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---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Blessings Experiment Update <info@...>

Date: Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 5:04 PMSubject: A Stormy Season AheadLiane Legey <butterflygris@...>

The attached Blessing Way Update was supposed to arrive in your inbox on Friday. However, due to my unfamiliarity with a new split test procedure, the mailing did not go out entirely as it should, and so your issue is arriving today instead of when originally scheduled. Thus the Friday date on the masthead. Choosing to see the humor in my error, I realized that I have now managed to do what the best cyberspace tech could not: I have slowed email down to snail mail pace. :-)

Have a blessed day. And thank you for understanding.

May you be blessed,


Friday, September 5, 2008

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- Kate's Update: A Stormy Season Ahead

- Feature Article: The Truth About Troubles

- FREE Teleclasses: September Schedule

- Experiment Update: Prosperity Lab Reopens

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Dear %$firstname$%,

Hello from my heart,

Like most Americans, my attention has been riveted lately to the political storm stirred up by the upcoming presidential election. The past two weeks of Democratic and Republican convention watching has had my mind in a whirl.

But I have to admit that I am thrilled and proud to live in a country where the mixed-race child of a young single mother in Kansas; a couple of life-long politicians; and a relatively unknown woman stepping out of the shadows can all stand equally before the American public seeking the highest office in the land and one of the most powerful offices in the world.

That realization fills me with pride and gratitude for our founding fathers who had the wisdom and foresight to write such a possiblity into our constitution.

However, as I have listened to the politicians speak and to the responses those speeches have warranted this past couple of weeks, I am reminded of the story of the troubled old man who was asked by his counselor what he believed to be the singlemost source of his problems.

" Oh, that's easy, " he at once replied. " I am always right and others are always wrong. But those foolish others will NOT, no matter how hard I try to convince them, admit that they are wrong and I am right. "

Not pointing out the enormous egotism involved in such a statement, the counselor decided instead to try simple logic by asking, " But how is it possible for you to always be right and everyone else to always be wrong? "

" Ah, that... " said the old man. " That is one of the greatest miracles of all time! "

The moral of the story, of course, is that logic has never been much of a match for vanity, whether its one or one, or spilled across the boundaries of an entire political party. We humans like to be right, and even in those times when admitting an error might suit us better, we are loathe to admit we might not be as right as we'd like to think we are.

Which reminds me of another story: A Master was walking across a broad field one day with an eager student at his side. The two passed by an archer practicing his craft. When an arrow hit the target, the archer praised himself exceedingly for his great skill. When the arrow missed the target, the archer blamed a gust of wind.

" Do you see the nature of man? " the Master asked the student. " When things go right, he credits his own skill for having made it so. But when things go wrong, he quickly finds someone or something else to blame. "

Over the next couple of months, we Americans are apt to hear a great deal of credit-taking and blaming. Our job as responsible, caring and progressive citizens, not only of this country but of the world, is to filter through all we will hear, and find whatever nuggets of truth lie buried beneath all the half-truths and contradictions.

Personally, I think the best way to do this is to refrain from judging and criticizing as much as possible and try blessing instead. It is my heartfelt belief that we can do far more good by blessing all of the candidates in this election and the leaders and future leaders of every country in the world, for that matter, than we ever can be condemning any.

Then, we can better make up our own minds based, not on what the politicians tell us or what our own egos demand be right, but upon our sense of personal guidance arising from within. Because what any politician tells us is going to come from his or her personal perspective, and no matter how altruistic or worthy their goals may be, their own personal agendas will naturally color their words.

We simply cannot know with certainty that what a candidtate or a political party says is best is always best for all concerned.

When, however, we go within and ask that we be guided to choose the best candidate, not just to satisfy our own personal agendas, but for the betterment of all, then the wisdom that comes from within will be true to that request.

We don't just make our own lives better when we take the time to go within and get to know ourselves better. By learning to listen to our own inner wisdom, we make the world a better place to be.

On another note, along with political storms this season, Mother Nature has also been showing the more stormy side of her nature. I hope you will join with me as we move through another hurricane season by wrapping blessings of peace and safety around all who may find themselves in the pathway of any of life's threatening storms.

And on a final note: After having been closed for a time so that data could be collected, the Prosperity Experiment is once again open to accepting new participants. You are invited to join a lively, like-minded group dedicated to make the world a more prosperous place to be through the practice of blessing. For more information, on joining this free 90-Day transformational experiment, click on the link below or go to ProsperityExperiment dot net.

The Prosperity Experiment

Until next time... May you be blessed with all things good!

Kate Nowak, Creator of the Worldwide Blessings Experiment

Have You Accepted the Challenge Yet?

Announcing Free Tele-Classes For September

After stepping away from the Tele-Class schedule for the summer, we're back on track for fall. Here is the schedule for September:

Bless Your Money Worries Away: If current economic woes have you worried about your future, then this is a tele-class you won't want to miss. Worry won't pay your bills, help increase your income or keep your creditors from calling. It takes a different mindset to do that. During this call you'll learn quick and easy ways to move from fear to fearlessness as we discuss ways to stop worrying and start prospering.


Blessing Your Money Worries Away


Thursday, September 11th at 9:00pm Eastern



(Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)


Click Here now

Blessing For The Health Of It: Whether you are as fit as a fiddle or have a number of health concerns, this tele-class is for you. We'll be discussing the body's response to blessing and why you body needs a daily dose of blessing for optimum good health.


Blessing For The Health of It


Thursday, September 18th at 9:00pm Eastern



(Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)


Click Here now

Blessing Tough Times and Mean People: It may be the nasty neighbor next door that has you at the end of your wits, or the current world condition that has you depressed and concerned about the future. We'll tackle both concerns in this tele-class designed to help you deal with aggravating people and agitating times. Tele-class begins at 8 pm EST (New York time)


Blessing Tough Times and Mean People


Thursday, September 25th at 9:00pm Eastern



(Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)


Click Here now

IMPORTANT NOTE: These calls are FREE, but will not be made available as a replay so mark your calendars so you don't miss the opportunity to have your questions answered.

The Truth About Troubles

by Kate Nowak

If you prefer listening to reading, click here

To download MP3, click here

The late Vernon , a wonderful teacher of spiritual truths, once told the story of a hunter traveling alone through the jungle when suddenly he fell into a deep well dug years before by natives and long abandoned. Water, no more than six inches deep covered the bottom of the well, the pool fed by an underground stream.

The hunter, immediately aware of his dangerous predicament, began at once to look for some way out. Over the years vining plants had grown along the ground at the well entrance and several branches now hung far down the walls. Jumping to grab one, the man used the branch to begin pulling himself out of his trap. He was almost to the top of the well when the branch broke and he tumbled helplessly back to the bottom.

Determined, he stood up, grabbed another vine and tried again, unfortunately with the same result. Time and time again he endeavored to use the vining branches to pull himself out, but in every effort he failed, the vines breaking in response to his weight. Eventually, all the vines had given way and all his hopes of escape were dashed.

Brought to his knees by circumstance, he sat down in utter despair to contemplate his fate. With all hope gone and no resources left him, the hunter knew death was imminent. And then a strange thing happened. With firm resolution, the hunter realized that he was not yet ready to die. Quite the contrary! He had every reason to live and besides, escaping from this well would be a wonderful story to one day tell his grandchildren.

With new determination, he began looking around him and immediately noticed the steady steam of water bubbling forth from a small crevice in the wall some two or three feet above the well bottom. With such a strong stream, he reckoned, the water in the well should have been much, much deeper.

Probing with his fingers, he soon discovered the water was leaking out almost as quickly as it was flowing in, escaping through another small crevice just beneath the surface.

Resourcefulness being a companion to desperation, the hunter realized what he must do. Plugging the exit hole with mud from the well bottom, he quickly insured his freedom. As the well filled with water, the hunter rose to the top.

From time to time we all find ourselves trapped in wells of deep despair and most of the time we tend to grab whatever false hope dangles before us. But like the brittle vines in our story, these usually offer no more than faint promise of escape.

We'll spend our last two dollars on lottery tickets hoping to escape financial woes, for instance, or rush to the pharmacy to buy those magic pills that promise an end to every ache and pain.

It is not until we've abandoned all hope, however, that we realize our salvation is always with us. We don't escape by clinging to false hopes but by allowing the flow of life within us to carry us to the top.

Our journey to a better life is almost always preceded by difficulty, not because life determines that we must struggle, but because we have determined that struggle is necessary. We use struggle as the catalyst to change, and more often than not, the greater the difficulty, the greater the opportunity to advance. When we see every difficulty as a blessing, embracing it as an opportunity to grow, we actually use the pain to get rid of the pain. Nothing and no one benefits from our resistance. Everything and everyone benefits from our blessing.

Whenever we are frightened or anxious, we can't see anything but the cause of the fear that grips us. It hovers over us like a threatening storm, dark and foreboding, monstrous in appearance. We have to look away from the storm completely before we can see the light breaking on the horizon, and some times we get so caught up in the surrounding threat that we do not think to look away until we are certain that all hope is lost. It is only then we realize it was never the difficulty, but our fear of it, that kept us trapped.

Any time a crisis occurs, we have a choice. We can tremble in fear and trepidation, or we can accept that we have attracted this experience to us as a way of garnering self awareness. In choosing the latter, we enter into whatever suffering the crisis causes just long enough to call its bluff. We don't run away, or stick our heads in the sand, or dart willy-nilly in every direction seeking a solution. We simply allow the crisis to be what it truly is: an opportunity for us to release both the illusion and the pain caused by it.

If you are currently experiencing difficulty of any kind, take a deep breath and remind yourself first that there is no difficulty you cannot overcome. None. No matter how foreboding it may appear. Then accept the problem the same way you would a gift. This is not as difficult as it sounds, especially when you remind yourself that trouble is never the enemy we make it out to be, but only a guide unconsciously attracted to get us back on track.

When we allow the difficulties in our lives to serve their purpose; when we relax, letting go of every fear and recognizing that the entire experience, no matter how bleak and daunting, is a blessing in disguise; when we confront our suffering with acceptance and count it all good, then a very remarkable thing begins to happen. The illusion of suffering dissolves away and in its place is left a precious gift. The gift of an abundantly blessed life.

It's all a matter of perspective. When you commit to finding only blessings in your life, then blessings will be all you experience.

" If I want to understand something, I must observe, I must not criticize. I must not condemn, I must not pursue it as pleasure or avoid it as non-pleasure. There must merely be the silent observation of a fact. There is no end in view but awareness of everything as it arises. "

-- Krishnamurti

Visual Therapy To Soothe The Soul!

" Using your Blessed video brings heart rates into coherence in just the first few slides. It is really magical to see how the conditioning takes hold and becomes a new way of viewing the world and blessing our own beings. "

Dr. Eldon ,

author of Choices and Illusions

Have you ever noticed that life just seems to flow better when we are aware that we are blessed? We become healthier, happier and more capable of attracting the very best into our lives.

Studies show that when we feel blessed, when we are comfortable with ourselves and feel loved, when we understand that time is an illusion and now is always the perfect moment, a very powerful electromagnetic field develops within us. We literally become magnets for our good. Being aware of our blessings not only makes us feel better, it shifts our point of awareness and our energy.

One very simple and positive way to become more aware of the blessings in your life is by watching our new Cherished Blessings DVD every day. Simply set aside 15 minutes each day -- first thing in the morning or last thing before bed is best -- and let the beautiful music, imagery and words in the three inspirational movies take you to a place of blessing and love and timelessness. Highly regarded experts throughout the world have long been telling us that placing ourselves into such a positive state is beneficial, not only to us, but to the world around us. Here is what just a few more experts have had to say:

" You must focus on healing yourself so you'll have this healing ability to offer others. If you reach a level of blissful illumination, where you're reconnected to the Source and are harmonized vibrationally, you begin to radiate the energy that converts disease to health. " -- Mahatma Ghandi

" Just as the subatomic particles that compose us cannot be separated from the space and particles surrounding them, so living beings cannot be isolated from each other. By the act of observation and intention, we have the ability to extend a kind super-radiance to the world. " -- Lynne Mc Taggart, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of The Universe

" In every studied case of recovery from hopelessness and untreatable disease, there has been a major shift in consciousness, so that the attractor patterns that resulted in the pathologic process no longer dominated. " -- R. Hawkins, M.D., PhD., Power vs. Force

To order your copy of the Cherished Blessings DVD, click here. And while you're at it, you may want to order extras to give away to those you consider to be Cherished Blessings in your life. After all, we always want those we love to feel blessed, too.

It's Better Than A String...

Much more effective than a string around your finger, wearing one of our blue Blessing Bands will serve to continually remind you to that it is, indeed, always BETTER TO BLESS. A must for those taking our 30-Day Blessing Way Challenge, particularly, our Blessing Bands are the perfect way to keep your commitment to bless in the forefront of your mind. Now available in three sizes, so everyone in your family or organization can wear a band that fits perfectly:

Men's Wrist Size (8 3/8 " )

Women's Wrist Size (7 3/8 " )

Child's Wrist Size (5 7/8 " )

(There is no charge for the bands, however we do ask that you cover the shipping costs.)To request your band or bands, click on the line below:

Request Blessing Bands

Feeling Frazzled, Frightened or Frustrated?

Then it is definitely time to tap into a blessing. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a quick and effective way to break down resistance to blessing others and to feeling blessed. As EFT Developer Craig points out, it is remarkably effective and should be tried on everything, so why shouldn't we use it to break down whatever resistance to blessing we may be feeling?

I've used it and I know it works for me. That's why I've created an entire webpage devoted to using EFT to break down our resistance to blessing. You'll find it here.

Still Unsure About the Challenge?

If you haven't accepted the Blessing Way Challenge yet because you either don't feel you have the time, don't think it would help, or don't believe blessing everyone and everything for 30 days would change anything, then click here to read what recent Challenge participant had to say.

Blessing motivator, Kate Nowak, is the creator of May You Be Blessed an internationally known inspirational flash presentation which, along with her other two movies, Has Anyone Told You? and A Holy Splash of Time, has been viewed by millions, and has served to attract attention to the focus of her work, her Worldwide Blessing Experiment.

Kate encourages you to bless everyone and everything in your life and challenges you to do so by inviting you to accept her 30-Day Blessing Way Challenge. It truly is a transformational experience -- click here to read what one recent challenge participant had to say -- and for those who complete the Challenge, Kate guarantees that you will never look at life the same way again. For more information, visit www.BettertoBless.com.

Publisher: Live More Abundantly Productions.

P.O. Box 58

Strawn, Texas 76475

Phone: 940-452-5679

Email: Info@...

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Live More Abundantly Productions, P.O. Box 58, Strawn, Texas 76475, USA

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