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10 Things About Your Beliefs You Won't Believe

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10 Things About Your Beliefs You Won't Believe

By W.E. MSc.

Ø Our beliefs contribute to the overall frequency of our being.

A belief is a thought we think more than once. The more we think a

thought, the more energy is being accumulated, which transforms the

thought into a belief. And this energy is reinforced by the attraction

of thoughts of a similar nature. The combined energy of our beliefs

produces a unique electromagnetic frequency that is an integral part of

our being.

Ø Beliefs become attitudes and truths by which we lead our lives.

Some of our beliefs accumulate so much energy that in time they become

'attitudes.' An attitude's energy will govern our thinking processes

and behavior – it will determine what is possible for us. Eventually,

with a great deal of energy invested in a belief, the belief moves past

being an attitude and becomes a `Truth'. Truths are beliefs that we do

not question as to their validity. The more vehemently we express our

opinion, the more we reveal the intensity of energy behind the belief.

Ø A belief is neither good nor bad ~ it is a neutral construct.

We can identify our beliefs as `positive' or `negative', but only in

the sense that a positive belief is one that allows for the expression

of our Self; whereas a negative belief restricts our expression of

Self. Negative beliefs tend to be associated with fear, whereas

positive beliefs engender excitement and creativity.

Ø Core beliefs we hold can be invisible to us.

A core belief will have attained enough energy to become at least an

attitude, if not a truth for us. It has enough strength to so focus our

perception that we perceive from the physical world only those events

that correlate with it. The belief can reach into the most intimate

areas of our lives and no evidence will be forthcoming to disprove it

because we will only be able to perceive that which confirms it. Thus,

it becomes invisible to us.

Ø Our beliefs create the physical reality that we perceive.

Our beliefs can be regarded as the blueprint by which we create our

reality. They are an integral element of the design of this physical

dimension we operate within. Our beliefs continuously influence our

perception of the world and our perception of the world is an action of

interpretation of our reality.

Ø Changing our beliefs will change our reality.

The reality we experience is the product of our beliefs. It is a

reflection of what we expect to perceive in accordance with our

beliefs. There is no reality then, except what we define it to be

through our beliefs. Thus, by changing our beliefs, we change our

reality. By `changing' we mean reassigning the energy behind the

beliefs we are currently utilizing.

Ø We incorporate ALL beliefs but utilize relatively few.

In changing our beliefs, we are actually reassigning energy from one

belief to another. The beliefs themselves do not change. ALL beliefs

are available to us, so we can choose, consciously, which beliefs we

prefer to assign energy to. Beliefs are not our enemy – realize that

from a broader perspective they are the way in which we express

yourself and can be consciously chosen from moment to moment.

Ø Acceptance of beliefs nullifies their power.

Accept beliefs for what they are – a vast bank of concepts that we can

move energy between as and when we choose. In order to accept beliefs,

a suspension of judgment of them is required – remember that they are

neither bad nor good, they are themselves neutral.

Ø We can learn to use our beliefs more efficiently.

Recognize that we always have the power to re-assign energy to our

beliefs of preference. Preferences are merely preferred expressed

beliefs. We can prefer one belief from another knowing that this is not

an absolute judgment of the belief itself. Do not apportion blame to

someone who gave you a 'problematic' belief – this act engenders a

judgment of the belief as well as the person involved. We must suspend

judgment in order to accept the offending belief, and thus nullify its


Ø We are what we believe ourselves to be.

Our perceptions follow that which we believe. Get in touch with your

beliefs. When we begin to identify our beliefs, we begin to recognize

what we are creating and how we are creating it. Every belief

incorporates many influences – recognizing how it is influencing us can

bring about the choice of how we would prefer it to influence us - if

at all. Addressing the beliefs that hold us, those 'negative' attitudes

and core beliefs, leads to a freer expression of our Self. It is of

supreme importance that we recognize the existence of joyful beliefs.

Cultivate a positive, joyful and creative belief system that employs

the emotion of excitement in its building of your reality.

The above information is attributed to various metaphysical literature

sources - The Seth Material; Elias Transcripts; Abraham-Hicks

transcripts; Bashar through Darryl Anka; and Omni through L Payne.

Some sentences are verbatim, most are slightly reworded for the sake of


MSc. CounsellingforyourSelf.co.uk 2008

Author's Bio


is likely to be the leading authority in the UK on the

teachings of so-called 'channelled' information sources in regard to

health, well-being, and the `spiritual' or non-physical nature of our

being. He has spent over 20 years comprehensively studying metaphysical

literature such as The Seth Material; The Elias Transcripts; the

Abraham-Hicks archives; Omni through L Payne; and Bashar through

Darryl Anka. His more academic acquisition of knowledge on the nature

of the psyche took place between 1994 and 1998, attaining a Batchelor's

Degree in Psychology from the University of London and a Masters Degree

from the University of Surrey.

In 2001 began a therapeutic practice named Counseling for your

Self that aimed to blend his conventional and not so conventional

education. His primary methods of intervention for individuals

experiencing ill-health come from the burgeoning fields of Energy

Psychology and Energy Medicine. More recently, he has been trained by

Dr. Weiss in the practice of `Past Life Regression Therapy'

(PLRT) ~ a process that that can be both therapeutic and Self

exploratory. Energy Psychology/Medicine is favoured as such

methodologies provide leading edge medicinal science, addressing the

bioelectromagnetic system of the body and the cognitive system of the

mind at the same time. PLRT, apart from being therapeutic in its own

right, provides a way of accessing the subconscious realm and its

breadth of knowledge of the `Whole' or `Essence Self' described in

metaphysical writings ~ thus bringing greater Self awareness.Source:http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/10_Things_About_Your_Beliefs_You_Won_t_Believe.htmlLiving On Love Network:http://livingonlove.ning.com

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