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Re: Medicinal Herb Guide

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Do you know of a link that gives the ailment and then the medicinal herb to alleviate it?

In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl(translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Libraryvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne Sunshower

In a message dated 6/17/2008 5:04:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, knightsintention@... writes:

Medicinal Herbs Guide

Medicinal Herbs are in use for thousand of years and are renowned for their effectiveness in many diseases. These natural herbs are very effective in boosting the immune system, increasing the body resistance to infections, healing the allergies, and raising and renewing the body vitality.

A - Aconite | Africa Pepper | Aghada | Agrimony | Akarakara | Akebia | Alder Buckthorn | Alfalfa | Amalaki | Amaranth | American Beech | American Cranesbill | American Ginseng | American Nightshade | American Poplar | Amlika | | Anise | Anthemis | Apricot | Arjuna | Arka | Arnica | Asafetida | Ashoka | Asthma Weed | Astragalus | Atibala | Atmagupta | Autumn Crocus

B - Balm | Balsam Fir | Barberry | Bayberry | Bay Leaf | Bergamot | Bilberry | Birch | Bitter Melon | Black Cohosh | Blessed Thistle | Blueberry | Blue Cohosh | Blue Flag | Blue Violet | Boldo | Boneset | Borage | Buchu | Bugleweed | Burdock | Butternut | Babchis | Bahupatra | Bala | Balmonys | Balsam Weed | Bamieh | Barley | Bearded Darnel | Bear's Foot | Bear's Garlic | Beccabunga | Bel | Belladonna | Bennet | Beth Root | Bird's Tongue | Bistort | Bitter Ash | Bitterroot | Bittersweet | Black Alder | Blackberry | Black Birch | Black Horehound | Black Pepper | Black Root | Black Sampson | Black Sanicle | Blackwort | Blood Root | Bobea | Bogbean | Bonmethi | Bridewort | Brier Hip | Broom | Bugle | Butcher's Broom

C - Cajeput | California Poppy | Caraway | Cascara Sagrada | Catmint | Cedarwood | Celery | Centaury | Chamomile | Chaste Tree | Chervil | Chickweed | Chicory | Chive | Cinnamon | Clary Sage | Cleavers | Clove | Coltsfoot | Common Wormwood | Coriander | Cornsilk | Costmary | Cranberry | Cubeb | Cumin | Cypress | Caner root | Canker Root | Carob | Carpenters Square | Case Wort | Cat's Claw | Cat's Foot | Chirayata | Chitra | Cinquefoil | Cobra's Saffron | Cola | Collard | Common Buckthorn | Common Rue | Convallaria | Coral root | Costus | Couchgrass | Cramp Bark | Curdwort

D - Damiana | Dandelion | Devil's Claw | Dill | Dong Quai

E - Echinacea | Elder | Ephedra | Eucalyptus Globules | Eleuthero | Evening Primrose

F - False Unicorn | Fennel | Fenugreek | Feverfew | Fo-ti-tieng | incense

G - Garcinia Cambogia | Gardenia | Garlic | Geranium | Ginger | Ginkgo Biloba | Ginseng | Goji Berry | Golden Seal | Gotu Kola | Grapefruit | Guarana

H - Hawthorn | Hops | Horehound | Horsetail | Hydrangea | Hyssop | Horse Chestnut

J - Jaman | Jasmine | Jojoba | Juniperus

K - Kava Kava | Kelp

L - Lavender | Lemon | Lemon Balm | Licorice Root | Liferoot | Lime | Lovage

M - Mandarin | Marjoram | Marsh Mallow | Milk Thistle | Mistletoe | Motherwort | Mugwort | Mullein | Mustard | Myrhh

N - Neroli | Nettles | Nutmeg

O - Oak | Oats | Onion | Oregano | Oregon Grape Root

P - Palmarosa | Parsley | Partridge Berry | Passion Flower | Patchouli | Pau D'arco | Pennyroyal | Peppermint | Periwinkle | Pine | Plantain | Pleurisy Root | Poke Root | Portulaca | Prickly Ash | Prince's Pine | Psoralea Seeds | Psyllium

R - Ragwort | Red Clover | Red Raspberry | Reishi | Rosemary | Rosewood

S - Safflower | Saffron | Sage | Sassafras | Saw Palmetto | Sea Buckthorn | Seawrack | Senecio Vulgaris | Senna | Seasame | Sheep's Sorrel | Shepherd's Purse | Siberian Ginseng | Skullcap | Slippery Elm | 's Seal | Southernwood | Spearmint | Spirulina | Spruce | Stevia | Stinging Nettle | St. 's Wort | Summer Savory | Sarpa-Gandha | Shiitake | Silverweed

T - Tansy | Tarragon | Tea Tree | Thyme | Tribulus Terrestris | Turmeric

U - Uva Ursi

V - Valerian | Verbena | Vitex

W - White Peony Root | White Poppy | Wild Carrot | Wild Cherry | Wild Yam | Willow | Wintergreen | Winter Savory | Witch Hazel | Wood Betony | Woodruff | White Water Lily

Y - Yarrow | Yellow Dock | Yerba Santa | Ylang Ylang | Yohimbe | Yucca | Yellow Gentian

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