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RE: Walmart breastfeeding fiasco

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In a message dated 8/7/99 2:54:08 PM !!!First Boot!!!, angehowe@...


<< How do you manage times when you have to nurse in public?


Nursing in public has never been a problem for me, except for my firstborn

;). I've always worn regular bras and shirts that don't snap at the crotch.

I just stick my hand under my shirt, pull up my bra, cradle my child and pull

up my shirt enough so that my child can suck and breath, but not have much,

if any, of my breast showing.

However, I do not nurse in public. She is very squirmy, likes to

stick her hands up my shirt, push my shirt up to my head lol, basically she

likes to amuse herself while nursing and being discreet is pretty much

impossible. However, I do keep in mind that breastmilk is not her sole

source of nutrition, so that when I hear " mommy feed me " in public, I tell

her as soon as we get home mommy will feed you honey. Then I give her

something else to eat or drink in the meantime. Anyway that is what I do.

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In a message dated 8/7/99 3:59:22 PM !!!First Boot!!!, angehowe@...


<< Do we need to hide the fact that we are

nursing our babies? >>

I don't perceive it as hiding the fact, just something that makes the mom

more comfortable nursing her child. If a mom is more comfortable exposing

more breast, that's fine as long as she is comfortable with it. For myself

I feel more comfortable exposing as little as possible. I feel that a mom

has to do what is most comfortable for her and her child. JMO. Joan

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In a message dated 8/7/99 8:17:33 PM Central Daylight Time, MJplus5@...


<< However, I do not nurse in public. She is very squirmy, likes to

stick her hands up my shirt, push my shirt up to my head lol, basically she

likes to amuse herself while nursing and being discreet is pretty much

impossible. >>

is the same way for awhiel he would only let me nurse him if I took my

shirt OFF totally. So for awhile there was NO nursing in public ;) Finally I

just kept trying to leave it on and he gave up and I could nurse DRESSED

again :) Yippie!


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> << However, I do not nurse in public. She is very squirmy, likes


> stick her hands up my shirt, push my shirt up to my head lol, basically


> likes to amuse herself while nursing and being discreet is pretty much

> impossible. >>


> is the same way for awhiel he would only let me nurse him if I took


> shirt OFF totally. So for awhile there was NO nursing in public ;)

Finally I

> just kept trying to leave it on and he gave up and I could nurse DRESSED

> again :) Yippie!

You could also get some nursing beads for the little one to play with

instead of your shirt! They are usually bright and big and beatuiful!!


Mom to (Oct 8, 1998)


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In a message dated 8/7/99 10:58:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, gazley@...


<< I have found nursing bras to be combersom and unnecessary! I own one of

them, and I have the rest in sports bras. I can pull the bra up over my

breast, nurse and quickly pull it down without much effort and even if

people are staring at my chest don't see a thing, cause I can have my shirt

down, and put my hand under and pull the bra down second....maybe I just

didn't have the right nursing bra, but I won't by one again :) >>

I also use a " regular " bra.... nursing bras for me take two hands to get

hooked by up... i am able to use one hand with regular bras...I really don't

think I will ever buy a nursing bra again


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In a message dated 8/7/99 9:08:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Feb98@... writes:

<< If all else fails go to

the row with the plastic chairs take one down and there you go right in the

grocery row :) hehehe >>

that is a great idea.....unfurtanly... for me I don't go the grocery store

with my children.....it is kinda hard to take a 8 month old and a 2 year old

to the grocery store....so I always go around midnight when the children are

asleep and the grocery stores are pretty much empty and it is cooler.


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