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Evidence:Reincarnation & Past Life Conference - Marina Del Ray CA..

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FYI- I thought this might be of interest.....

Date: 18 Aug 2008, 11:26 PM

Subject: Check out this event: Objective Evidence:Reincarnation & Pas

Body: Hosted By: www. iisis. net

When: 04 Oct 2008, 16:00

Where Marina del Rey Hotel (Los Angeles)

13534 Bali Way

Marina Del Rey, California|5 90292

United States


www. iisis. net

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The Institute For The Integration Of Science, Intuition and Spirit


Objective Evidence of Reincarnation & Past Lives.

Medical Doctors, Scientists, Case Studies and Psychics Gather to

Research and Discuss Reincarnation at The IISIS Conference, October

3-5, 2008 in Los Angeles


What: The Evidence For Reincarnation: A Catalyst of Transformation and

a Peaceful Landscape for the Spiritual World

Where: 2008 IISIS Conference - Marina del Rey Hotel - October 3-5,

2008 – Los Angeles, CA $350 For the 2days - To Purchase Tickets go to

www. iisis. net and click on registration or call the box office



Why: The Scientific Evidence for re-incarnation is a two day

conference about the scientific and evidential works of a group of

respected medical physicians, Neurosurgeons and Doctors. We welcome

you to this extraordinary, once in a lifetime event, in which you will

experience detailed conversations on reincarnations of some of the

most significant people in human history, such as Anne ,

Michelangelo, Gauguin, Hans Christian , Nostradamus and

Laurel & Hardy.

The challenge is to prove reincarnation using scientific methods, such

as DNA analysis, which may show that certain portions of DNA

sequencing are unique to an incarnating soul. Reincarnation cases

demonstrate that facial features remain consistent from one lifetime

to another. This observation suggests that the soul provides an energy

template that the body forms around. Just as an orthopedic doctor

utilizes a bone stimulator to shape bone, it appears that the soul

projects an energy template that shapes the body and in particular,

facial features. This template may also program certain portions of

our DNA.

Here is a link of Walter Simkew M.D. MPH on CNN India talking about

past lives and past life regression form his medial doctor standpoint.

It also shares clinical and scientific research on past lives/ past

life regression.

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=lmozGh13SJM


Special Guests Include:

Ryerson, internationally renown trance channel - Featured on

Oprah and Shirley MacLaine's Out on a Limb, Francomano, MD,

former Clinical Director of the

National Human Genome Research Institute who will address DNA and


and the high profile case for Barbro Karlen, the reincarnation of Anne


The Evidence For Re-Incarnation:

Two independently researched cases which demonstrate principles of

reincarnation were studied by Ian son, MD, at the University of

Virginia. For the past forty years, Dr. son, a former Chief of

Psychiatry at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, has

studied children who spontaneously remember past lives. The son

cases of Suzanne Ghanem and Jurdi not only demonstrate that

facial features remain consistent, but that people can reincarnate

very quickly, even a year or less following death.

A formal linguistic analysis was recently carried out in the case of

Jeff Keene. Jeff's writing structure was the same as that of his past

life persona, Confederate officer B. Gordon. The linguistic

analysis is provided books which will be showcased. Snow's and Keene's

cases have been featured on television's Proof Positive.

Another case involves Barbro Karlen, who has had memories since

childhood of being Holocaust victim Anne . It is important to

note that Buddy Elias, the current President of the Anne

Foundation, who knew Anne when she was alive, believes that

Barbro Karlen is indeed the reincarnation of Anne. More information

will be revealed during this two day seminar. The Anne

Foundation have given permission to use photos of Anne

specifically for the conference Other supporters of Barbro Karlen

being the reincarnation of Anne are Annette Lantos, wife and US

Congressman Tom Lantos. Annette and Tom are Holocaust survivors.

Re-incarnation and the work studies that the conference speakers will

be addressing has become increasingly more accepted. Nobel Laureate

Kary Mullis, who invented PCR, the chemical reaction that underlies

DNA fingerprinting, and his wife Mullis, both agreed to be

reincarnation cases in Return of the Revolutionaries. Norm Shealy, MD,

PhD, a world famous neurosurgeon and inventor of the TENS Unit, is

another independently researched reincarnation case in my books. Over

the weekend of July 4, 2005, Norm hosted a gathering of 33 individuals

at his farm in Missouri in support of the reincarnation research. Norm

Shealy who is a well respected figure, has stated that " for the

survival of humanity, this is the most significant work in over 2000



Conference Themes: The Evidence Of Re-incarnation

Artist and Musician Reincarnation Cases:

Wayne Paterson, former Fulbright Director: The Reincarnation of

Francesco Foscari, Claude Ledoux and Reorich.

Teekamp and Michell Moshay: The Reincarnation of and Mette

Gauguin -Felix Montez as the Reincarnation of Michelangelo Walter

Semkiw, MD: on the Reincarnation of Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin and Hans

Christian , with Berglund

Saturday Evening-Entertainment: Harp Music and Story Telling by

Berglund, the Reincarnation of Hans Christian

Landscape of the Spiritual World

Levels of the Spiritual World, as Described by Clairvoyants Echo

Bodine and Judy Goodman Wayne – Working with the Spiritual

Masters, the Global Marshall Plan and the Reincarnation of FDR Philip

Burley Channels St.


Spirit Communication and Humor

Hans Christian King and Felix Lee Lerma: Interface Between the

Spiritual and Physical World and Raphaelle Tamura: Healing

from the Soul with Demonstrations

Consider how the world would be changed if everyone knew reincarnation

was true. Knowing that we will be returning to planet earth, that we

may incarnate in any religion, racial or ethnic group on the planet,

we would strive to ensure that we are reborn in a world that is

peaceful, evolved and environmentally viable.

Also, there will be

• Comedy by Swami Beyondanda

and keyboard music by Armitage,

the reincarnation of composer Edvard Grieg

• Storytelling and harp music by Berglund,

the reincarnation of Hans Christian

• The Bacher Boys, the reincarnations of Laurel & Hardy,

Performing " The Funniest Show in the World "

• A Special Speaker Panel: Questions and Answers, New Connections.

IISIS and the Future

TO SIGN UP SECURELY ON-LINE GO TO http://www. consciouslifeexpo.


mvc?Screen=PROD & Store_Code=IISIS & Product_Code=iisispublic : OR Call:


*Speakers may be subject to change.


Objective Evidence of Reincarnation & Past Lives.

Medical Doctors, Scientists, Case Studies and Psychics Gather to

Research and Discuss Reincarnation at The

IISIS Conference, October 3-5, 2008 in Los Angeles

June 27th, 2008 (Los Angeles, CA)- Since about the turn of the

millennium, multiple, independently researched reincarnation cases

have been published which demonstrate that from lifetime to lifetime,

facial features, personality traits, passions, talents, aptitudes and

linguistic writing style remain consistent. Many times married couples

come back together, which explains the phenomenon of " love at first sight.


Two independently researched cases which demonstrate these principles

of reincarnation were studied by the late Ian son, MD, at the

University of Virginia. For the past forty years, Dr. son, a

former Chief of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia School of

Medicine, researched children who spontaneously remember past lives.

The son cases of Suzanne Ghanem and Jurdi not only

demonstrate that facial features remain consistent from lifetime to

lifetime, but that people can reincarnate very quickly, even a year or

less following death. The observation that souls can reincarnate

quickly implies that historical figures have returned in subsequent

eras and may be incarnate today.

Many other independently researched cases, which demonstrate these

principles of reincarnation, are found in my books, Return of the

Revolutionaries and Born Again, including the cases of Indianapolis

Police Captain Snow and Westport Connecticut Assistant Fire

Chief Keene. A formal linguistic analysis was done by a

University of California, Berkeley, linguistics professor, regarding

the case of Jeff Keene. This linguistic analysis revealed that Mr.

Keene's writing structure is the same as that of his past life

persona, Civil War Confederate General B. Gordon. The

reincarnation cases of Jeff Keene and Snow have been featured

on television's Proof Positive.

Another independently researched case involves Barbro Karlen, who has

had memories since childhood of being Holocaust victim Anne . At

the age of ten, on her first trip to Amsterdam, Barbro knew the way to

the Anne House without directions and she knew where artifacts

should have been located inside the House, artifacts that had

been removed for preservation. Barbro was a childhood writing prodigy,

like Anne .

Anne was persecuted as a Jew and died in the Bergen-Belsen

concentration camp in 1945, while Barbro Karlen was born into a

Christian family in Sweden in 1954, demonstrating that religious,

national and ethic affiliation can change from one incarnation to

another. The observation that souls can change such affiliations, as

revealed by scientific reincarnation research, has great societal

implications. Indeed, if it was broadly understood that we can change

religion from one incarnation to another, then the Holocaust and the

events of 9/11 could have been prevented. It is the transformative

effect that evidence of reincarnation will have on society that makes

me passionate about reincarnation research.

Another set of reincarnation cases featured in my books have been

solved through Ryerson, the trance medium who has worked with

Shirley MacLaine for over twenty years and who is featured in three of

her books, including Out on a Limb. channels a spirit guide

named Ahtun Re, who has demonstrated the ability to make accurate past

life matches. Cases solved through Ahtun Re, which demonstrate this

ability, include those of Ralph Nader, Carl Sagan and Neale

Walsch. These cases are found in Walter Simkew M.

D MPH books and can also be reviewed at my web site: www. johnadams. net

To conduct reincarnation research, with a focus on objective evidence

of reincarnation, we have founded a non-profit called IISIS, the

Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit. IISIS

is having a conference at the Marina del Rey Hotel October 3-5, 2008

where presenters will be telling there own reincarnation stories. In

these cases, individuals have the same facial features, personality

traits and talents as they did in prior incarnations.

Some presenters, who represent independently researched cases, who

will describe their past lives in-person will include:

Walter Semkiw, M.D. MPH is a medical doctor, having served as a

Medical Director of Unocal 76, a Fortune 500 company, and as an

Assistant Chief in Occupational Medicine at a major medical center in

San Francisco, where he still practices. He is also the author of the

Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul

Groups Reunited, published in the US, and Born Again, published in

India and Serbia. Dr. Semkiw avenues to prove reincarnation though

biochemical or biophysical means, such as DNA analysis to promote the

social transformation that objective evidence of reincarnation can bring.

Reincarnation cases can be viewed at Walter's web site, www.

johnadams. net

" If people have the same facial features, personality traits and

talents from one incarnation to another, it is possible that the soul

may also program DNA " . Clair Francomano, MD, former Clinical Director

of the National Human Genome Research Institute, will discuss the

state of the art of human genome research and ways that DNA may be

utilized in reincarnation research.

Norm Shealy, MD, PhD, who unexpectedly discovered a past lifetime as

British physician Elliotson and who was later intuitively guided

to Elliotson's office in London.

Barbro Karlen, who has had memories since childhood of being Anne

Teekamp, who heard the word " Gauguin " echo in his mind as a

child and who later unconsciously replicated the artistic development

of Gauguin.

Wayne , a retired US Diplomat and Director of the Fulbright


Program, who in childhood, had memories of two past lifetimes, which

were later historically validated through the assistance of the Master

Maitreya, a spiritual being similar to Ahtun Re, Wilja Witcombe, a

German national who was told by two separate complete strangers in Sri

Lanka that she is the reincarnation of Devanampiya Tissa, a king of

ancient Ceylon. Wilja then realized that people she came to love in

this lifetime were her family members in Ceylon.

Armitage, who felt a rush of energy throughout his body when he

heard the name of composer Edvard Grieg and found that he has the same

dramatic white hair, facial features and musical style as Grieg.

will provide musical entertainment Friday evening at the gathering.

Berglund, who spontaneously realized that he is the reincarnation

of Hans Christian Andersen and who was later reunited with the

reincarnation of the father of Andersen. will provide

entertainment on Saturday evening, which will feature storytelling, in

the tradition of Hans Christian Andersen, and harp music.

Cases will also be explored through Ryerson, a world famous

trance channel who is featured in three of Shirley MacLaine's books

and who has appeared on Oprah and other national programs. The

audience in Marina del Rey will be able to dialogue with spirit

beings, such as Ahtun Re, who are channeled through .

Join us at this groundbreaking event, which is the first of its kind.

Register through: www. iisis. net

*Line-up may be subject to change.

In addition, we are having a meeting in HOTEL MARINA DEL REY 13534

Bali Way • CA 90292 • Toll-Free: (800) 367-5777 from Oct 3rd-Oct 5th A

number of cases from Born Again and several published authors will be


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mvc?Screen=PROD & Store_Code=IISIS & Product_Code=iisispublic :

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