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why I am here? ( Traci)

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Hello dear! How amazing your post is! When we started the discussion about why people joined Humanity Healing, I had my heart on my throat for a couple of hours.When we created this group, the original idea was to connect a "living Grid" of like minded People, common people that could send collective energy and healing to the diverse situation, regions or challenges we may face as Human race.The integration and the approach of Knowledge and Healing appears to us to be the best to assist people on this Journey of Transformation we are all in.The main philosophy of this group is the one of the wounded healer: I understand you and I feel compelled to help you from a place of identity, empathy, not sympathy. Sympathy always imply the concept of one being as superior then others. We are all equals here. I litterally feel your pain so I understand from where you are coming from . One of the things I most enjoy about this group is the atmosphere of familiarity, and for the first time, in my life inside of many groups, I feel the sense of "belonging" being widely spread and exercised: Sure we complain at each other, we pick on each other, but we really are here to help on the extension of our personal abilities( meaning time, availability and general conditions). I appreciate very much your input and I want also to acknowledge the many other inputs we have been having here, Sometimes I do not post right after one post , because I do not want to make the board busy just with my posts. One thing I learned in running Other groups is , sometimes when the board is too busy, people feel less compelled to ask for help. They feel shy and sometimes they are afraid to interrupt a tread or a line of discussion. If you , my friend are in one of those predicaments, do not be shy, send me a private e-mail and I will redirect your request to the prayers and Healing grids, you are family.Remember , we are never Alone Much love and peace to allLiane

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