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Re: antibiotic intolerance

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Hi Patty,

Maybe you should suggest to your doctor that a Comprehensive Digestive and

Stool Analysis Test, Intestinal

Permeability Test, Heidelberg Capsule Test or an Indican Test may reveal some

conclusions to your condition.


ny Greenbaum wrote:

> Hi ,

> I'm curious - why can't you tolerate the antibiotics? What happens when you

> take them? I'm wondering because I have the same problem. They seem to

> really bother my stomach - and the more my stomach is irritated, the more

> overall burning sensation I get everywhere! I've had numerous blood and

> urine tests, abdominal ultrasound and now an endoscopy and all are normal -

> my GI symptoms are making my doctor and me crazy - especially since

> everything tests normal. And it is not an intestinal pain - it is stomach

> burning. I'm supposed to make appt. this week for a cat scan. The prevacid

> has helped a great deal and right now my stomach seems to have almost

> totally settled down. So I don't know what would happen now if I tried

> antibiotics. My face is still very red, but the overall sick, weak feeling

> I first get when my rosacea first flares has eased a great deal.

> All best,

> Patty


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I also have stomach burning and have had upper GI and bloodwork and small

bowel series and nothing showed up except acid refluxe and the doctor

prescribed previcid a proton pump inhibitor and its been one week and it is

starting to help a lot. i had burning in my stomach arms feet legs and i had

horrible pain under my left rib i also had pain on my left lower abdomen and

this has also stopped not completely but just about. this is the third attack

i have had like this in 2 years and this is getting very costly it also

caused me to get light headed and headaches and a feeling of weakness. this

sucks and i am tired of going to doctors for this stuff and all they say you

probably have a sinus infection and give me antibiotics for it and i take

antibiotics every day anyway. the antibiotics make you light headed to and

zytec makes me tired. i usally take a previcid and a doxcycline and a motrin

and a tylonal sinus allergy and this helps my face its still red but nothing

i cant hide with makeup its the other symptoms that bother me. and i do not

know what causes all this the medication or the rosacea or sinus or allergy

or stomach acid who knows and the doctors do not know either i am in dept.

with doctor bills and i do not feel one bit better . i am not going to a

doctor again untill i am so sick i cant stand it anymore and also the derm.

charges 50.00 to look at my face for 10 seconds and then wants me to come

back in 3months what the heck for its a incureable diasese with the same

treatment for everyone he just wants 50.00 more dollars.sorry to sound so fed

up but i am. carla

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Hi Patty,

I think my friend Lee will be able to answer your question about the

herbs, diet and first reaction better than I can. He had been to specialists and

they were unable to help. I gave him suggestions to improve digestion and with

his efforts, I believe he said that in one week he felt 90% better. He is a

considerate and helpful person and I am sure he can explain the situation very

well, maybe a little lengthy. Ha ha.

There is a delegate balance with your digestive system and Doctors do not

know how to restore that balance because it has to be done naturally.

Antibiotics and acid blockers destroy that balance, short term effect relieves

the symptom but long term effect is detrimental. The good microbes are

destroyed, the acid in your stomach has been neutralized. With out the good

microbes you can not process food, the stomach acid that will kill bacteria

before it enters your digestive system has been neutralized and without it the

door is wide open for bacteria to enter and disrupt the balance.The nutrients

that you normally absorb form your food are no longer available. Now you do not

have the necessary ingredients to produce stomach acid or digestive juices or

the mucus lining that protects your stomach. The balance is broken and the cycle

will continue to worsen unless digestion is improved and the nutrient are


Also getting back to tests, I believe the first test should be a test to check

the Secretory IGA levels with high levels showing chronic immune systems over

load and low levels showing immunodeficiencies.

Best wishes,


ny Greenbaum wrote:

> Hi Mark,


> I have to call my doctor tomorrow to get biopsy results, and will ask him

> about each of those tests you suggest. Several months ago I tried the olive

> oil and garlic. One day I swallowed a whole clove. The next 2 days I tried

> chopping it. I got a lot of gas. One day I tried the horseradish and

> turned beet red! I never tried the ginger. I decided to wait till my

> internist (he specializes in gastroenterology) did all those tests to make

> sure I didn't have an ulcer or worse. I am currently in a very calm, quiet

> period where my stomach has stopped bothering me. I have steered away from

> acidic foods though. I have to see what happens when I try them again. Up

> until these 2 major rosacea flares, I never really had stomach problems.

> Since I am in a calm, relatively pain free period, I'm afraid to rock the

> boat. I am scheduled for laser treatment a week from Thursday. Dr. says it

> will take 2 weeks to realize what the result is. My face is almost always

> red. I have added an acidopholus capsule a day (in addition to my efa's).

> I'll be on the prevacid until my laser treatment is over with - then will

> get off it and see. It just seems so strange to me that I was on a very

> healthy diet for 2 years previous to my rosacea getting so bad. By the way,

> why couldn't the blood vessels in my stomach be doing the same thing as they

> are in my face and eyes? And wouldn't that make my stomach very sensitive

> to things - much like my face is hypersensitive to everything?


> I'll let you know what my doctor says and I'll let you know how every thing

> progresses. You are so kind to want to help and give so generously of your

> time to us. I greatly appreciate your thoughts and ideas, Mark. I just got

> discouraged when the garlic and horseradish bothered me and am afraid to

> make my condition worse. Is it normal to feel digestive upset with the

> regimen first?


> All best,

> Patty

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