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Re: Conversations With An 8 Year Old

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Hi ,

For me the right message in the right moment . It is fantastic how and

what it is happening.

My Love and my Blessings !


--- In , " " <knightsintention@...>



> We MUST remember our POWER.


> Many of us know this, and all that I will point to herein, but, how

> often do we really sit down and think about it?


> I just finished a major discussion with an 8 year old. It still gets me

> how the universe puts on these disguises so it can ask away, questions,

> present ideas, and get us to search for the clear answer, in trying to

> explain, what it is we know and believe. While thinking I'm the one

> serving as the teacher here, trying to get to an understanding of

> concepts, I begin to feel it is me who is being tested.


> This discussion [and there are many ongoing ones], was about her boredom

> with playing and creating computer video games, the ones in question

> about war, killing, levels, and the related.


> Now, she is one who has taught herself the computer, games, code, set up

> networks, gamers sites, blogs, self created another game, even writing

> the back story...going to all the video and website tutorials she could

> locate, hanging out in forums, and even writing to ceo's of such

> companies for information, presenting ideas and doing things that have

> left me exhausted in just trying to figure out. Getting into games a

> little more on the side I'd prefer her not be on was something new.


> Now, I could have told her, no way...stay off, don't do that, I don't

> like it....and how many of us do just that kind of thing with our kids?


> I learned along time ago, ok, within the last 8 years, that we parents

> ARE NOT teachers. We are GUIDES. Teachers and Students are the same

> thing. Sometimes in the same body, sometimes appearing in other bodies.


> We guide our children to not touch a hot stove, and explain why. We do

> not teach them that, for if they touch a hot stove anyway, heat will

> teach pretty fast. The student then becomes the teacher. Do not touch

> hot stoves. They are then guides for any other about the subject.


> And for any who preach to, try to teach, or act as warden and judge for

> our children have missed the whole point. These " people " can hold some

> incredible conversations, and get to the meat of any subject in a hurry.

> You can create an incredible relationship with your kids by simply

> mirroring them, they can be smarter than yourself, with all our filters

> in place.


> In this conversation, I wanted to not teach or demand. I wanted to

> guide. I asked her more about what she was thinking, or not thinking.

> She, was of course involved with a gaming question, but I wanted to

> change that to " thoughts " . We've discussed what thoughts are before, but

> wanted to go deeper here.


> " Thoughts Are Things " . We've heard that, but " Thoughts Create " . Thoughts

> create each and every time. There is no exception whatsoever.


> I'm not going to use she said/I said here, but just follow along...


> First comes the thought, then the word, then the deed or action. Call it

> God/Son/Spirit, or super-conscious/conscious/sub-conscious, or any

> number of other things related.


> Everything we think goes instantly out into the universe and begins. It

> draws to it all power needed to manifest. All " like " thoughts are

> attracted to it, becoming more powerful...when we think about the

> thought we've had, it attracts many other thoughts and ideas...that's

> what thinking is.


> The more we think about something, the more we are stirred into

> action...or emotion. We become, excited, inspired, or even afraid and

> fearful...the energy of the universe is responding to bring forth our

> desire. Thought is your desire. Thought is your will. You are a creator



> Now...words have even more power. They can be expressed by mouth, or

> written. Therefore, your talking, conversation, books you read, and

> things you write are all acts of creating. Have you observed what you

> think about? What you talk about? What you read? Too many become the

> " created " , and what is created has no inherent power. You also can not

> create yourself, nor destroy. You, the real you, are eternal - PERIOD!


> Imagination is a creators tool. It is a thought expressed into being. We

> play with the colors and ideas...the whole concept is ours. What do we

> use it for? To empower and bless all things or do we use it to harm and

> hurt, maim and kill?


> Go further, what is TV, a movie? It is thoughts, and ideas, imagined,

> words portrayed into being. We can call it entertainment. We can say

> it's not real, that it has nothing to do with anything else...but we'd

> be wrong.


> Thoughts go out from us an start coming together per our act of thought.

> The universe, without question begins to enact our declaration of will,

> or word. We can walk away and never think of this again, and the

> thought will continue till it has been made manifest. It will come

> about. It will draw all other related thoughts and energy to it. When

> you say a prayer or have a thought, then you let it go, IT IS DONE. That

> is having faith, because you have spoke or thought it into BE-ING.


> If you continue to think or speak on it, more of what is related is

> coming to you in greater force and frequency. The only thing that slows

> this down is other thoughts or focus. And especially if your holding two

> different opposed thoughts about the same thing.


> If I'm angry and have a thought of harming someone, even if I just let

> it go and not think more about it...too late..the thought is out there

> making it so. It is not so much this thought will return to me in this

> flavor sent as it will go out, gathering more of the same energy and

> thoughts, and at some point, another person will attract this thoughts,

> or thoughts to them, perhaps even someone finding themselves in a bad

> way and acts to a point, is then ready to walk away in the nick of time,

> but here comes my thought/s...and pushes them right over the edge.


> I watch a movie, complete with killing, and harm, and less than loving

> ideas. These thoughts, images, and words are being empowered by my

> attraction to the watching of it, embedding my own thoughts into it, it

> grow, more watch it, and it doesn't end at the end of the movie...it

> keeps going...several days or months later...there's a war, violence,

> death...happening to real people someplace. Not connected? Decide for

> yourself, that's not my place...I am only a guide...the teaching is up

> to you.


> Look at your bookshelf. No, really, look now. What do you see? Stories

> and ideas of peace, nature, love, meditation, new ideas,

> possibilities...or, perhaps, who killed who, who took, who stole, who

> lorded over, who cheated, who got away with it...etc... These are words,

> thoughts. Even if you've not read them...they are still attracting

> energy. What kind of energy is within your home? In your bedroom where

> you rest and relax...even in your kitchen?


> If you having any fears, problems, lack of healthy energy, confusion,

> hopelessness, etc... you might want to check...every area, including

> your music. Try this, remove what doesn't present the energy you find

> you desire...just from the house for now....tell me in a day, a week, a

> month what happened.


> Note this as well. You are the creator of your reality. it is your

> decision...completely yours. ALL of your creations will return to you at

> some point, fully realized, manifested, empowered, and bringing with

> them, all that was attracted, usually in grander ways than you ever

> imagined possible.


> It will never return in the way it was sent out. It will bare gifts for

> you, as the creator...and it seeks just one thing...TO BE BLESSED...that

> is, you are grateful for it's return, many times over. You place it

> within " your kingdom " a place on high...you had faith as your thought

> and word went out that what you imagined was already true. This is what

> it is like to be God. Rejoicing. This is Paradise, this is Eden, this is

> Heaven on Earth.


> What did you create? Was it less than loving? If you don't do anything,

> it will still return to you in some form. Many more experience your

> creations as they come together...what do you suppose it's been doing?

> If your paying the least bit of attention, there are many things in the

> world that are connected to you and those thoughts.


> Don't feel guilty...just understand. Now you can send love and more

> positive energies to all those possibilities. It doesn't matter if you

> can't remember them, don't even try, thus empowering them more. Simply

> send love to all the times any thoughts may have not been loving and of

> light. That's all you have to do.


> Further more, everything that comes to your attention comes to be

> healed, and or blessed. Restoration. Or, the second coming. Sign off on

> this? No, inject love into it, and IT IS DONE.


> If the news reaches you that this or that is going on, just offer it

> love, forgiveness, light. It will be like the clear water in a muddy

> glass. The more clear and clean water you pour in [loving thoughts], the

> less mud remains. Your loving thoughts dilute what is dark, or

> unhealthy...and the more they are diluted, the clear things become, the

> more loving. - PERIOD.


> So, that's a lot of what our discussion was about....she is busy

> teaching herself now, and experimenting with thoughts.


> Even if you find yourself in places that you don't know how to deal with

> this moment, use the glass of love. Be it that you catch yourself

> thinking [observe], or there's seems to be a void of thought for now,

> just tell yourself " I AM LOVE " . Add anything you like if it helps, I AM


> doing is CREATING, and filling yourself....really, reminding yourself of

> what is already true.



> Attract Love~







> http://livingonlove.ning.com


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