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Re: Not Just Another Article

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Namaste, Dear Brother, so true, so true......and eloquently expressed.

Thank You

Much Love


From: <knightsintention@...>Subject: [] Not Just Another Article Date: Thursday, August 7, 2008, 8:48 PM

I have spent the past few days writing within many different groups asit relates with things from intentional communities and why they areimportant now more than ever, to writing about some serious aspects ofthe state of the world, especially within the U.S., at this very moment.However, this writing has to do more with the reasons we all are hereright now. As healers, or those who feel, or try to bring a differenceto ourselves, our families, and to the world...to humanity at large, bydoing the work required right here, in each moment, one by one.We all use different skills acquired, while on many different paths, andhold different ideas about how best that is done. Together we bring tothe center, to the problems, to the situations, the energy of love andhealing, of restoration. All we are really doing is bring a remembranceto who and what we all are. We are bringing back the balance of

nature,and of ourselves. Bringing all the pieces back together as one whole.I have long believed that we, as we awaken to who and what we are, pourthe fresh, clean, clear, life giving water into our muddy glasses of ourbodies and our experiences. As we pour in these truths and energy,sludge is displaced and rises to the top...things come to our awareness.We can become what "arises" and be "muddied" by it's contaminating andoverwhelming presence, or, we can continue pouring in what is love, andempathy, and light.This doesn't stop what is muddy from coming into our awareness, but wecan glide right through it by recognizing what it is...by "letting itgo". As our "glasses" become clearer, we become "lighter", in tune, weare what is seen, what we live. We live this clarity.A lot of people, who are doing this can get to this stage and you'llfind some of the most loving, giving, and happy

people you'll ever meet.They literally ooze the energy of light. Sometimes, in the course ofliving, mud slides into the glass, but because they have reached thisstate of being, such introduction of this is diluted and does little todim such clarity and light, as well as still having the clear and cleanwater still pouring in regularly, naturally.However, healers are different... or to say, as we all become clearer,as our glasses become less muddied, we all become healers. Our glassesdo not have bottoms. For whatever reason, perhaps we choose this, andthe reason we are all here now, in this time and space...perhaps thebottoms fall out of the glasses as we come closer to a clearer glass.I say this because, we can feel how we become in ourselves as we movecloser to being something closer to what we were sent or came here for.As we become clear, or healed or whole, we become the vessel for

whichhealing occurs for others.As an empath can relate and "take into themselves" the energy, thoughtsand even the "sickness" of another, thus being able to heal from withinourselves, and therefore heal what appears outside of us at the sametime...our glasses have no bottoms because as we clear what is ours,within, the muddiness of others, of other situations in the world, onthe planet, begin to seep in.I've said that what comes to our attention comes to be healed, andthat's the only reason it comes. By sending love into it, at the veryleast, we dilute what it is... we add light, love, possibility. I'veseen this happen EVERY TIME it's done. There are even experiments goingon right now in big cities where meditations to send love and light intothe place makes crime drop up to 80% during that period. There are tonsof examples of this.Have you been up one day, feeling totally powerful,

enlightened, full oflove, and then the next day or two feel completely overwhelmed, drained,even afraid of things your hearing about, in your life, your health, theworld, your country? I think, just like with an empath who takes so muchof another within them, experiencing thoughts and ideas not their owncan deplete us, we are in fact, taking in the world.Be it what's going on day to day with what is coming to us withmandatory shots coming, crashing economies, bank closings, policestates, border closings, Chinese troops in the millions in Texas, bigbrother, poisoned foods and drugs plus a million other things that areturning out to be not so much conspiracy stories as interlockingrealities.While most of us don't dwell on or think of such things a lot, we stillhear of and know about them to some degree. We already know that the 3dworld is denigrating, falling apart...nature and institutions

changing,crumbling. That talking about ascension is to talk about moving tohigher vibrations.. .perhaps invisible to things in the 3d, or presentworld. Most likely without 3d bodies we now live in, or at least havingsome option of using them or not.I think the most fearful are US. As these things truly come to ourawareness, we are letting them "stick" to us. It is when we need to bereally pouring in more water, more clarity, more love at this time, soby such actions we are healing all that comes to us now...and it'scoming faster and faster, heavier and heavier...more mud. It can become"dead weight" in a big hurry. We have to keep the water flowing, keepclearing what is within.In this 3d world, I worry little for myself, even to the point of myhealth crashing downhill. I can go, move, be where I need to be. Butthen, I have family, a child, and that changes the dynamics of anythingI might

do. Doing what, doing it when, and how can literally break oneif the subject is dwelt on for long...and such matters are requiring ourattention more and more.Still, maybe none of it matters in the long run. Maybe I'm here to holdthe door open for others and that's what I agreed to at some point.Maybe by standing against the winds of change, pouring love into whatcomes, all of a sudden the winds die out at the last moment...I don'tknow...I'm guessing. I have some of the same concerns, and fears, andideas of others.In some of the stories of Christ...when someone would touch him, all ofhis "power" left him. Since his power was that of love, it could beunderstandable how there seems to be moments of fear where no love is,or has been drained, yet it went to healing...so it wasn't wasted.There were times in his story when, not only was he depleted of thatwhich he needed most, but was very

unsure of himself, and literallybegged to be filled with more love to carry on. Perhaps when overflowingwith all the love possible, lashes, fears, and even death of the 3d bodybecome very secondary compared to what will be done by it.I think as healers, in some way, the whole story is more about us tosome extent. Everything is washing through us. If we forget, and evenwhen we don't, we can lose our power, and become afraid. We know andfeel the difference within us. So we continue to fill ourselves, to evenask that we be filled and surrounded by love. We aren't standing up onsome stump and beckoning the masses and saying "look here", "listen tome", "I'll tell you the truth of the matter". None of us would do thatbecause we face ourselves in each moment and find ourselves short. Yet,we discover, "something" within us will not allow us to back off fromwhatever this is, and from wherever it is taking

us.The Christ was simply a model for us all...to be filled with all thelove we can express and pour in, as it will go out just as fast, butevery time it does, it will heal, and it is making a difference. It is amodel that we, together, make ONE. We lose this BODY together or we HEALit together.And even in the losing of our 3d bodies, we simply remember, taking offour "muddy boots", grabbing a seat by the warming fire of light, as asmile slowly spreads across our state of being, remembering, everythingelse was only "out there".With LoveD~

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your words from your heart always leave me speechless <3

--- In , " " <knightsintention@...>



> I have spent the past few days writing within many different groups as

> it relates with things from intentional communities and why they are

> important now more than ever, to writing about some serious aspects of

> the state of the world, especially within the U.S., at this very moment.


> However, this writing has to do more with the reasons we all are here

> right now. As healers, or those who feel, or try to bring a difference

> to ourselves, our families, and to the world...to humanity at large, by

> doing the work required right here, in each moment, one by one.


> We all use different skills acquired, while on many different paths, and

> hold different ideas about how best that is done. Together we bring to

> the center, to the problems, to the situations, the energy of love and

> healing, of restoration. All we are really doing is bring a remembrance

> to who and what we all are. We are bringing back the balance of nature,

> and of ourselves. Bringing all the pieces back together as one whole.


> I have long believed that we, as we awaken to who and what we are, pour

> the fresh, clean, clear, life giving water into our muddy glasses of our

> bodies and our experiences. As we pour in these truths and energy,

> sludge is displaced and rises to the top...things come to our awareness.

> We can become what " arises " and be " muddied " by it's contaminating and

> overwhelming presence, or, we can continue pouring in what is love, and

> empathy, and light.


> This doesn't stop what is muddy from coming into our awareness, but we

> can glide right through it by recognizing what it is...by " letting it

> go " . As our " glasses " become clearer, we become " lighter " , in tune, we

> are what is seen, what we live. We live this clarity.


> A lot of people, who are doing this can get to this stage and you'll

> find some of the most loving, giving, and happy people you'll ever meet.

> They literally ooze the energy of light. Sometimes, in the course of

> living, mud slides into the glass, but because they have reached this

> state of being, such introduction of this is diluted and does little to

> dim such clarity and light, as well as still having the clear and clean

> water still pouring in regularly, naturally.


> However, healers are different...or to say, as we all become clearer,

> as our glasses become less muddied, we all become healers. Our glasses

> do not have bottoms. For whatever reason, perhaps we choose this, and

> the reason we are all here now, in this time and space...perhaps the

> bottoms fall out of the glasses as we come closer to a clearer glass.


> I say this because, we can feel how we become in ourselves as we move

> closer to being something closer to what we were sent or came here for.

> As we become clear, or healed or whole, we become the vessel for which

> healing occurs for others.


> As an empath can relate and " take into themselves " the energy, thoughts

> and even the " sickness " of another, thus being able to heal from within

> ourselves, and therefore heal what appears outside of us at the same

> time...our glasses have no bottoms because as we clear what is ours,

> within, the muddiness of others, of other situations in the world, on

> the planet, begin to seep in.


> I've said that what comes to our attention comes to be healed, and

> that's the only reason it comes. By sending love into it, at the very

> least, we dilute what it is... we add light, love, possibility. I've

> seen this happen EVERY TIME it's done. There are even experiments going

> on right now in big cities where meditations to send love and light into

> the place makes crime drop up to 80% during that period. There are tons

> of examples of this.


> Have you been up one day, feeling totally powerful, enlightened, full of

> love, and then the next day or two feel completely overwhelmed, drained,

> even afraid of things your hearing about, in your life, your health, the

> world, your country? I think, just like with an empath who takes so much

> of another within them, experiencing thoughts and ideas not their own

> can deplete us, we are in fact, taking in the world.


> Be it what's going on day to day with what is coming to us with

> mandatory shots coming, crashing economies, bank closings, police

> states, border closings, Chinese troops in the millions in Texas, big

> brother, poisoned foods and drugs plus a million other things that are

> turning out to be not so much conspiracy stories as interlocking

> realities.


> While most of us don't dwell on or think of such things a lot, we still

> hear of and know about them to some degree. We already know that the 3d

> world is denigrating, falling apart...nature and institutions changing,

> crumbling. That talking about ascension is to talk about moving to

> higher vibrations...perhaps invisible to things in the 3d, or present

> world. Most likely without 3d bodies we now live in, or at least having

> some option of using them or not.


> I think the most fearful are US. As these things truly come to our

> awareness, we are letting them " stick " to us. It is when we need to be

> really pouring in more water, more clarity, more love at this time, so

> by such actions we are healing all that comes to us now...and it's

> coming faster and faster, heavier and heavier...more mud. It can become

> " dead weight " in a big hurry. We have to keep the water flowing, keep

> clearing what is within.


> In this 3d world, I worry little for myself, even to the point of my

> health crashing downhill. I can go, move, be where I need to be. But

> then, I have family, a child, and that changes the dynamics of anything

> I might do. Doing what, doing it when, and how can literally break one

> if the subject is dwelt on for long...and such matters are requiring our

> attention more and more.


> Still, maybe none of it matters in the long run. Maybe I'm here to hold

> the door open for others and that's what I agreed to at some point.

> Maybe by standing against the winds of change, pouring love into what

> comes, all of a sudden the winds die out at the last moment...I don't

> know...I'm guessing. I have some of the same concerns, and fears, and

> ideas of others.


> In some of the stories of Christ...when someone would touch him, all of

> his " power " left him. Since his power was that of love, it could be

> understandable how there seems to be moments of fear where no love is,

> or has been drained, yet it went to healing...so it wasn't wasted.


> There were times in his story when, not only was he depleted of that

> which he needed most, but was very unsure of himself, and literally

> begged to be filled with more love to carry on. Perhaps when overflowing

> with all the love possible, lashes, fears, and even death of the 3d body

> become very secondary compared to what will be done by it.


> I think as healers, in some way, the whole story is more about us to

> some extent. Everything is washing through us. If we forget, and even

> when we don't, we can lose our power, and become afraid. We know and

> feel the difference within us. So we continue to fill ourselves, to even

> ask that we be filled and surrounded by love. We aren't standing up on

> some stump and beckoning the masses and saying " look here " , " listen to

> me " , " I'll tell you the truth of the matter " . None of us would do that

> because we face ourselves in each moment and find ourselves short. Yet,

> we discover, " something " within us will not allow us to back off from

> whatever this is, and from wherever it is taking us.


> The Christ was simply a model for us all...to be filled with all the

> love we can express and pour in, as it will go out just as fast, but

> every time it does, it will heal, and it is making a difference. It is a

> model that we, together, make ONE. We lose this BODY together or we HEAL

> it together.


> And even in the losing of our 3d bodies, we simply remember, taking off

> our " muddy boots " , grabbing a seat by the warming fire of light, as a

> smile slowly spreads across our state of being, remembering, everything

> else was only " out there " .


> With Love

> D~


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Sweet ,

Well put, well thought of, and full of love and underSTANDing. Thank

you for sharing this and so much of yourself in all you think,

breathe, and continue to do at this great time of transformation.

With deep appreciation I state, you are a true treasure, dear one.

We LOVE you! So happy we are in this time together!

Mitakuye Oyasin,



> I have spent the past few days writing within many different groups


> it relates with things from intentional communities and why they are

> important now more than ever, to writing about some serious aspects


> the state of the world, especially within the U.S., at this very



> However, this writing has to do more with the reasons we all are


> right now. As healers, or those who feel, or try to bring a


> to ourselves, our families, and to the world...to humanity at

large, by

> doing the work required right here, in each moment, one by one.


> We all use different skills acquired, while on many different

paths, and

> hold different ideas about how best that is done. Together we bring


> the center, to the problems, to the situations, the energy of love


> healing, of restoration. All we are really doing is bring a


> to who and what we all are. We are bringing back the balance of


> and of ourselves. Bringing all the pieces back together as one



> I have long believed that we, as we awaken to who and what we are,


> the fresh, clean, clear, life giving water into our muddy glasses

of our

> bodies and our experiences. As we pour in these truths and energy,

> sludge is displaced and rises to the top...things come to our


> We can become what " arises " and be " muddied " by it's contaminating


> overwhelming presence, or, we can continue pouring in what is love,


> empathy, and light.


> This doesn't stop what is muddy from coming into our awareness, but


> can glide right through it by recognizing what it is...by " letting


> go " . As our " glasses " become clearer, we become " lighter " , in tune,


> are what is seen, what we live. We live this clarity.


> A lot of people, who are doing this can get to this stage and you'll

> find some of the most loving, giving, and happy people you'll ever


> They literally ooze the energy of light. Sometimes, in the course of

> living, mud slides into the glass, but because they have reached


> state of being, such introduction of this is diluted and does

little to

> dim such clarity and light, as well as still having the clear and


> water still pouring in regularly, naturally.


> However, healers are different...or to say, as we all become


> as our glasses become less muddied, we all become healers. Our


> do not have bottoms. For whatever reason, perhaps we choose this,


> the reason we are all here now, in this time and space...perhaps the

> bottoms fall out of the glasses as we come closer to a clearer



> I say this because, we can feel how we become in ourselves as we


> closer to being something closer to what we were sent or came here


> As we become clear, or healed or whole, we become the vessel for


> healing occurs for others.


> As an empath can relate and " take into themselves " the energy,


> and even the " sickness " of another, thus being able to heal from


> ourselves, and therefore heal what appears outside of us at the same

> time...our glasses have no bottoms because as we clear what is ours,

> within, the muddiness of others, of other situations in the world,


> the planet, begin to seep in.


> I've said that what comes to our attention comes to be healed, and

> that's the only reason it comes. By sending love into it, at the


> least, we dilute what it is... we add light, love, possibility. I've

> seen this happen EVERY TIME it's done. There are even experiments


> on right now in big cities where meditations to send love and light


> the place makes crime drop up to 80% during that period. There are


> of examples of this.


> Have you been up one day, feeling totally powerful, enlightened,

full of

> love, and then the next day or two feel completely overwhelmed,


> even afraid of things your hearing about, in your life, your

health, the

> world, your country? I think, just like with an empath who takes so


> of another within them, experiencing thoughts and ideas not their


> can deplete us, we are in fact, taking in the world.


> Be it what's going on day to day with what is coming to us with

> mandatory shots coming, crashing economies, bank closings, police

> states, border closings, Chinese troops in the millions in Texas,


> brother, poisoned foods and drugs plus a million other things that


> turning out to be not so much conspiracy stories as interlocking

> realities.


> While most of us don't dwell on or think of such things a lot, we


> hear of and know about them to some degree. We already know that

the 3d

> world is denigrating, falling apart...nature and institutions


> crumbling. That talking about ascension is to talk about moving to

> higher vibrations...perhaps invisible to things in the 3d, or


> world. Most likely without 3d bodies we now live in, or at least


> some option of using them or not.


> I think the most fearful are US. As these things truly come to our

> awareness, we are letting them " stick " to us. It is when we need to


> really pouring in more water, more clarity, more love at this time,


> by such actions we are healing all that comes to us now...and it's

> coming faster and faster, heavier and heavier...more mud. It can


> " dead weight " in a big hurry. We have to keep the water flowing,


> clearing what is within.


> In this 3d world, I worry little for myself, even to the point of my

> health crashing downhill. I can go, move, be where I need to be. But

> then, I have family, a child, and that changes the dynamics of


> I might do. Doing what, doing it when, and how can literally break


> if the subject is dwelt on for long...and such matters are

requiring our

> attention more and more.


> Still, maybe none of it matters in the long run. Maybe I'm here to


> the door open for others and that's what I agreed to at some point.

> Maybe by standing against the winds of change, pouring love into


> comes, all of a sudden the winds die out at the last moment...I


> know...I'm guessing. I have some of the same concerns, and fears,


> ideas of others.


> In some of the stories of Christ...when someone would touch him,

all of

> his " power " left him. Since his power was that of love, it could be

> understandable how there seems to be moments of fear where no love


> or has been drained, yet it went to healing...so it wasn't wasted.


> There were times in his story when, not only was he depleted of that

> which he needed most, but was very unsure of himself, and literally

> begged to be filled with more love to carry on. Perhaps when


> with all the love possible, lashes, fears, and even death of the 3d


> become very secondary compared to what will be done by it.


> I think as healers, in some way, the whole story is more about us to

> some extent. Everything is washing through us. If we forget, and


> when we don't, we can lose our power, and become afraid. We know and

> feel the difference within us. So we continue to fill ourselves, to


> ask that we be filled and surrounded by love. We aren't standing up


> some stump and beckoning the masses and saying " look here " , " listen


> me " , " I'll tell you the truth of the matter " . None of us would do


> because we face ourselves in each moment and find ourselves short.


> we discover, " something " within us will not allow us to back off


> whatever this is, and from wherever it is taking us.


> The Christ was simply a model for us all...to be filled with all the

> love we can express and pour in, as it will go out just as fast, but

> every time it does, it will heal, and it is making a difference. It

is a

> model that we, together, make ONE. We lose this BODY together or we


> it together.


> And even in the losing of our 3d bodies, we simply remember, taking


> our " muddy boots " , grabbing a seat by the warming fire of light, as


> smile slowly spreads across our state of being, remembering,


> else was only " out there " .


> With Love

> D~


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Anyone want to trade bathroom time??? I so do not want my bathroom picture on you tube!! Bad Liane Bad!! lol

> >> > I have spent the past few days writing within many different groups > as> > it relates with things from intentional communities and why they are> > important now more than ever, to writing about some serious aspects > of> > the state of the world, especially within the U.S., at this very > moment.> > > > However, this writing has to do more with the reasons we all are > here> > right now. As healers, or those who feel, or try to bring a > difference> > to ourselves, our families, and to the world...to humanity at > large, by> > doing the work required right here, in each moment, one by one.> > > > We all use different skills acquired, while on many different > paths, and> > hold different ideas about how best that is done. Together we bring > to> > the center, to the problems, to the situations, the energy of love > and> > healing, of restoration. All we are really doing is bring a > remembrance> > to who and what we all are. We are bringing back the balance of > nature,> > and of ourselves. Bringing all the pieces back together as one > whole.> > > > I have long believed that we, as we awaken to who and what we are, > pour> > the fresh, clean, clear, life giving water into our muddy glasses > of our> > bodies and our experiences. As we pour in these truths and energy,> > sludge is displaced and rises to the top...things come to our > awareness.> > We can become what "arises" and be "muddied" by it's contaminating > and> > overwhelming presence, or, we can continue pouring in what is love, > and> > empathy, and light.> > > > This doesn't stop what is muddy from coming into our awareness, but > we> > can glide right through it by recognizing what it is...by "letting > it> > go". As our "glasses" become clearer, we become "lighter", in tune, > we> > are what is seen, what we live. We live this clarity.> > > > A lot of people, who are doing this can get to this stage and you'll> > find some of the most loving, giving, and happy people you'll ever > meet.> > They literally ooze the energy of light. Sometimes, in the course of> > living, mud slides into the glass, but because they have reached > this> > state of being, such introduction of this is diluted and does > little to> > dim such clarity and light, as well as still having the clear and > clean> > water still pouring in regularly, naturally.> > > > However, healers are different...or to say, as we all become > clearer,> > as our glasses become less muddied, we all become healers. Our > glasses> > do not have bottoms. For whatever reason, perhaps we choose this, > and> > the reason we are all here now, in this time and space...perhaps the> > bottoms fall out of the glasses as we come closer to a clearer > glass.> > > > I say this because, we can feel how we become in ourselves as we > move> > closer to being something closer to what we were sent or came here > for.> > As we become clear, or healed or whole, we become the vessel for > which> > healing occurs for others.> > > > As an empath can relate and "take into themselves" the energy, > thoughts> > and even the "sickness" of another, thus being able to heal from > within> > ourselves, and therefore heal what appears outside of us at the same> > time...our glasses have no bottoms because as we clear what is ours,> > within, the muddiness of others, of other situations in the world, > on> > the planet, begin to seep in.> > > > I've said that what comes to our attention comes to be healed, and> > that's the only reason it comes. By sending love into it, at the > very> > least, we dilute what it is... we add light, love, possibility. I've> > seen this happen EVERY TIME it's done. There are even experiments > going> > on right now in big cities where meditations to send love and light > into> > the place makes crime drop up to 80% during that period. There are > tons> > of examples of this.> > > > Have you been up one day, feeling totally powerful, enlightened, > full of> > love, and then the next day or two feel completely overwhelmed, > drained,> > even afraid of things your hearing about, in your life, your > health, the> > world, your country? I think, just like with an empath who takes so > much> > of another within them, experiencing thoughts and ideas not their > own> > can deplete us, we are in fact, taking in the world.> > > > Be it what's going on day to day with what is coming to us with> > mandatory shots coming, crashing economies, bank closings, police> > states, border closings, Chinese troops in the millions in Texas, > big> > brother, poisoned foods and drugs plus a million other things that > are> > turning out to be not so much conspiracy stories as interlocking> > realities.> > > > While most of us don't dwell on or think of such things a lot, we > still> > hear of and know about them to some degree. We already know that > the 3d> > world is denigrating, falling apart...nature and institutions > changing,> > crumbling. That talking about ascension is to talk about moving to> > higher vibrations...perhaps invisible to things in the 3d, or > present> > world. Most likely without 3d bodies we now live in, or at least > having> > some option of using them or not.> > > > I think the most fearful are US. As these things truly come to our> > awareness, we are letting them "stick" to us. It is when we need to > be> > really pouring in more water, more clarity, more love at this time, > so> > by such actions we are healing all that comes to us now...and it's> > coming faster and faster, heavier and heavier...more mud. It can > become> > "dead weight" in a big hurry. We have to keep the water flowing, > keep> > clearing what is within.> > > > In this 3d world, I worry little for myself, even to the point of my> > health crashing downhill. I can go, move, be where I need to be. But> > then, I have family, a child, and that changes the dynamics of > anything> > I might do. Doing what, doing it when, and how can literally break > one> > if the subject is dwelt on for long...and such matters are > requiring our> > attention more and more.> > > > Still, maybe none of it matters in the long run. Maybe I'm here to > hold> > the door open for others and that's what I agreed to at some point.> > Maybe by standing against the winds of change, pouring love into > what> > comes, all of a sudden the winds die out at the last moment...I > don't> > know...I'm guessing. I have some of the same concerns, and fears, > and> > ideas of others.> > > > In some of the stories of Christ...when someone would touch him, > all of> > his "power" left him. Since his power was that of love, it could be> > understandable how there seems to be moments of fear where no love > is,> > or has been drained, yet it went to healing...so it wasn't wasted.> > > > There were times in his story when, not only was he depleted of that> > which he needed most, but was very unsure of himself, and literally> > begged to be filled with more love to carry on. Perhaps when > overflowing> > with all the love possible, lashes, fears, and even death of the 3d > body> > become very secondary compared to what will be done by it.> > > > I think as healers, in some way, the whole story is more about us to> > some extent. Everything is washing through us. If we forget, and > even> > when we don't, we can lose our power, and become afraid. We know and> > feel the difference within us. So we continue to fill ourselves, to > even> > ask that we be filled and surrounded by love. We aren't standing up > on> > some stump and beckoning the masses and saying "look here", "listen > to> > me", "I'll tell you the truth of the matter". None of us would do > that> > because we face ourselves in each moment and find ourselves short. > Yet,> > we discover, "something" within us will not allow us to back off > from> > whatever this is, and from wherever it is taking us.> > > > The Christ was simply a model for us all...to be filled with all the> > love we can express and pour in, as it will go out just as fast, but> > every time it does, it will heal, and it is making a difference. It > is a> > model that we, together, make ONE. We lose this BODY together or we > HEAL> > it together.> > > > And even in the losing of our 3d bodies, we simply remember, taking > off> > our "muddy boots", grabbing a seat by the warming fire of light, as > a> > smile slowly spreads across our state of being, remembering, > everything> > else was only "out there".> > > > With Love> > D~> >>

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