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ifferin, photoderm

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I have had severe rosacea and acne for 13 years (now 28). I''ve been on

repeated doses of Accutane. Each time the problem comes back. I've had

testosterone and Dhea levels drawn, neither were high (indicating

endometriososis and polycystic ovary disease). However my mom had severe

endometriosis years ago. I also hve had irregular periods all of my life.

Has anyone had a laparoscopy without having a known cyst or severe symptoms

(in the form of pain)? I am being treated for acne and mild hirsutism (hair

growth) with spironolactone.

I have migraines, food and environmental allergies. Also, I just found

out that I have paroxsymal atrial tachycardia and supraventricular

tachycardia, and Raynauds. I never knew why I couldn't sleep at night until

I wore a Holter monitor (portable EKG) and found out that my heart races as

fast as 174 beats per minute. No wonder I feel anxious for no apparent

reason! I am waiting to have an electrophysiologic study of my heart

performed and have the area that has the conduction problem ablated

(destroyed) with radio frequency waves. I can't tolerate beta blockers

(makes my Raynauds worse). I can't tolerate Calcium channel blockers because

my blood pressure isn't high. I do find that my flusing often gets worse

during these tachy episodes. Night time is terrible! I am taking a

prescription sleeping pill and still wake up throughout the night. I wake up

with a major swollen nose in the a.m. I splint it for a couple of hours, but

lately it's not helping much. I'm hoping that the ablation will help some of

the flushing. Also I am hoping to have photoderm in December.

Does anyone know how soon I can wear make-up after the procedure? I will

have two to three weeks off from nursing school for X-mas break. I can't put

off school, but want to have the photoderm done terribly. However I don't

want to return to school looking like a major freak show case!

Also, does anyone use Differin? I know it can irritate the skin and have

milder side effects than retinoid products. I have several areas where fluid

bulds (areas the size of a nickel or larger, even my entire chin)! I need

to get rid of the fluid somehow, and the exfoliation due tothe product helps.

I don't know how much the spironolactone is helping (been taking it for 1

1/2 months- it's suppose to help acne too). I also take 100mg of Minocin. I

use a sulfur disc from cea Ltd. in the a.m. I just started using

Noritate in the p.m. I was thinking of using Differin every other night.

What do you think?

I also just started taking Claritin D (instead of Allegra) and switched

from Flonase to Nasalcrom.

I've been to so many doctors for so many different problems in the past

ten years it is ridiculous! Many have made the skin problem even worse (

with retinoid topical products). I have an appointment with a dermatologic

surgeon at the Mayo clinic in late August.

I am very interested to hear if anyone else has had similar problems. I

would love some advice, if anyone thinks they can help!

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