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Hi Girls!

I've had quite a week!

was born on Monday at 1:31 in the afternoon. ]

20 1/2 inches

8 lb 2 oz. (at 36 weeks) YIKES!

As most of you know, I was put on complete bedrest due to

pre-eclampsia, with my already having been an insulin dependant

diabetic. Well, my doctor didn't think I would make it to 37 weeks

(which is today!) and totally expected me to deliver at any time.

Well I did start having irregular contrax. and since I had nothing

better to do with my bedrest time than to time these (irregular)

contractions, I got pretty bored. I mentioned to my husband that I'd

really like my water to just go ahead and break so I'd KNOW FOR SURE.

My labor started with my first son with my water breaking so I

expected it to happen this time too, just a matter or time.

Well Sunday night I hadn't had any contrax for at least 3 hours and

woke up at 2:00 to pee (who doesn't????) and couldn't get back to

sleep because of insomnia, not pain. I decided to go ahead and sit

in the living room and just watch TV kicked back in my recliner.

Well at about 6:00 in the morning I felt pain in my right rib like

's toes were stuck in there or something. It was a constant

pain and so I tried to lay down in the bed and sleep. Finally at

7:00, I guess I finally fell asleep in the bed. I woke up at 8:00

and heard my husband getting ready to go to daycare and as

they were walking out the door, I rolled over and I guess

decided to roll over too, because I felt him just kind of stretch out

(diagonally) and I felt a strange pop feeling inside me. Instantly I

KNEW! I got up and sure enough! There was a huge GUSH!

I decided to quickly get in the shower and get cleaned up.

Immediately I started cramping and it got worse! My husband had come

back from taking to daycare and he got all the bags in the

car and we were off within an hour. Contractions were 3 minutes

apart at this point.

We got to the hospital at about 10:00 and was put in the

triage/observation room of the OB floor and was confirmed that I was

a " Keeper " in their words. By the time I was put in my own room, I

was begging for my epidural. Evidently there is a rule about having

a certain amount of fluid in your system before an epidural, so they

had to start an IV of just a fluid expander. They called it an LR.

Just plain saline from what I understand. I thought they were going

for pitocin when they started the IV because that's what they had to

do last time for me because I stalled labor. Anyway, they didn't

need it this time, because I was contracting just fine on my own,

about 1 min apart at this point. (It was still before noon!)

Finally the epidural was in place. I went from 3 in the office last

week to still being 3 when I was admitted. Then went to 6 in 30

minutes when I got the epidural and then to 9 in just another 30

minutes. My doctor had come to check me when I got the epidural and

put in the internal monitors and was headed back to her office (15

minutes away) and went to chart my stuff and decided to check on me

again before she left. That's when I was at 9. She decided to stay!

My blood pressure was spiking higher and higher and getting in the

dangerous zone. Magnesium was started through IV.

Long story short(er) I delivered at 1:31 in the afternoon. A grand

total of less than 5 and a half hours of labor from start to finish,

including any labor I was having at home and in the car. I can't

believe it!

When she checked me at 9cm, I was fully efaced and at +2 station, so

she had me go ahead and push. She went to scrub and change and was

back in 5 min and we WENT TO WORK! In those 5 minutes, the nurses

all prepared the room, bed, etc for delivery. I totally expected to

be in labor all day, but this was moving too fast for me. Well 10

minutes of pushing after that, was born!

Just 10 minutes of pushing!

My blood sugar and blood pressure are still out of control, and have

to continue insulin and started Procardia. Hopefully, my recovery

will be under way and I can come off both soon. My doctor wants to

see me in her office next week to evaluate how to handly the blood

pressure and diabetes, post-partum.

Breastfeeding is going great. Of course I nursed until he

was 11 months, so I felt comfortable about what I was doing.

is a great eater! He has a touch of jaundice, and hoping this will

resolve itself. We had a horrible experience with jaundice with

, and don't want to repeat it with .

I'm sorry this is so long, but wanted to share my joy.....

I'll probably have more to share later as I might remember stuff I

forgot to tell you.


All the best!


#1 1-11-98

EDD 2-17-2000 #2 ( )

a possible induction so the date could be

any time after 1-27-2000


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