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International Worldwide Forgiveness Day

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International Worldwide Forgiveness Day

By Colin C. Tipping, the Official Guide to Forgiveness

August 3rd was designated as International Worldwide Forgiveness Day by

the visionary, Plath. His vision was it would be a day that would

evoke the healing spirit of forgiveness worldwide. He created the

Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance in 1996 to empower that vision.

Each year on this date the Alliance honors people who have made a

contribution to spreading the message of forgiveness throughout the

world, either by the work they have done or by the examples set in their

own lives. You can see the current honorees by going to his website

www.forgivenessalliance.org. I was proud to be nominated by the Alliance

as a Champion of Forgiveness in 2002 and was honored to speak at their

annual event in California.

As a counterpoint to our automatic " God Bless America "

parochialism, what appeals to me most about this organization is that

its focus is worldwide forgiveness. Their stated goal is to

" establish this International Forgiveness Day (not just in America

but) in every village and hamlet across the world by the year 2025. "

I am hoping you will respond to the call on August 3rd and will wake up

feeling an urge to do some forgiveness work. If you do, two questions

will arise. First, who shall I try to forgive? Second, what kind of

forgiveness shall I use?

No trouble with the first for I doubt it would take you long to find

someone in your own personal life against whom you still hold a

grievance. To forgive them would be a wonderful gift to yourself and a

great contribution to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual

health. Remember, you do forgiveness for yourself, not for those you are


However, since the focus of the Forgiveness Alliance is worldwide, you

might think about expanding your vision by looking to see how the

benefits of forgiveness could be extended to people around the world.

After all, do we not have judgments and grievances about those who are

responsible for situations like Darfur, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iran,

Iraq, Zimbabwe and other such seemingly bad conditions? Are those

judgments not just as toxic to us as our other grievances, and, from an

energetic point of view, don't our judgments tend to keep the energy

around the situations stuck? Of course they do.

As far as the second question is concerned, if you really want to make a

difference to what is happening in those places, as well as release your

own stress around it, then it has to be RADICAL Forgiveness. And

that's because it works NOT through the intellect, (as in

traditional forgiveness where forgiveness is thought of as a conscious

choice to let bygones be bygones), but through that part of us that

connects us to the quantum field of universal consciousness. I call that

our Spiritual Intelligence.

Our Spiritual Intelligence is the part of us that knows the higher

purpose in everything that is occurring, which is, of course, the basic

underlying principle of Radical Forgiveness — that there is a Divine

purpose in everything. In that sense, what follows is there's

nothing `wrong' happening and, therefore, nothing to forgive.

(It's a crazy idea, I know, but fortunately we don't have to

believe it. We just need to use the tools provided to activate our

Spiritual Intelligence. That takes care of the process automatically

from that point on).

The way it works is when we do our forgiveness work using the tools of

Radical Forgiveness (these are what make it so easy and quick), we

automatically make an alteration to our energy field. Then, because we

are all part of what Rupert Sheldrake, the English biologist, refers to

as the morphogenetic energy field to which all humans belong, our own

shift in energy will have an immediate effect on the overall field.

Consequently, if just a small number of people were to do a Radical

Forgiveness process on the situation in Darfur for example, they would

have an unimaginable but profound impact on the situation in that

country. Things would start to move in the right direction. Positive

changes would begin to happen immediately. It's an energy thing!

So I invite you on International Worldwide Forgiveness Day to go to our

website www.radicalforgiveness.com, and login to the free, online

Radical Forgiveness Worksheet. By all means do one on something

personal, but then cast your mind beyond self and even beyond the shores

of the country in which you live, to the world `out there.'

Choose a situation about which you feel strongly. Then use the online

worksheet to `forgive' the politicians, world leaders, corrupt

officials, greedy corporate leaders, criminal banks, the military

industrial complex, etc., all those you see as being to blame for

everything that is bad in the world.

This is the only way we are ever going to have world peace and

harmonious relationships between everyone. And it really is up to us to

create it. By doing the Radical Forgiveness work, we are, firstly,

taking responsibility for having created, through our own consciousness,

all these people and situations. Secondly, we will be taking back all

that we have collectively projected onto these people. Only then will we

begin to heal the misperception that we are all separate and need to

attack each other. Only then will we stop fighting each other, abusing

each other, stealing from each other and so on.

But we don't have forever to make this choice. The clock is ticking.

2012 is just around the corner and I believe that we have to make the

conscious choice to shift our consciousness from the fear vibration to

love vibration by that time, or have it be a very difficult transition

indeed. I may be right about this or wrong about it, but I would still

ask you to take this day seriously, folks, and join the many amongst us

who are already trying to change the world by seeing the perfection in

the imperfection.

Happy Worldwide Forgiveness Day.


Author's Bio

Colin's Mission Statement :

" My Mission is to Raise the Consciousness of the Planet and to Create a

World of Forgiveness by 2012 "

Colin Tipping is the creator of what has come to be recognized as the

most powerful leading-edge technology for personal and spiritual growth

today - Radical Forgiveness.

He is the acknowledged authority on the application of this technology

to the " healing " of individuals, families, races, corporations, and

communities. He is the author of five popular, ground-breaking books :

Radical Forgiveness: Making Room for the Miracle

A Radical Incarnation : Mission - A World of Forgiveness by 2012

Spiritual Intelligence At Work

Radical Manifestation : The Fine Art of Creating the Life You Want

Getting to Heaven on a Harley: A Radical Karma Workbook

Please go to http://www.radicalforgiveness.com to learn more about Colin

and other Radical Forgiveness strategies.

Additional Resources on Forgiveness can be found at:

Website Directory Forgiveness

Articles on Forgiveness

Products for Forgiveness

Discussion Board

Colin Tipping, The Official Guide to Forgiveness




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