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Re:DNA [Explained]: AKA - Consciousness/Ascension/Health/Healing/Change

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Hello , I do so enjoy your posts.Often it seems they come at just the right time too.It is a gift! I have read about this 12 strand DNA reconnection somewhere else before this,( cant recall where),but without the details illuminating, that were in your post.I wonder if you can answer a question about this? It sounds like this process is incremental,orderly, and one step builds on another? How can I put this..Requires a bit of a bio.I'm 52 now, my whole life was dedicated to art/music/mothering and knowing/enacting that love is foremost.Have been graced with much psychic and intuitive ability,mystical peak experiences lasting weeks ,amazing dream experiences,lots of meditative time spent painting for decades,lots of goodwill volunteer work,took care to keep fit,eat nutriciously etc.Difficulties from being "too sensitive", and " too emotional",(

not trying to make like I'm some saint!),but conciously aware that all the work and focus were towards a beingness I have had more than a glimpse of.That said,here's the question...I am wondering if the dark forces opposed to that ascension have dismantled and screwed up the process for me, given how the past 8+ yrs.have gone.I've endured so much,like one long marathon,which has dismantled so much and injured my health.I still have moments,now and then, but mostly it feels like that connection I maintained and built up all my life has been hijacked,and intentionally ruined.Certainly all that good chemistry has been...changed, it seems.My skills seem to be gone! Not totally, but mostly.I wonder if this process requires this arduous "testing",and if one stumbles or crumbles too much,ascension is not possible for that individual.What are your thoughts about this? I thank you and appreciate any insight you may have.


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I'm not but this I have recently come to grasp within myself I am like you my life in all aspects so to say and I have been on a journey for 15 years and met with dark at the end which my light overshadowed but I felt hijacked for 15 years and at the end of the quest I found myself as one with so why was I hijacked ? sylvia luck <sjluck56@...> wrote: Hello , I do so enjoy your posts.Often it seems they come at just the right time too.It is a gift! I have read about this 12 strand DNA reconnection somewhere else before this,( cant recall where),but without the details illuminating, that were in your post.I wonder if you can answer a question about this? It sounds like this process is incremental,orderly, and one step builds on another? How can I put this..Requires a bit of a bio.I'm 52 now, my whole life was dedicated to art/music/mothering and knowing/enacting that love is foremost.Have been graced with much psychic and intuitive ability,mystical peak experiences lasting weeks ,amazing dream experiences,lots of meditative time spent painting for decades,lots of goodwill volunteer work,took care to keep fit,eat nutriciously etc.Difficulties from

being "too sensitive", and " too emotional",( not trying to make like I'm some saint!),but conciously aware that all the work and focus were towards a beingness I have had more than a glimpse of.That said,here's the question...I am wondering if the dark forces opposed to that ascension have dismantled and screwed up the process for me, given how the past 8+ yrs.have gone.I've endured so much,like one long marathon,which has dismantled so much and injured my health.I still have moments,now and then, but mostly it feels like that connection I maintained and built up all my life has been hijacked,and intentionally ruined.Certainly all that good chemistry has been...changed, it seems.My skills seem to be gone! Not totally, but mostly.I wonder if this process requires this arduous "testing",and if one stumbles or crumbles too much,ascension is not possible for that individual.What are your thoughts about this? I thank you and appreciate any insight you may have.

Sylvia Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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Hi Sylvia,

First of all, " rejoice " . I know we hear a lot about only being human,

we make mistakes, we're not perfect, to believe so is ego, etc...

And while all of that is true, in the sense that we understand what is

meant...IT IS NOT TRUE, that we're not that.

Here's what I mean, because it's important....it doesn't matter if

your working with the Law of Attraction, or working to create what may

only now be imagined...we HAVE TO BELIEVE that IT IS ALREADY SO. We


We can't heal, or offer healing, UNLESS we believe that what we ask or

WILL comes about. We believe and act on that thought or we don't, no

middle ground. The universe does not respond to that. Well, it does,

but if there are confusing results, there is a confusing belief, or

set of opposing commands. We ARE creators.

We, ALL, act from a place that what we do and know in the moment is

the best we know how to do, in this moment. We do THAT with total and

complete belief.

If we aren't acting from that position then we're missing out. We

might be wrong, and yes, we do make mistakes, but if we aren't willing

to go 100% with what IS US in that moment, we have no business doing

anything...but that's one choice we don't have.

If you take the story of the Christ, and anyone like him...he didn't

ever do something without complete, utter and total belief in it,

KNOWING it would be done, already accomplished. Even he was not sure

of " himself " from time to time, especially in the beginning [ " no

woman, my time has not yet come " , when referring to changing water to


IT's what WE SHOULD be doing with everything, much like a scientist

does when " experimenting " . He does an exact thing and does so

expecting a certain outcome. Doing otherwise could be dangerous.

Furthermore, and more importantly, he sees what the true and real

result is. If the results prove out, we are assured that IT WILL

ALWAYS work...always the SAME RESULT.

I AM GOD.....I tell that all the time...in a way, it is true,

just as it is for all....in most ways, it leads to some very humorus

discussions. God is actually pretty fun sometimes, except when he's

not, and then Goddess and Goddessette jumps on God for being an %^ & *.

Don't ever feel that you are " too saintly " , or acting " better

than " ...Me as God at home is using ego to make fun of my ego...Me as

God elsewhere is hidden inside this flesh. Is it the right way to

think? Who knows, but until I know better...I'll play all the

parts...and I can be a real devil on Sunday's...lol

When it comes to doing, such as in healing, or imagining into being

something, I'll play the part, and watch for results. If I don't see

them, I adjust the experiment. This IS suppose to be fun. And

sometimes I think we forget that, and in doing so, we deplete our

energy, and our belief.

Don't get me wrong, I've changed my thinking and adjusted my path

many, many times, just like a ship or plane is always working to stay

on course 90% of the time.

Now, what I think is as we send out love and light...as we offer

ourselves in service, we have activated the Law of Attraction, in that

we draw to us even more love and light. The more we give, the more we

receive. It happens every time, more and more.

In this spirit, we also attract what is not love and light. Why?

Because everyone, everything is starving for that very thing. It is

needed, it is natural. And as what is less loving and less light comes

closer, they begin to change. What is darker becomes lighter.

Again, the clear water in the muddy glass. The clear dis-places the

crud, and comes into our awareness. As we keep pouring in the clear

and clean...the light and the love...the crud flows on by, it is

changed, and with enough, it all becomes clear.

If we turn on a light in a room of a dark house, does the light end at

the doorway? No, the light bleeds into the darker areas, or to say,

the dark longs for the light...it yields to the least bit of it that

can be found.

There is no dark, as it is commonly talked about. Light is

information, and so is dark. I believe that what we call demons and

dark forces are really just less than loving thoughts.

Have you ever just been sitting there, random thoughts going by, and

then you have one enter that you swear could not be yours? Just out of

the blue something dark? This was a passing thought, as all are.

At the one end you have total light [thoughts/information], which says

only one thing " LOVE " , [if you were to gather all the information

possible, the simple answer is LOVE, and even if you have the darkest

of information, it always says more light is needed]and at the far

side, the other is completely dark and assumed evil. The dark is also

thoughts/information]. Each of these attracts what is most like

IT...and somewhere in what we would call the middle is a blending of

light and dark, or mixed thoughts/mixed information....confusion.

If you take in the lighter thoughts you become loving and

compassionate. If the thoughts tend to be negative and self defeating,

vindictive, angry...we have someone who becomes non-loving. We think

of these as evil. This takes judgment...which doing so causes us to

lose light in order to attract attention to it.

There is no evil person or thing. IT IS the thoughts, or the lack of

information [lack of love]. If you get drunk, are you not still the

real and true you? Only the influence of the drink has caused less

than loving actions, or lack of action. The same with thoughts that

come in and allowed to stay, and entertained. The correct translation

in the Bible is to not " entertain darker thoughts " , not evil spirits.

What we think about is attracted to us, more and more as we think

about them.

But listen, the thoughts come anyway....they come for light and love.

So you can send love to the thoughts that come and let them go their

way. They have become lighter by you doing so. They will start

attracting the lighter thoughts as they continue. They will come to

someone else at some point...more light [thought] is added and sent

on....clear displaces the muddy. This is " free will " . That's why we DO

NOT judge a thought that comes as good or bad....we simply add more

good, light, love, to them...we bless them.

Think of a place like a big whirlpool. It is love and compassion. As

it turns and whirls, we begin to notice that debris is being washed

into the vacuum...into the drain so to speak. Instead of the vibration

and beauty of this pool of whirling light, water and love...we begin

to focus on the debris instead. By that attention, we attract more and

our pool begins to fill with more and more of it, until it becomes

clogged with this stuff. It feels like we are overcome with this and

become stagnant. Nothing is free flowing any longer. Change the

focus...find the good...focus on the creation you desire.

With the DNA process, this has been going on for awhile, faster in

this time and age, but over several lifetimes...the grid work being laid.

When I did construction and maintenance a while back, when working on

electrical layouts and repairs or upgrades, there were many times I

had to shut down some or all of the power....

A better example may be that we have a computer...most of us have had

to take one apart and add a card, or replace a power source. You KNOW

you must sometimes shut down all power and unplug or you could cause a

spark that would fry your board. This is your DNA...wires and cards

all laid out, but little by little, we must be unplugged in certain

ways in order to be able to run the new. If that didn't happen, we

could blow our whole system and burn it up.

This is when we feel " powerless " . We have been unplugged for our

protection to avoid a " ground[human]fault " . This is happening ongoing.

One minute we're up and running, and the next we experience loss of

ourselves. Just smile, because everything is as it should be. Nothing

can get off track. The universe is highly trained at this work, our

higher selves have it under control.

You don't want to power up with a defective or damaged card on the

newer system...the whole thing could crash.

Even as this begins to sink in more and more, we discover that each

time we power back up, we become stronger, even as every time we feel

depleted or " disconnected " , it seems worse than before, and experience

body aches, pains and ailments. We are just beginning to realize this

and allowing ourselves to laugh about it...we begin to see what's

really happening.

We can help ourselves by meditating on our brains, minds, and DNA

becoming, and being fully, and healthily connected and

working...sending love into any blockages. Blockages are the ailments

we feel pushing through...send love into them...dissolving them.

The ascension, as it's called, can not be changed or stopped or messed

with. It is only our becoming, remembering who and what we are. It's a

little hard to ascend, blend, become " clear " if we have some muddy

residue. Just add more love, and keep adding it....and be a little

" saintly " to a fault...what the hell....what else ya going to do?

Remember that first old car you got as a teen? So it was a little

rusty and bent, it ran....it was FUN. Add some speakers and crank that


What's the worst that can happen? You get a ticket? It's worth the

smile spreading across your face.....

With Love


> Hello , I do so enjoy your posts.Often it seems they come at

just the right time too.It is a gift! I have read about this 12 strand

DNA reconnection somewhere else before this,( cant recall where),but

without the details illuminating, that were in your post.I wonder if

you can answer a question about this? It sounds like this process is

incremental,orderly, and one step builds on another? How can I put

this..Requires a bit of a bio.I'm 52 now, my whole life was dedicated

to art/music/mothering and knowing/enacting that love is foremost.Have

been graced with much psychic and intuitive ability,mystical peak

experiences lasting weeks ,amazing dream experiences,lots of

meditative time spent painting for decades,lots of goodwill volunteer

work,took care to keep fit,eat nutriciously etc.Difficulties from

being " too sensitive " , and " too emotional " ,( not trying to make like

I'm some saint!),but conciously aware that all the work and focus were

towards a

> beingness I have had more than a glimpse of.That said,here's the

question....I am wondering if the dark forces opposed to that

ascension have dismantled and screwed up the process for me, given how

the past 8+ yrs.have gone.I've endured so much,like one long

marathon,which has dismantled so much and injured my health.I still

have moments,now and then, but mostly it feels like that connection I

maintained and built up all my life has been hijacked,and

intentionally ruined.Certainly all that good chemistry has

been...changed, it seems.My skills seem to be gone! Not totally, but

mostly.I wonder if this process requires this arduous " testing " ,and if

one stumbles or crumbles too much,ascension is not possible for that

individual.What are your thoughts about this? I thank you

and appreciate any insight you may have.

> Sylvia



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Thanks , you've offered much to think on.

I know I must be essentially still OK... dogs and kids still make a beeline for me!

PEACE, LOVE and all that good stuff,


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