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What is up with Planet Earth/ energy alert Preparing for the Solstice

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Greetings! The

re-connection is finally coming! What a wild and seemingly

unpredictable ride we have been on, but if we can understand what is

indeed occurring, it can all make sense. Things are proceeding right on

track as we continued making our way up the spiritual evolutionary



more and more of the masses become involved in the process, the stages

still repeat themselves over and over, but with much more of an impact

now as so much more has been embraced and engulfed within higher

vibrating energies. And in addition, the higher we vibrate, the more

intense and magnified every movement and shift becomes.


this process really began in earnest around 2000, there were but a few

in the forefront having the many experiences that the ascension process

creates. With each succeeding phase, more and more souls get on board

and thus, we become closer and closer to creating heaven on Earth and a

planet which becomes closer and closer to the visions most of us embody

as the beautiful new Earth we knew it would eventually become.


where are we now and what is on the very near horizon? The solstice of

June 21st will pack a very powerful punch, but why will this be, what

will it create, and how did we get here in the first place?

From January to Now


we arrived fully at the next level or dimension (the end of March), we

then began to experience manifestations of residing in a higher

vibration. The loss of our normal boundaries was the most pronounced.

This created in many, experiences of having our boundaries

disrespected, of feeling a sense of danger or perhaps a feeling of not

being safe, and of feeling bare, naked, and vulnerable.

The higher we vibrate, the less density surrounds us within and without, and a loss of boundaries is very common.


common manifestation for many was re-connecting or coming into contact

with individuals we had not seen for awhile, of family re-unions and

old connections re-surfacing. This was because when we reach the “other

side,†we connect with the best parts of our loved ones, brothers and

sisters, and those with whom we shared past connections. If not

occurring in a physical manifestation, some had this experience in

their dream state.


cold with an inability to get warm is another manifestation of

transitioning from one dimension or vibration into another…or in other

words, going through a shift. Weeping for the loss of the old, or the

energies of what can no longer exist in a higher vibration, occurred as

well, even if many did not consciously know why they were feeling so

emotional. Feeling as if one was having a meltdown is also a frequent

occurrence of the ascension process, as so much of us begins to open,

leave, and come apart during these times.


also began to vibrate higher and thus to come to the higher vibrating

awareness that we cannot save another or even save the planet. When we

attempt to go where others are, or to a lower vibrating space, we have

to drop down ourselves, and this we can only do for certain amounts of

time. We need not “drop down†anymore, as it is now time for many to

“come up.â€


this brings us to where we are now. We need to pull out and allow for

the energies which need to experience an awakening and a change to have

the opportunity to get to this place on their own. If we continue to go

where they are, attempting to hold them up and support them, we will

only be robbing them of their opportunity to hit rock bottom, to then

ask for change, to try something different, to come to a new awareness

on their own, to ask for assistance, and most importantly to be willing to listen and embrace a very new way.


and over through the years of writing these energy alerts I have

received criticism, anger, resistance, and “correction†from some who

are not yet ready or who have not yet had an experience of residing in

a higher dimension. They are simply viewing things from a filter of an

old 3D reality. Holding on to these old filters can greatly slow us up

now. And this will become very evident for the many masses which will

arrive on our heels.


I have said so many, many times….residing in a higher dimension is not

what we thought it would be. It is quite different than our old 3D

minds could wrap themselves around. Over and over I am invited to

connect with those practicing old 3D perceptions of spirituality and

New Age thought and I am unable to participate. There is much un-doing

which needs to occur and as we vibrate higher and higher, we will need

to be ready to show others who are now willing to let go, a new and

higher vibrating way of being and perceiving.


discomfort that the ascension process creates is designed to allow

souls to be willing to open up to something new. To realize that what

they thought was real, simply was not. To be willing to let go of the

reigns and to allow for help. advice, and perhaps a trust in someone or

something that has been to new and higher vibrating places.


is what the ascension process creates….a breaking down and releasing of

much. And through this breaking down, we then connect more fully to the

higher ways of a higher vibrating reality. If we rush in and attempt to

save everything before it has a chance to arrive at its own point of

giving up and opening to something new, we will only impede the process

of the fall. And the fall is a vitally important step on the ascension



enters the summer solstice of 2008. Our boundaries have lessened, the

veil has become thinner, and within this process many have been taken

advantage of for their kindness, consideration, love and supporting

ways which exist in a higher reality.


ways are inherent in most lightbearers, and it can thus be difficult

not to utilize them in a lower vibrating reality. In a higher vibrating

reality, these traits are embodied by all, and there is then in

existence a wonderful balance of give and take, with each soul

contributing in equal amounts to create a whole in total and beautiful

balance. But we are not quite there yet.


solstice will accomplish much and change this to a degree. And it will

accomplish much by the shear fact of its existence. Whatever is

currently occurring on the planet will be affected in whatever way it

is vibrating. (More on this further along in this energy alert.)


went through a period of “waiting†for as many souls as possible to get

on board beginning in January of 2008. Many we very ready to move

forward, but we wanted to ensure that as many as possible had an

opportunity to make their decisions as to where they chose to be in

regard to moving into the higher realms or not. The waiting period was

frustrating at times, but necessary.


there has been enough time. So then, those who have not yet awakened or

made their choices to get out of the greed mentality, are not yet

willing to embrace unity and the whole, are not yet aware of others

around them, and not quite ready to love and respect their brothers and

sisters, will get one big whollop and wake-up call with the advent of

the summer solstice.


those who have been more than ready, perhaps feeling frustrated and

extremely disappointed in how things have been unfolding…perhaps

wanting to leave this earth and go home, and perhaps wondering if the

darkness will ever leave, they will receive their just rewards of miracles and beauty beyond imagination.


suppose this sounds oddly Biblical or wrathful, but this is not the

case at all. This is not about judgment or punishment, it is not a

biblical-type prophesy, but simply about energy and how it operates.

There is no right or wrong, good or bad, but only the relationship of

energies to energies. The big event of the solstice of June 21 will

involve the arrival of a much higher vibrating energy, and what it

creates will simply signify what is in alignment with it and what is


The Summer Solstice of June 21


energy of June 21 will arrive from within the earth herself. And even

before the 21st, we will experience a window of energy beginning around

mid-June which will continue until a day or two after the solstice



down at the core of the earth resides an energy which has not been

utilized or released for eons of time. It has resided there undisturbed

until the right time. The right time is now, as the frequency is at a

point which is signaling that it is now safe and now time for this

higher vibrating force to arrive fully on the planet Earth. The

solstice will serve to activate it.


higher vibrating energies are arriving now much more from within than

from without. They are coming from within each and every one of us and

from within the earth herself. And this is why we are now approaching

the time for unity and community. We are sustaining ourselves much more

than ever before as we are embodying much more higher vibrating energy



high gas prices here in the US are greatly encouraging this process.

Families are wanting to be closer together. We will be wanting to

support one another more than ever before. This is simply the process

of returning to a reality of unity, community, love and support, and

leaving one of materialism, greed, separation and self-absorption.


then, for some, this new energy will catapult them into higher

vibrating ways and manifestations. It will serve to re-connect those

with what they need to now connect to according to how they are

vibrating. It will be all about alignments in accordance with each

individual and where they are.


this way, many will now begin connecting to their dreams and dream

partners, or perhaps bringing their current relationships up to a

higher vibrating existence. It will be all about new connections in

much more loving and respectful ways, and all about very new

connections to very new manifestations as well.


will be activated now in regard to a new and higher frequency. We will

now connect as individuals and for the earth as well, to a very new



is not in alignment with this new connection will now receive another

big shake-up so that an opportunity will arise for a different choice.

As most of us know, we get clobbered oh so gently at first, and if we

are not yet willing to let go and make a change, we then get clobbered

a bit harder, and so on, until we finally get it usually through great



after enough of the masses are then willing to ask for help, guidance,

support and much else, those bearing the most light will then be

welcomed with respect and appreciation as way-showers. And this when

our store-fronts will serve to support us with an enormous amount of



the summer solstice create heaven on Earth forever more? No. But it

will be an event which will provide a very new anchor for us to hold

onto until the next phase of the ascension process arrives. If you are

one who has found yourself dropping things, noticing things falling

through your fingers, and experiencing a strange inability to hold onto

much of anything (whether literally in the physical sense or

otherwise), it is simply because we are now finally poised to have

something very new to hold onto once again.

Yes, a new anchor is finally arriving. Are you ready?


Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times...

Until next time,

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