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In a message dated 10/28/2004 7:33:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

wolfiebear@... writes:

> DO the thin eyebrows ever grow back after supplementation with Armour?


yes. i have read hair and skin takes about 6 months to really get better. I

noticed my eyebrows were filling back in probably around the 4th or 5th month

of treatment.


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In a message dated 10/28/2004 10:33:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

wolfiebear@... writes:

> Did you lose most of your pubic hair too?


yes. I thought it was just aging. I was wrong. Armour has restored that

too. :)


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I suspect the Armour is helping but not fully doing the job. (My blood tests

have been fine for thyroid - most medical doctors ty to take me off of it,

but the minute I am off thryroid my periods stop and vice versa. I KNOW I

need it. I have all the typical symptoms. Bioenergetically tested, I need

it hands down.

But if after 3 1/2 years of treatment they don't come back, then what?

Then again, I just got the dosage upped about 3 months ago.

Did you lose most of your pubic hair too?


PS - By the way, HI! I AM NEW TO THIS GROUP!


.....but have been on Armour for on 10/28/04 4:35 PM, nc2406@... at

nc2406@... wrote:

In a message dated 10/28/2004 7:33:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

wolfiebear@... writes:

> DO the thin eyebrows ever grow back after supplementation with Armour?


yes. i have read hair and skin takes about 6 months to really get better. I

noticed my eyebrows were filling back in probably around the 4th or 5th


of treatment.


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Wow! Nice to know. I always felt kind've embarrassed about that.


on 10/28/04 7:42 PM, nc2406@... at nc2406@... wrote:

In a message dated 10/28/2004 10:33:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

wolfiebear@... writes:

> Did you lose most of your pubic hair too?


yes. I thought it was just aging. I was wrong. Armour has restored that

too. :)


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I don't know, but I hope not, as I like them now for the first time in my

life. I inherited my father's very bushy eyebrows and always had to tweeze

them, which HURTS! A few days ago I was rereading the report from the

last endo I went to, and he mentioned I didn't have thin eyebrows. Did he

bother to ask me how they USED to look ? Jerk. ...joan

I am new here.

DO the thin eyebrows ever grow back after supplementation with Armour?


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So the eyebrows don't really come back?

Is that what I am hearing?

I ahve almost nothing up there and have to rely on mascara to pick up the

trace hairs that are there.


on 10/28/04 11:38 PM, sandy at starz@... wrote:

I too, used to have bushy eyebrows many moon's ago. I noticed one day that

I no longer had to have my eyebrows waxed, or plucked. The outter third of

mine didn't disappear, they just quit growing? I can't say when it

changed, but it's been so long ago, I honestly can't remember. It was

sometime in between both my boys who are 10 1/2 yrs apart or even earlier

than that. I didn't learn that most of us who were diagnosed with

hyperT/Graves, which I had, in late 2001, usually meant we were already

hypoT but had no diagnosis. I found that fascinating, but it explained so

much to me about how badly I'd felt for a good number of years. I'd say

even longer than I thought possible. I do know that I started having

tinnitus when my oldest son, who's turning 29 in Feb, was in the first

grade. That is also when I started gaining weight and couldn't seem to lose

it. I even went to an Endo to see if it was indeed thyroid related, but I

got the standard " normal " pep talk and was sent home. lol. Geeze, I really

hate that word " normal " .



I don't know, but I hope not, as I like them now for the first time in my

life. I inherited my father's very bushy eyebrows and always had to


them, which HURTS! A few days ago I was rereading the report from the

last endo I went to, and he mentioned I didn't have thin eyebrows. Did he

bother to ask me how they USED to look ? Jerk. ...joan

I am new here.

DO the thin eyebrows ever grow back after supplementation with Armour?


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I too, used to have bushy eyebrows many moon's ago. I noticed one day that I no

longer had to have my eyebrows waxed, or plucked. The outter third of mine

didn't disappear, they just quit growing? I can't say when it changed, but

it's been so long ago, I honestly can't remember. It was sometime in between

both my boys who are 10 1/2 yrs apart or even earlier than that. I didn't learn

that most of us who were diagnosed with hyperT/Graves, which I had, in late

2001, usually meant we were already hypoT but had no diagnosis. I found that

fascinating, but it explained so much to me about how badly I'd felt for a good

number of years. I'd say even longer than I thought possible. I do know that I

started having tinnitus when my oldest son, who's turning 29 in Feb, was in the

first grade. That is also when I started gaining weight and couldn't seem to

lose it. I even went to an Endo to see if it was indeed thyroid related, but I

got the standard " normal " pep talk and was sent home. lol. Geeze, I really

hate that word " normal " .



I don't know, but I hope not, as I like them now for the first time in my

life. I inherited my father's very bushy eyebrows and always had to tweeze

them, which HURTS! A few days ago I was rereading the report from the

last endo I went to, and he mentioned I didn't have thin eyebrows. Did he

bother to ask me how they USED to look ? Jerk. ...joan

I am new here.

DO the thin eyebrows ever grow back after supplementation with Armour?


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Oh, that's great news!!!! It would be wonderful to have whole, instead of l/2

eyebrows again. I feel naked if I go out without drawing on the outter l/2 of

my brows. Been doing that since about age 30 as I recall. Must have had thyroid

problems way back then & have only been on Synthroid for about 5 years as tested

or treated by doctors. My, my how efficient & thorough my doctors all were.

Yeah, right!!



yes. i have read hair and skin takes about 6 months to really get better. I

noticed my eyebrows were filling back in probably around the 4th or 5th month

of treatment.


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Really???? I'm amazed. That would be a miracle for me at my age. This I gotta




In a message dated 10/28/2004 10:33:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

wolfiebear@... writes:

> Did you lose most of your pubic hair too?

yes. I thought it was just aging. I was wrong. Armour has restored that

too. :)


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Ingrid Mager wrote:

>So the eyebrows don't really come back?

>Is that what I am hearing?

>I ahve almost nothing up there and have to rely on mascara to pick up the

>trace hairs that are there.



My eyebrows have come back -or rather are starting to come back but

since they are in my pre adrenal problems light blonde hair colour they

are practically transparent.








new work uploaded


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Mine are coming back a bit


>Reply-To: NaturalThyroidHormones

>To: <NaturalThyroidHormones >

>Subject: Re: EYEBOROWS

>Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 23:06:01 -0700

>So the eyebrows don't really come back?

Is that what I am hearing?

I ahve almost nothing up there and have to rely on mascara to pick up the

trace hairs that are there.


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I've been on what I consider to be a proper dose for several months now, and

I'm still waiting. I think that this has something to do with our missing

testosterone and/or estrogens (?) myself. We have a tendency to be missing

more of our little bit of male hormone a whole lot faster than other women.

I guess it would depend on which body parts or systems were more affected

from one person to another. I shave off all 5 leg hairs also, every now and

then, plus the pubic hair is missing, for the most part. I think it's more

of a testosterone thing.



> In a message dated 10/28/2004 7:33:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> wolfiebear@... writes:


> > DO the thin eyebrows ever grow back after supplementation with Armour?

> >


> yes. i have read hair and skin takes about 6 months to really get better.


> noticed my eyebrows were filling back in probably around the 4th or 5th


> of treatment.

> Cindi

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And I hate having to pencil them in so much because they just don't look as

real, huh?



> So the eyebrows don't really come back?

> Is that what I am hearing?

> I ahve almost nothing up there and have to rely on mascara to pick up the

> trace hairs that are there.

> ~inga

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Must be male hormone related for hair growth, yes..makes sense. I have no need

to shave anywhere anymore. There's nothing left to shave off. Maybe under my

arms a bit is all. But at my age & not married or having any intimate

relationships, why bother? So I don't.



I've been on what I consider to be a proper dose for several months now, and

I'm still waiting. I think that this has something to do with our missing

testosterone and/or estrogens (?) myself. We have a tendency to be missing

more of our little bit of male hormone a whole lot faster than other women.

I guess it would depend on which body parts or systems were more affected

from one person to another. I shave off all 5 leg hairs also, every now and

then, plus the pubic hair is missing, for the most part. I think it's more

of a testosterone thing.

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I use mascara on top of a real light pencillng. Makes for a pretty darn

natural look...picks up the little peach fuzz hairs for me.

I am dark blonde and use a cheap pencil from " Wet n Wild " (Blonde) and then

use a DRY brown mascara brush...dark brown or black is okay too..just gives

a MUCH more natural and better look than a pencil or powder brow liner job.


on 10/30/04 4:47 PM, at marin@... wrote:

And I hate having to pencil them in so much because they just don't look as

real, huh?



> So the eyebrows don't really come back?

> Is that what I am hearing?

> I ahve almost nothing up there and have to rely on mascara to pick up the

> trace hairs that are there.

> ~inga

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Hehe, I know whatcha mean Caroline. I shave off all 5 hairs on my legs

every now and then, if I'm going to be wearing shorts downtown, lol!



> Must be male hormone related for hair growth, yes..makes sense. I have no

need to shave anywhere anymore. There's nothing left to shave off. Maybe

under my arms a bit is all. But at my age & not married or having any

intimate relationships, why bother? So I don't.

> Caroline

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Trouble with mine is that there aren't any little outer hairs on the outer

third to catch the color, so it has to literally be pencilled in, if I even

wear any makeup at all. It just makes me sick because I feel like it is the

eyebrows that give the eyes their expression, and I had always had these

thick full eyebrows. Within a couple of yrs, starting about 3 yrs ago, I

suddenly no longer had to tweeze. Then it got worse.



> I use mascara on top of a real light pencillng. Makes for a pretty darn

> natural look...picks up the little peach fuzz hairs for me.

> I am dark blonde and use a cheap pencil from " Wet n Wild " (Blonde) and


> use a DRY brown mascara brush...dark brown or black is okay too..just


> a MUCH more natural and better look than a pencil or powder brow liner





> ~Inga

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With my skinny legs I never wear shorts downtown or even in my own home or

neighborhood. LOL! So no need to shave there either, even if there hairs on my

legs anymore which there aren't. I don't miss 'em one iota either.



Hehe, I know whatcha mean Caroline. I shave off all 5 hairs on my legs

every now and then, if I'm going to be wearing shorts downtown, lol!

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Sorry to hear that about your eye brows and that you can't even use mascara

.. I really don't have anything at the outer edges either, but can still get

some extra oompf with mascara.

Ah, vanity....but I agree that what you say about eyebrows and expresison.

My worst problem is severe mercury poisoning...I am lucky t o even be alive

at this point.

I joined this site becasue I wonder if maybe the thyroid supplementation is

not doing quite what it needs to and wonder what tips I might pick up.

I take three grains now.

Last year, when I got real ill, when they tested me bioenergetically. she

said that my body wasn't even using the thyroid I was taking anyway....

Anybody have any input on how to get the body to use the thyroid?

Does anybody do basal temperature testing to see how things are ogn?


on 10/31/04 2:33 PM, at marin@... wrote:

Trouble with mine is that there aren't any little outer hairs on the outer

third to catch the color, so it has to literally be pencilled in, if I even

wear any makeup at all. It just makes me sick because I feel like it is the

eyebrows that give the eyes their expression, and I had always had these

thick full eyebrows. Within a couple of yrs, starting about 3 yrs ago, I

suddenly no longer had to tweeze. Then it got worse.



> I use mascara on top of a real light pencillng. Makes for a pretty darn

> natural look...picks up the little peach fuzz hairs for me.

> I am dark blonde and use a cheap pencil from " Wet n Wild " (Blonde) and


> use a DRY brown mascara brush...dark brown or black is okay too..just


> a MUCH more natural and better look than a pencil or powder brow liner





> ~Inga

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>>Anybody have any input on how to get the body to use the thyroid?

Does anybody do basal temperature testing to see how things are ogn?<<

YES, lots of T3. I did not even begin to feel like I was getting thyroid

till I added in some pure Cytomel to the Armour. I also have adjusted my

dosages with body temps, and find it to be very accurate. I am now holding a

98.3-4 average but I started around 95.5 to 96 average. On 4.5 grains Armour

I was still floundering in hypoland big time, but then I added in 25 MCG

Cytomel and both the way I felt and the temps started coming up. I am now on

a huge dose of 7 grains Armour and 37.5 mcg Cytomel, but so far I am feeling

pretty good on this dosage. My problem seems to be resistance as I am sure

you would have as well.

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



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In a message dated 11/1/2004 8:05:48 PM Eastern Standard Time,

MamaMaha@... writes:


> I just talked to a friend who said her cardiologist warned against taking

> high doses when self-medicating with thyroid supplements. She said some people

> who've been self-medicating for a long time have been getting heart trouble

> from doing so.


yea...and some of us...like me..have heart trouble because doctors wouldn't

treat for years and years. So I'll take my chances.


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I just talked to a friend who said her cardiologist warned against taking high

doses when self-medicating with thyroid supplements. She said some people who've

been self-medicating for a long time have been getting heart trouble from doing


She said that taking more & more thyroid hormone is like being on Speed or any

other type of drug because people feel so good on it they keep taking more &

more to feel even better

I asked her what about treating symptoms that go away when self-medicating but

don't on the lower doses or with just the Synthroid & such the doctors tests for

& prescribe? . She didn't comment on the eradication of symptoms but kept

referring to what her cardiologist said. So take that for what it's worth.



>>Anybody have any input on how to get the body to use the thyroid?

Does anybody do basal temperature testing to see how things are ogn?<<

YES, lots of T3. I did not even begin to feel like I was getting thyroid

till I added in some pure Cytomel to the Armour. I also have adjusted my

dosages with body temps, and find it to be very accurate. I am now holding a

98.3-4 average but I started around 95.5 to 96 average. On 4.5 grains Armour

I was still floundering in hypoland big time, but then I added in 25 MCG

Cytomel and both the way I felt and the temps started coming up. I am now on

a huge dose of 7 grains Armour and 37.5 mcg Cytomel, but so far I am feeling

pretty good on this dosage. My problem seems to be resistance as I am sure

you would have as well.

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>>referring to what her cardiologist said. So take that for what it's


Well listening to doctors I would probably be dead or wheelchair bound right

now. I have NEVER read anywhere about high thyroid dosages causing heart

trouble if they are replacement dosages. This is just more of the scare

tactics doctors use to keep us afraid to treat ourselves and filling their

pockets. It was a doctor that told me my heart rate of 60 BPM was " athlete's

pulse " when I was 32 years old and weighed 240 pounds t 5' 1 " . now I think

the low thyroid did more to injure my heart than all the replacement

hormones I take now.

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



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