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Humanity Healing's Organizational Structure

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Dear Humanity Healing Family,I was asked about the symbolism of the Humanity Healing logo the other day, and it occurred to Liane and I that we had not described the symbolism and reasons for the way Humanity Healing is structured in quite some time. We will be adding this to the website soon, as well as to the files here. If anyone has any suggestions or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.Much Metta,ChrisOur Organizational StructureThe Humanity Healing LogoThe Humanity Healing logo is the Flower of Life with a transparent Earth in the center. The Flower of Life is the symbol of the growth of the human spirit. The globe is centered and transparent because we do not see boundaries separating humanity and shows our growth must be together and world-wide. Our evolution as race is not limited to a few "chosen". The Flower of Life encompasses us all.The Structure of Humanity HealingThere is an old axiom that says that to solve a problem; you must first define the problem. "Healing the Heart of Humanity One Soul at a Time" is a very broad and far-reaching mandate because each individual's needs are different. We decided the best way to approach "Healing the Heart of Humanity" on large scale while still focusing on "One Soul at a Time" was to organize our focus into different facets of the problem and bring individuals in those areas of expertise together to make a difference. Just as the Flower of Life is built from twelve individual arcs to form the sacred geometry of the whole, the community of Humanity Healing is built around Twelve Houses that we believe define the areas where individuals can find their own Path to Healing and through them, Humanity as a whole. The Houses of Humanity Healing are based on eleven Gifts of the Spirit (Healing, Faith, Compassion, Wisdom, Hope, Creation, Counsel,Kindness, Knowledge, Justice, and Reconciliation) and one Fruit of the Spirit(Peace). While the terminology "Gifts of the Spirit" is based on Christian teachings, these concepts span many religions and spiritual practices, as well as non-theistic ethical systems. Humanity Healing believes these Gifts of the Spirit are the inheritance of all humanity.The Houses of Humanity HealingHouse of HealingThis House encompasses Complimentary and Holistic Healing therapies. Individuals in need of healing may request their name be added to our Healing Grid. Practitioners are invited to join our Directory and participate in expanding and strengthening our Healing Grid. In addition, educational information about different Healing Modalities will be presented. "Healing yourself is connected with healing others."~ Yoko OnoHouse of FaithThis House encompasses Prayers and Blessings. Humanity Healing is non-denominational and celebrates the gifts and contributions from all Faiths. Individuals in need may send in Prayer Requests. Volunteers who wish to participate as Prayer Partners are invited to join us. "Faith is not belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active."~ Edith HamiltonHouse of CompassionThis is the House of Service to others. This House focuses on Spiritual Activism and how individuals can connect with different Projects and charitable organizations to give of themselves to make this world a better place. "Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things."~ MertonHouse of WisdomThis House focuses on Mindful Living and Environmental Protection. We are committed to empowering the movement for global ecological sustainability and respect for our environment. "If one way be better than another, that you may be sure is Nature's way."~ AristotleHouse of HopeThis House focuses on Domestic Violence & Family Abuse and Children's Rights & Welfare. Families are the building blocks of communities and deserve a safe, healthy and supportive environment. "Once you choose hope, any thing's possible."~ ReeveHouse of CreationThis House encompasses all forms of Creative and Artistic expression and how they can be used to promote Healing and Personal Growth. "There is nothing like a dream to create the future"~ Victor HugoHouse of CounselThis House focuses on Crisis Management, Spiritual Counseling and Life Path Direction. There are obstacles that arise in everyone's lives. We encourage those who have faced challenges to help others facing similar ones. The philosophy of the "wounded healer" helping to heal others is at the core of our philosophy. "Only the wounded physician heals."~ Carl JungHouse of KindnessThis House focuses on Animal Rights and Activism. We believe in the humane and compassionate treatment of animals and support positive dialog and solutions. "Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together."~ GoetheHouse of KnowledgeThis House focuses on Sacred Knowledge and Education. Humanity Healing offers many free on-line courses and interest groups where both mentors and members share knowledge and foster understanding. "If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it."~ Maragret FullerHouse of JusticeThis House focuses on civil rights and other humanitarian social issues. Raising awareness of current and emerging problems is the first step towards resolving them. "Conscience is the chamber of justice."~ OrigenHouse of ReconciliationThis House focuses on Forgiveness and Tolerance issues. We believe that these two concepts are at the root of Healing on both a personal and global level. We support initiatives that foster better understanding and resolution of conflicts between both individuals and communities. "The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world."~ nne onHouse of PeaceThis House focuses on Collective and Collaborative Efforts for Global Peace. Being Pro-Peace is not the same as being Anti-War. We support positive efforts to promote Peace while understanding that it is only through the Healing brought about with the other Houses that we can achieve it. "I do not want the peace that passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace."~ Helen Keller

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