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Re: why I am here?

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Hi Traci,

Welcome. So glad you are here. We also have an ascension group at .ning just in case you are interested. http://.ning.com/group/Ascensionsymptomssupportgroup

What is Ascension? The Pathway To Your Next ConsciousnessBy Terry MA. CHt.Spiritual Awakening CenterWhat Does Ascension MeanHow does it affect your life?Most think that they must die to ascend. You need not die physically, butrather die and "let go" of the 3rd dimensional way of thinking as you Ascendinto the 4th and 5th dimensional level of consciousness. This is the "Alphaand Omega", death of the old and birth of the new. Raising your heartconsciousness allows you to enter into a higher vibrational way of living.All of you have been in all three dimensions throughout your lives, but fewhave stabilized themselves enough to live completely in the 4th or 5thdimension. Let me explain what these dimensions are and what they feel likeas you enter this new paradigm of thought / feeling.The Third DimensionHere you experience the polarity of right and wrong dramas living in your3rd dimensional life. All angers and vulnerabilities are life's lessons thatmust be experienced, resolved and released, in order to gain the energy usedby your emotions (use the resolved energy of your emotions or it will useyou). The 3rd dimensional world needs to keep a balance of positive andnegative charges in order to keep that dimension balanced. It might belikened to a car battery where the negative pole is just as important as thepositive pole to continue working. It's interesting that the negative poleof the battery pulls its charge from the negative body of the car. You toohave that negative base charge where your lessons and blockages are derived.Entering the Fourth DimensionYou need to stay in the positive portion of yourself as you resolve andtransmute those negative blockages and add those energies to your positivecharge. This is the cleansing period of leaving one level of consciousnessand entering into the next. When you resolve your blockages and lessons, thenegative charges will no longer exist and thus the 3rd dimensional worlddisappears and you shift into the 4th dimension consciously stabilizing,becoming not balanced, but rather becoming that balanced individual. Manyfeel stuck at this point as they cross the bridge of transformation andexperience a rebirth into the next level of consciousness."Shift of the Ages"This is the period of cleansing and challenges of all 3rd dimensionalbeliefs and thoughts. You enter a level of feeling and thinking from yourheart/soul and use your brain/ ego only to analysis what you are feeling.You begin living those feelings from your heart instead of your brain. Youwill then be released from the need for attachments, keeping what you ownand appreciating the world with a 4th dimensional way of seeing and living.Problems will become challenges for growth without attachments. Feeling fromyour heart, without expectations, allows you to feel the experiences and thewisdom of your journey, as you become conscious of yourself as your soul. Itis the experience felt and realized that produces growth, not the results.As you apply your knowledge within the 3rd dimension world, you thenhopefully gain the wisdom of that knowledge experienced, the consciousnessof your soul.Living In the Fourth DimensionHere the other half of your life begins. Everything is brighter, a life withchallenges and not problems, no anxieties nor depression. Here the 3rddimensional Earth Master (ego) is mastered as angers and dramas drop away.You begin to experience unconditional love of your soul and not the ego selfof your 3rd dimensional life. Many people do and give loving acts and thankGod for this. But, you must love yourself first before you can share thatsoul love with others. This is the love from your heart and soul thatchanges your self, those close to you and the world at large. This sharingof yourself on the soul level is the energy that is now about to change ourworld. We are all equal as we are all "made in the image of". Thus we areall of the same source, even those that are younger souls still creatingdestructive acts. We are all a small and whole portion of God, our Souls.The only difference is the level of conscious wisdom experienced by yoursoul. You will then begin living in this world, without being attached toit. It has been said that "you need to live in this world but not of it".Example: I saw a crowd of birds on a phone line and could just imagine whatthey could be thinking. As they watched from above, what are all thosepeople doing and running around for? Those birds are in our world but not ofit. You need to appreciate this world, but not be attached to it as you liveyour purpose. You came down here as a spiritual being to experience and gainthe wisdom of your God-Self. So many people have forgotten their purpose asthey enter the physical world and have become distracted from their higherpurpose. All your earthly dramas are only exercises in the 3rd dimensionalworld as the way to gain the wisdom of your lessons you have contracted for.You are not who you think you are, but rather who you are as your soul. Youlive only one life of the soul with many different reflections of your soulas you reincarnate each life time.The Fifth DimensionThis shift is known as "Christ Consciousness" , the world of manifestation.You have experienced manifestation in the 3rd dimensional world and now youbegin manifesting your soul in the 4th dimension as you journey on into the5th dimension of Christ Consciousness. This is the Christ level that wasconscious within all the Great Messiahs that is now opening within your DNAthrough the energy of the Aquarian Age.There will be a great shift in 2012 as the critical mass of people enter andlive the new perception within the 4th dimension and start becoming aconscious part of the 5th dimensional world of living. Here you havemanifested all your wisdom from within your soul from the 4th dimension andnow begin manifesting all that you need as you're full God-Self.Aquarian Age EnergyThere are 12 constellations we call the Zodiacs and those energies affectour Earth allowing us to shift into higher conscious energies. The PisceanAge was an energy that provided the ability to learn right from wrong(polarities) . Now the energy of the Aquarian Age is releasing thosepolarities as you start becoming your conscious soul. You know how the moonaffects our oceans, animals and the minds of Man on the full moon, how muchgreater is the energy flowing in from a great constellation affect how welive and function on this planet? This is not the future, it is here now!Prepare yourself for adaptation into the next world of consciousness.Remember, if you feel from your heart from readings or teachings, you can'tfeel it unless you already have it. Follow your heart, for living isknowing, not believing. In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl(translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Libraryvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne Sunshower

In a message dated 8/25/2008 11:50:20 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, morningdoverising@... writes:

Greetings all,I am fairly new...its been about 2 weeks I think. I posted a couple of brief emails, but hadn't introduced myself.This group is amazing! I found it quite by accident a couple of weeks ago when I stumbled onto a site about ascension. I got there because I have recently been obsessed with planting a garden (something I have no history of aspiring to). As I started to research gardening I found a website that told you how to plant self fertilizing gardens....this was just one page on the aforementioned ascension site. Well, as a person who has for years been aspiring to become "enlightened" and who has done extensive work in meditation, self realization, and read tons of "new age" (as in Eckhart Tolle, the Hicks, Choquette, Colette Baron Reid, etc....) books....amazingly....somehow the topic entitled "Ascension" has never really presented itself to me...at least not by that name....or at least it never caught my attention. But since finding the website 2 weeks ago and reading quite a bit of it, I have had it presented to me repeatedly in several different arenas and by totally unrelated folks. Its been amazing. So the way I found you all, was that someone from this group posted somewhere that I found myself as a result of the "ascension" journey, that this was an amazing group to belong to. Now I am not a person with a lot of free time on my hands, and I don't usually just jump in and join new groups, but I did. Just like that...no questions asked. (I want to thank which ever of you led me here!) At first I felt a bit overwhelmed by the amount of email this group generated in my mailbox, but as I have read through it all these past 2 weeks, I have been given many gifts. Not only in needed information, but in a feeling of belonging to something much bigger than myself. I have always wanted to be a "healer." In fact, a few years ago while attending a "finding your soul's purpose" workshop, I just knew that healing was in my future. Not sure though of how it would manifest. Through the course work done in that workshop, I started a career as a personal organizer (a natural talent of mine) when others pointed out that I would be healing people's space and the energy surrounding them. BINGO! So now, I feel another layer of opportunity to heal has been added. I have sent out light and love to all who have requested it here in these past 2 weeks.So thank you one and all. I look forward to learning, sharing, giving and receiving much here.Blessings,Traci (aka Dove) It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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