they will lure believers into a FALSE sense of enlightenment. In other words...a trap.Why October 14th? Since October 14th is in the middle of the festival of "bringing home the herds", a harvest festival, I found this quote very telling:"The sayings that your world have been aware of via yourmovie screens etc were not merely make believe.We have been plantingand watering seeds of Truth on your planet in preparation for these days."For months now, survivors of mind control (myself included) have been wondering why there have been so many programs on television about UFO's, both fictional and investigative. After reading this quote about planting the seeds of Truth, I believe now that the Illuminati is bragging (as they always do) about what they have done to us in the past. These programs as well as recent announcements from ex-government officials about alien contact pave the way for us to believe blindly in the possibility of alien contact.(By the way, when a Satanist says "Truth", what they mean is anything they say or do that will get YOU, their victim, to do their bidding. It's all a matter of perception to them.)The word "TRUTH" is used often in this announcement...........they also say, "THIS IS THE BEGINNING . NOT THE END."Beginning of what???? The NWO perhaps? If this is a plan to launch Project Blue Beam, it very well may be a beginning. Cults believe in the circle of life. Every ending starts a new beginning. That's why they don't think twice about human sacrifice. They do say, "Harm no one", but when you think about their "truth", then causing death to one and drinking the blood or otherwise consuming the life energy of the victim is to them creating a new beginning for that victim....the physical life ends, but they live on in their killers.Do you see now how they twist things?Everyone has Free Will.....in these times of change, and the days to come, I strongly suggest we all look closely at what is presented to us as "truth", do a little homework, and then DECIDE FOR YOURSELF WHAT IS TRUTH. To follow your heart is a beautiful thing, but you also need to use your head. Do not be part of the herd...do not follow the juicy carrot into the slaughterhouse. Stay strong, fill and surround yourself with the light of love, and be ready when the time comes.Bratcat***cats rule!***

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Interesting. Anyone here watched Dr. Greer's Disclosure Project or read his book Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge ?


Get the name you've always wanted ! @ymail.com or @rocketmail.com.

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