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Lynn ~ Blood Test REsults

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Hi Lynn......

****My GP called me herself....my anemia is getting worse.****

Has she run all the tests for the different types of anemia to determine

what kind you have????

****She's got the pharmacist looking at all my meds and running a check

to see if something is interfering with iron absorption.****

That's good... lets hope the pharmacy finds something that can be


****She also wondered if the gastric

bypass was part of the reason.****

What would the bypass surgery cause? Seems to me she would run all the

testing to rule out other types of anemia first.

****Then another shocker...in one month my CPK went from low 50s to


Well no wonder you feel so fatigued, besides the anemia, and it must be

such an effort to even walk across the street.

****So, maybe when I feel like I must

weigh 500 lbs. every time I walk upstairs, it's not cause I'm that

fat!!! But my darned muscles....****

Your muscles must feel like they weigh 500 lbs.... you poor thing you


****The Welchol is working well for my cholesterol...while the LDL is

still high, it's down some...and the overall number fell to 214 from the

high 250s. *****

Now that's great news... let's hope it drops further.

****Dr. , my rheumy, will have a field day with me now...oh

please, God, just don't let her up the Prednisone!!! ***

You're on the Methx... right? She might up the Methx or just wait it

out. Remember it takes a couple months to build up in your body to

really see the full effects of the drug. I can't remember how long

you've been on it....doesn't seem all that long though.

****The GP is going to talk to her, and if

the anemia doesn't stop, I'm off to a hemoglobist or whatever they call


They're called a Hematologist and that's the best idea yet. I would

ask for an appointment and let them run all the tests. You'll get

further at a faster rate than you currently are right now. Once they

find the cause of your anemia, they can fix it and it's got to make you

feel better.

****Oh, nuts, GP realized I never had the colonoscopy done...so guess

what I have to have next?? LOL!!!! ****

OH JOY!!!!! Well, look at it this way... You'll be cleaned out and

know there is nothing wrong with you all in one fell swoop....lol PLUS,

you'll get to take a little sleep while they'll doing it. Can't beat


****Hey, I ought to loose a coupla pounds, right....but what a way to do

it!! ***

Boy, you really like to dream don't you...LOL

Hope you're having a great day.

Take care,


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Hi Vicki!

I have an iron deficiency. The plaquenil could be the

culprit. The Welchol could also block the iron if I'm

taking them together (which I was.) And I definitely

can't take the iron when I take my unithroid (which

came back with my numbers too low, which means I'm

taking too much - mama mia, my head hurts from all

this med stuff!!!) Geez, does anybody else have to

send themselves e-mail and calendar reminders when to

take different meds? Good grief...I gotta get a


Definitely realize the Methx isn't in my system

yet...have only had 3 doses of the stuff, and

understand it, too, can cause anemia and fatigue.

Boy, I couldn't remember " hematologist " for all the

tea in china yesterday! LOL!!! I knew it was some

kind of " -ologist! "

I'm also on the RA list and read a message about being

on 8 or more meds, and that could possibly cause a

heart attack??? Has anyone heard that before?

Yup, my muscles weigh a ton...I still wheeze and huff

and puff by the time I get to my building. I notice I

can't even reach the back of my neck anymore.

Oh girl, don't tell me I won't loose at least a pound

after the colonoscopy!!! Come on, give me a break!!

LOL!!! Oh well, thems the breaks.

And how are you??? How's the breathing? How's the

weight loss doing?

Well, let's see how fast I nod off this

morning...happy Thursday!!!



" One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making

exciting discoveries. "

--- A. A. Milne, 1882-1956


Pay no attention to what the critics say; there has never been set up a

statue in honor of a critic. -- Sibelius


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