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Entering the Portal of Divine Purpose By DL Zeta

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Entering the Portal of Divine PurposeThere is a part of you embedded deep within cellular memory thatremembers your intention for this lifetime. This intention is yourDivine purpose. All of life unfolds within the cosmic soup of theuniverse according to Divine Will and Divine Intention. There is norandom or chance creation.We ask you to imagine for a moment this cosmic movie where a soulwishing to incarnate expresses this desire to the universe. Energyimmediately begins to coalesce around this intention. But as with allmanifestations, the setting forth of purpose greatly accelerates thewish into reality. Much as a writer makes his pitch or proposal to aprospective publishing company, the soul petitions the universe for anopportunity to incarnate into a physical body. Imagine this petitionas an actual printed document. Within a successful petition forincarnation there is a well-expressed paragraph clearly stating thepurpose for this incarnation. This stated purpose represents the needfor an understanding in the natural evolution of the soul wishing toincarnate. For example, the stated purpose might be to learnunconditional love for self and all others.Your Life Purpose Reflects a Needed UnderstandingThis is not to say that the purpose for a lifetime will always be sucha "graduate level thesis proposal." A purpose is always in alignmentwith the current needs of the soul to understand. For instance, apurpose might be to spend a lifetime sampling every kind of materialwealth imaginable so at the end of the life, an understanding isgained that material success without spiritual growth leaves onefeeling empty and hungry for more. In a further lifetime, a spiritthat has come into this knowing might then combine material wealthwith spiritual vision and create great opportunities within the world.History is full of stories of such individuals. Unfortunately,historical tales only span the journey of one lifetime rather than thearc of lifetimes that culminate in great achievements and gifts tohumanity.In a future time in Earth's history, biographies will take intoaccount the arc of lifetimes so the full scope of a gift to humanitymay be understood. At that point in time, all beings will understandtheir present lifetime in terms of its placement within their arc ofincarnations.As your consciousness expands, you will learn how to follow thethreads of manifestation and creation back through time to perceivethe unfolding journey of consciousness across lifetimes. You will beable to trace Einstein's arc of incarnations that allowed him to gifthumanity with the Theory of Relativity, or to understand the uniquecycle of lifetimes and "life purpose" choices that allowed a Ghandi ora Mother to walk the Earth. For now, it is enough to understandthat the universe does not "judge" one's stated life purpose, but onlyrequires that the purpose be in alignment with the need for growth andunderstanding of the soul at the time it is requested.The Blueprint for an IncarnationA plan for achieving one's spiritual purpose would be briefly outlinedin an incarnation petition. This is a loosely structured blueprint ofhow one will go about carrying out one's spiritual purpose. Forexample, the task of learning unconditional love might follow a planof experiencing early in life a lack of love. This lack of love setsup an all-consuming desire to find love, which sets into place aseeking and asking. When followed to its fullest potential, thisseeking results in the realization that in order to "have" love, onemust become love. This is in accordance with the Law of Attraction;like attracts like. That which exists at the vibration ofunconditional love attracts to it more of itself.It is important to understand that fully grasping unconditional loveis a major undertaking for a soul in a given lifetime. Most likely,achieving an understanding of this magnitude would be spaced acrossmultiple lifetimes with all previously gained understandings finallyculminating in one lifetime. Because of energetic shifts taking placeat this time, many souls are launching "culmination" lifetimes whereunderstandings gleaned over many lifetimes are more readily coalescedto achieve the graduate-level status that is a prerequisite forexperiencing fifth dimensional consciousness.Culmination Lifetimes and the Sequencing of Life ExperiencesLifetimes where the overall purpose involves achieving a majorunderstanding such as unconditional love are lifetimes of deepcommitment to one's spiritual path. Choosing a major purpose for alifetime sets into motion a sequencing of life experiences designed tobring the ego into deeper and deeper levels of surrender to the higherself. Over time, this brings the conscious mind into constanttelepathic communion with the higher self.The circumstances chosen to create this telepathic communion can bedramatic in that they are created to awaken consciousness and bringthe ego into a state of alignment with the soul's purpose. It ismind-boggling to contemplate the distance the ego/conscious mind musttravel to come into this state of alignment with one's spiritualpurpose. Imagine an ego that is focused on acquiring a new sports carchanging its focus to that of world service and helping to raise thecollective consciousness of all humanity. You might wonder how manysteps must be undertaken to create this shift in focus. The answer ismany small steps or several quantum steps or any combination thereof.Symbolic `Deaths' and `Walk-in' ConsciousnessMany souls choose to undertake major shifts in consciousness graduallyover lifetimes, following a kinder, gentler course of soul growth andevolution. By contrast, those souls who choose a "quantum growth"lifetime set into motion intense life events such as near-deathexperiences or other extreme challenges to plunge themselves intodeeper states of awakening with more dramatic and profound results.This example of the near-death experience is symbolic of the act offreeing oneself of the shackles of physical life while remainingincarnate. In undergoing symbolic "death", the ego surrenders to thespirit's purpose for the lifetime and effectively exchanges a morehuman existence for that of a conduit for spirit on the Earth plane.When this circumstance occurs, the consciousness is sometimes viewedas a form of "walk-in" consciousness.The story of Jesus is a metaphor for what happens when "spiritincarnate" walks the Earth plane creating miracles of transformation.To bring this into even plainer terms, life force energy freed of theshackles of illusion and karmic debt is the essence of what is definedin your world as "miraculous." This is the kernel of Jesus' teachings.There is a saying that the greater the sacrifice, the greater themagic. The word "sacrifice" carries connotations of deprivation andlack, but this is a misunderstanding often perpetuated by ego-directedminds that do not yet understand the true nature of joy and bliss. Weoffer to you this definition of sacrifice: releasing everything thatexists outside of Divine Purpose. Aligning with your Divine Purposein this lifetime is the strongest "magic" of all, in that it stripsaway everything that stands in the way of total joy, bliss andunconditional love. These states are the natural condition ofinfinite beings. Until the conscious and subconscious become aligned,an individual is locked into physical reality by "veiled"consciousness. Aligning with Divine Purpose is the key that turns thelock and opens the door to planetary and personal evolution.For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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