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14th Annual Solar Wave 2008

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THE 14th Annual SOLAR WAVE 2008 ~ Phase TwoThe Living Gaia Prayer Wheel Activation!Equinox ~ September 22nd, 2008 1 to 3 PM your local time all across the Earth. This is a Joyful Invitation to the Awakening Masses of Gaia to come together in ONE UNIFIED HEART to Activate our Planet as a LIVING GAIA PRAYER WHEEL! We Invite all to join together with like-minded, heart-centered souls to create an Unstoppable Tidal Solar Wave of Light and Positive Mass Awareness, to harmonize all discordant energy on Gaia, and to initiate a spontaneous Awakening of Humanity!With the Power and Light of the Creator that is within each of us, we can usher in the age of PEACE, HARMONY, LOVE, COMPASSION & IMPECCABILITY, that has been prophesized by many ancient traditions. This will all occur during the powerful window of unlimited opportunity at Equinox, and is combined with the multiplying potential of 13:30 LOCAL SIDEREAL TIME, and the grace filled rotation of the Earth as a living Prayer Wheel Your help is needed Please network this event! Please send this invitation to all your relations everywhere. Network the Solar Wave. Talk about the Solar Wave. Plan an event in your living room, or fill a stadium! Remember we are only separated by 6 degrees of separation. So if you send this to 6 people, we can reach the entire conscious community of the planet! Or if you are a hard core net worker, and want to leave no room for doubt, send this to everyone you know, and let's get the entire world unified and working together to reclaim paradise! Remember . . . when two or more are gathered together in a common focus, the power to change the world is multiplied a thousand times more than if one person was doing it alone. Dream BIG!http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/solarwave2008.html

In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl(translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Libraryvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne SunshowerIt's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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