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Reminder of Free Call Tonight

Tonight (Monday September 8th) I hold a free call on the foundational principles of the Habit of Attraction process and how just knowing those can enhance your manifesting abilities. I'll also share details on the next HOA 11-week workshop starting next Tuesday. Here's the dial-in info for the call:

Dial-In Number: 712-432-1600

Access Code: 804058#

When? Monday September 8th at 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Are YOU the next Messenger Mini-Book Author?

Over the next couple of months I will be highlighting dozens of Messenger Mini-Book authors and their books from our first Mini-Book workshop. I never imagined the quality of authors and messages that are coming out of this program. Soon you will see what I mean! (www.MessengerMiniBooks.com)

The next workshop starts in November and we are offering an early registration opportunity. If you register by October 1st, you will join all early registrants in a

4-week pre-workshop email course to prepare you for this amazing adventure. This course happens automatically, starting on October 1st and will be delivered to you via email. Make sure you register for the next program by October 1st to get this course.

We have added 30 more days to this workshop to fit in all the amazing value we have created in it. I have the link to the workshop below but I suggest you check out what SOME our past participants have shared with us about their mini-book workshop experience (see below). Have a great day!


This Messenger Mini book Program with have helped me inmensely to put together all the information and organize it in the form of a book easily and effortlessly. In this program takes you from the desire of writing a book through the entire creative process guiding you on how you can graciously manifest your message and allow it to flow from your heart to the paper.

has a unique, beautiful and powerful ability to help you gain clarity, awareness and disolve any blockages you may subconsciously have that keep you away of fulfilling your dream of being a published author. He is dynamic, excellent coach and I guarantee you will be more than satisfy by taking this MiniBook Program with him.

~ Johan A.

I am very grateful for all the people I have met, the incredible dedication of the person who leads the workshop and his team who are willing to help everyone to be successful on each step of the book. I feel more connected and empowered. No need to travel far, I could do it from your home and will love to do it again.

~ a Christener

I had written most of my book when I started the program but I still had a few sticky points and after the first call that I actually called in, the group energy felt tremendous and that week I solved my sticky areas and felt enriched in my life through the process. Thank you for creating this program, its a great help both in enriching life and helping authors to be on their way in their career.

~ Martha

You are the answer to the notes I left for the universe here and there. I had given up on writing " my book " which I had been planning all my life. Just thinking about sending manuscripts and having them rejected was defeating. And sending them to whom? I had no idea. I had so many ghosts, like: There is so much written about this, nobody is going to be interested, I'm not good enough, Etc. Etc. Add the complications involved in something I have never done before like editing, and the cost! I want you to know that my mini-book has a structure now. I see a clear path all the way to marketing. I love the calls, it is like re-charging my batteries and I know I'm going to find more answers on every call. I feel like I belong to a club of soul mates. There is always someone with the right thought for me. I hope one day we'll all meet and have a face to face celebration. I am excited and overwhelmed by the response of the universe with such a clear and strong voice.

~ Beatriz

The Messenger Mini Book program has been one of the most exciting and rewarding processes I have ever been a part of. I have always loved creative writing and often felt the pull to write for publication. But being an amateur writer, it all seemed too overwhelming. has taken great pains and put countless hours and attention into making this process easy and affordable.

~ Vec Talarico

Being in the Messenger Mini Book program has been such a delight. Writing can be a lonely adventure. Then once the book is written, there are so many details to handle. 's program handles both of those obstacles which often keep great writers from bringing their expression to life. The Messenger Mini Book, i.e., and friends, program provides tireless support. And every detail from ISBN number to photos for your cover is handled with ease. If that were all you got, you've have won big. But that is not even close to what offers as part of his program. You see he has an interactive journal system that goes along with your book. So you are not just selling a book, you are selling a class. And if that is still not enough, he brings his marketing expertise to the table and overwhelms you with his constant stream of ideas for getting your work into the hands of devoted readers. And, what has been so moving and inspiring to me is 's giving spirit. That alone is worth the price of admission. He asks everyday, " how can I give more value. " You just don't find people like that much anymore. His wonderful habit has been very contagious and has brought joy and success into my life in many ways other than writing. Thank you seems inadequate when one gives so much. So thank you, thank you, thank you.....

~ Eck

I have to say that this experience with the Messenger Mini-Book Project has been one of the most outstanding, value packed, detailed workshop I have ever attended. There has been a near perfect blend of being open and fluid to the creative juices that flow through from Spirit and the structure and organization that is necessary and required to stay focused and make steady progress in manifesting my desire to bring my mini-book to life - REAL LIFE - not just the book of my imagination. Every step of the way I have felt supported and connected to the collective energy of the group. It has been an extraordinary journey and I'm incredibly grateful that you and the Messenger Network Team showed up in my world exactly on time for this Cosmic Date. To be able to share my message multi-dimensionally both as a physical book and as an online experience for my readers makes me feel incredibly blessed! I LOVE the Messenger Network and I would recommend this program to anyone who has ever carried the dream of being an author deep in their hearts - this is the WAY to making that dream come true. What an Adventure! What a Gift!

~ Amethyst Wyldfyre

There are a dozen more great stories.

We'll share them with you later.

Check out the program at www.90dayauthor.com

Join before October 1st and get a big jump start with the email course.

You are receiving this email because you have signed up for a product or service at a Pass Along or Messenger Network website, which can be one of a dozen different sites. To see a list of Messenger Network websites, one that you may be a part of, please click here.

2305C Ashland St, Ashland, Oregon 97520, USA

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-- " Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. " Rabindranath TagoreDownload Our Toolbar:http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com

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