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Re: Intro - New to this list

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Welcome to the list !

I am ....mom to Holden who was just born on April 14, 1999.

I, too, am large chested and can only nurse in the football hold. To solve

the " discreet " problem in public (I'm a pretty shy person), my mom bought me

the Lamaze Nursing Shaull. I just throw the weight over my shoulder and

drape the cloth part over my boob and my baby. It's available at Target and

Babies R us.


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Please tell me what herbs and supplements you are taking and how many times

a day!! I go back to work on Tuesday and am scared I won't be able to pump


I am , mom to Emma Madeline, born 3-30-99.


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Hello and Welcome !

As for as oversupply goes, I know all about that! What that means is

that your baby is getting too much lowfat foremilk, not enough highfat

hindmilk. A relatively easy way to work this out is offer one breast

per feed. That way, baby is getting lots more hindmilk. Don't fret

that one breast won't have enough milk. Milk is made during the feed,

if he keeps sucking, he'll get milk. I try to keep my baby on the same

side for at least an hour. Meaning that if she wants to nurse again

within an hour, I offer the same side. This technique really helps.

The reason he is pulling away might be overactive let down. Your milk

is letting down too fast and he can't keep up with it. You can try to

express or pump off your letdown before he nurses and that would help.

That never worked for me, I'm not that organized! But doing one breast

per feed seemed to minimize that problem, at least for us.

Yes, BFIP can be intimidating. Do you own any nursing shirts. They

really do cut down on the amount of skin exposed. As far as holding

your breast, I find a nursing pillow does wonders. It is a little

bulky to carry around though. Remember, you are doing nothing wrong.

I just Kept telling myself, that if someone is offended by seeing me

BF, that's THEIR problem. This is the result of living in a culture

that has over sexualized the breast. These " glands " are designed and

intended to nourish the young. The fact that they are so appealing to

men is a side benefit(for lack of a better word!) not their sole

function. After childbirth your modesty starts to erode anyway. By

baby number 3, you'll be nursing anytime, anywhere!! Try to hang out

with the other nursing mothers, seek them out in bathrooms or behind

large planters. If all else fails, you can nurse in the car. Always

park in the shade if possible! I actually enjoyed that because at

least then I could listen to the radio.

Barbara SAHM to 3 (I can't believe it myself)

now 6.5 , Myles 3.5 and Kate 4-7-99

PS I nursed my two big ones through toddlerhood and I highly

reccommend it!!

--- & Steve Bullock wrote:

> From: & Steve Bullock



> Hi - Just wanted to introduce myself really quick!


> My name is , I'm 31 years old, and a new mom

> to , who was born

> via CS on January 25,1999. At 4.5 months old and

> 18.5 pounds, he is

> thriving on MM only! (Not that my MIL sees it that

> way - she thinks I'm

> overfeeding him and that I should let him cry

> through his hunger, or give

> him a bottle of water, but that's another story). I

> work full-time, but am

> planning to quit as soon as DH and I buy our new

> home - hopefully in

> another month or so. At that point, I'm hoping to

> write a book (on BF) and

> maybe write a few free-lance articles.


> We are currently experiencing a problem and are

> unsure of the source; of

> course, it could be more than one thing. Because I

> wasn't pumping enough,

> I started taking several herbs and supplements to

> increase my output -

> except I stopped taking fenugreek because I had a

> sensitivity to it. I

> went from pumping 7 ounces 2X a day, to pumping 18

> ounces 2X a day (and

> sometimes as much as 26 ounces, 3X a day). Thing

> is, the last couple of

> weeks, has been pulling of the breast after

> the initial letdown is

> over, crying if I try to re-latch, and an LC thinks

> it might be a

> oversupply problem.


> Of course, it could also be teething - last night, I

> thought I'd try

> something. has been offered solids twice

> before, but would have none

> of it. That was fine; I am in no hurry. But he

> seemed to enjoy having his

> gums rubbed, and the cold washcloth that I offered

> him, so I gave him

> chilled apple sauce, and he devoured it. Of course,

> I still think it was

> how it felt on his gums, and I don't plan to offer

> him solids of any sort

> very frequently, but now I know that at least

> that'll help. A lot landed

> on his outfit, but he really went for the spoon each

> time it was offered -

> swallowed some, but spit out a bit, too. That's why

> I think it was the

> sensation, rather than the food.


> I'm also wondering how large-breasted moms out there

> BFIP. I did it once

> at the mall because he was hungry and the bottle I

> brought wasn't enough.

> Now, having since returned to work, I simply can't

> bring myself to give him

> a bottle if I'm around, so we don't often go out. I

> have to hold my

> breast, so there's just no way it can be done

> discreetly. Additionally, I

> BF in the football hold position, and doing it out

> in public usually

> requires the cradle hold, which is hard for us.

> Although I'm an extremely

> modest person, I'd do it a lot more if only I could

> manage it more easily.


> This week, he was dx'd with an ear infection in each

> ear, and RSV - our

> first illness. I've been adding baby acidophilus to

> a bottle each day to

> ward off thrush while he's on the antibiotic. I

> suppose I'll have to have

> DH give him at least a little EMM in a bottle with

> it so he continues to

> receive it this weekend.


> I am hoping to BF until he's at least 18 months - 2

> years old.


> Okay, so that wasn't as quick as I thought, but it

> never is with me, LOL!


> Hope to learn lots and help if I can,






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> Breastfeeding is Best!!

> http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding

> http://forums.delphi.com/bf_list/start


> If you like this list also check out

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Hey I just noticed that your sweet little darling was born on the same

day as me. Boy are you in for it. :D LOL


Barbara SAHM to 3 (I can't believe it myself)

now 6.5 , Myles 3.5 and Kate 4-7-99

PS I nursed my two big ones through toddlerhood and I highly

reccommend it!!

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I missed your original post due to the fact that I have had to delete a lot

lately (unfortunately). I take it that you are wanting some tips on bfdg in

public in an unconspicuous manner? Using a blanket may work for a while, but

my son just yanked it off of me. It's hot under there, especially in Summer!

One tip I learned from Cristina, on this list ,is to buy a man's tank top to

wear under your regular shirt. Just cut slits in the tank and viola! I also

find it easier to wear a regular t shirt, not a button down shirt. It feels

like I get better coverage. Once I bfd in public a couple of times, none of

this mattered to me though. You may find that you get comfortable with it in

time. If not, I hope this helped!

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Welcome !  WOW is a big boy (or mine is small.  LOL) They are the

same size

:)  My Mattie is 9 months old and 29 inches tall.  As for the bf in public, I

don't have

any tips.  I just sort of do it.  LOL  I use the cradle hold (I am large

breasted too) and

don't really care who is watching.  Have you tried a blanket or one of those


tents?  I know someone will have some great advice for you.

, mommy to Drew 3 1/2 and (Mattie)



Independent D.O.T.S. Demonstrator




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Hey Jenn!

I'll definitely look into the sling; tried it early on, but he didn't like

it. He's doing better with new (read: anything that doesn't require Mom

to hold him) things these day, LOL!


>>I bf in public with Paige in the sling. I have large breasts. I have to

hold it for her still, but the sling offers great coverage:) It just took

a bit of practice.

Welcome to the list! I too have a Jan baby! :) Paige Ashlee was born

1-13-99 and she now weighs in at 18lbs 6 oz :) <<




mommy to , 1/25/99


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Hi ,

First of all, I'm not the weird person who sent the anonymous survey, LOL!

I do enjoy BF - for the closeness, of course, but also because it feels

good knowing that I'm giving DS the best thing I can.

The idea for the book came to me one day while I was pumping one day, and

it was only going so-so. Although I feel confident that I'll be able to

continue BFing DS until he's at least a year old (2 years is my goal), the

road hasn't always been smooth, and I have definitely received more

negative feedback than support from even well-meaning friends along the way.

So I thought that it would be nice to have a book which had women actually

talking (er, writing!) about their BF experiences. ...on things like the

first few days, multiples, babies with special needs (Downs Syndrome, cleft

palate, etc.), toddlers, tandem nursing, pumping while working, exclusively

pumping, pumping for a premie/sick baby (e.g., jaundice), relactation,

adoption/SNS, weaning, etc. From the people I've talked to who've been in

at least one of the situations, I've gotten very positive feedback - things

like, " It would have been nice to know that someone else had 'BTDT' and how

they got through it " . So it's not another manual on BFing - I'll leave

those to the experts! I would like to include some information on BF, but

only enough so that it's a more complete book.

An example from my own experience is that DS was a scheduled CS - at his

due date, he hadn't dropped and I'd made no progress, so they did an US and

decided he'd be a big baby. I didn't know I'd be getting morphine in my

spinal, and that after the CS I'd feel SO nauseous! I threw up after I

arrived in recovery, and was simply too sick to try to BF my brand new son.

A nurse walked in, plopped herself down and promptly gave him a little bit

of formula. I was still pretty woozy, but afterward, I was livid!

Everything I'd read said that babies really don't need much food in the

first day or two, and DH and I really wanted to keep him formula-free.

Maybe if I'd been better prepared, I would have known what to expect and at

least DH could have said NO to the nurse for me. As it was, the

anti-nausea meds acted pretty quickly, and although it was a couple days

before I didn't feel any nausea, I certainly think I would have been ready

to try again after another half an hour. Another example is what I've been

experiencing lately with the teething; it's helped alot to go on the

January board at Babycenter and see that there've been several other moms

experiencing the same thing. With so much of the previous generation

unaware of BF, if someone didn't have access to the internet (or didn't

have time - whew, I understand that!), they might easily think, or be

persuaded, that a baby is pulling away because it is self-weaning.

I'm not ready to start the book b/c we're moving in another month or two;

until then, I'm still working my regular 9-5, although after we move, I'm

quitting. I have enough savings to stay home for approximately a year, so

I also want to write some freelance articles and perhaps establish a

website. I'm not sure how I'll solicit the info, but I assure you that I'd

contact any listowner before soliciting comments from a list.

Additionally, I'll probably look to consult with a lactation consultant so

that the information will indeed help others.

Let me know what you think; I'd love to hear comments on whether you think

this sounds like a worthwhile book - both to write and to purchase!

Oops, gotta run - my bub's waking up!




mommy to , 1/25/99


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Welcome to the list! I'm Dana, sahm to Philip ph, born 9/17/97.

Congratulations on your little one and on how EXCELLENT he is doing on


Good luck with your book! : )

Dana : )

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Sorry I haven't written but we were gone camping. It sounds like you are

getting things worked out. Glad the shirt trick worked.


Re: Intro - New to this list


I think much of it is teething, as you say, but after reading a bit about

oversupply and overactive letdown, I suspect that I've had an overactive

letdown since my milk came in. He does sometimes pull awake and cough,

although he doesn't spit milk (he used to, early on, though). For the

first 12 weeks, he had green BMs even when he was on the same breast for

one feeding. He esp. used to snack and sleep, and I think I read on LLL's

site that can also indicate overactive letdown. Last week he was dx'd with

RSV and ear infections in each ear, and we just had our followup visit with

the ped., who said that some of the ear pain is probably from teething, so

I don't feel so bad about the supplements. I still think I might cut down

on them and see if it doesn't get better. As it is, I've got more frozen

EMM in my freezer than I'll ever use, so if I could just pump enough to

break even each day, I'd be happy.

About the undershirts - I've snagged DH's tank-top undershirts from his

drawer and put one under a button-down shirt, and BF'd him in the waiting

room at the ped's office. Of course, I'm short so that's another challenge

but I do think it's getting easier and as soon as I'm confident that we can

do it without him falling off my lap, well...look out, world!

Thanks for the welcome :)


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