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Releasing Fear

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LightNews.us" NewsLetter of Light, www.Awakening-Healing.com"News in the Now" Multi-Dimensionality, ET, Cosmic, Comic, Comet & InterPlanetary NewsLightNews 2003 Index LightNews 2004 Index www.thelightweaver.co.za ASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMI and ST GERMAINECHANNELED THROUGH MICHELLE ELOFF©Johannesburg : 11 April 2004 RELEASING FEARWITH THE VIOLET, SILVER AND BLUE FLAMES I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greetthee at this time and to bring unto thee the blessings of freedom, release,relief and passion. Greetings, beloved ones. We welcome you, brothers andsisters of light. This evening we have present with us the gracious StGermaine to aid you with the releasing and healing of fear. ST GERMAINE: Welcome, magical souls of love. Your soul embodies all that is love.However, the journey to Earth presents one with numerous challenges thatembody fear. Fear can be healthy when it protects one from seriously hurtingoneself. However, it seriously hurts one when it becomes the controllingforce in one's life. Your fear has reached the point where it has consumed a large amount of yourvital force, leaving you feeling completely depleted at times. This taxesyou emotionally, mentally, physically and, of course, spiritually. Fearacts as a pause button and can bring your life to a complete halt if youallow it to. This is sadly the case with a number of people. It is now agood time to assess where in your life the pause button has been switched onand where your life has come to a halt. In other words - in what area ofyour life have you stopped growing? As long as fear is a ruling force in your life, you will have difficultymoving forward and manifesting your divine abundant rights. Hopelessnessand disillusionment feed fear in many lives, but there is a way to movebeyond this paralysing effect by using the blue, violet and silver flames ofLight to dissolve it. Visualize before you a blue flame . Begin to walk toward this flame; knowthat it is safe to walk into the flame for it will not harm you . When youare ready, step into the blue flame . feel your body surrounded by the blueflame . As you stand within the blue flame, begin to allow all your fearsto rise to your heart chakra and be released into the blue flame . If youare finding it difficult to release the fear, imagine a door opening upwithin your heart, and allow all your fears to be released through thisdoor. Fear is simply an illusion created by a fearful thought. It is not real.Remember that the power you give to your negative thoughts and fearsdetermines how much they are able to rule your life, for thoughts areenergy. You all have the ability to create with your minds. So when youfocus your mental energy on fearful and negative thoughts, you will createthis in your physical reality. What kind of reality do you have? What kindof reality do you want? Become more conscious of the thoughts flowing through your mind. Noticewhat happens when you are holding a negative or fearful thought andimmediately replace this thought with a happy, positive thought. As youbecome aware of the patterns of your thinking, so you will be able tocontrol your thinking patterns, as opposed to your thinking controlling you. The mass consciousness holds much fear at this time. But as you begin torelease these patterns of fear within your heart, you reclaim yourindividuality, and you are then free to walk your talk, to speak your truthfrom your heart, disconnecting from the mass fear. It is important that youremember that where there is love there is no fear. Hand over your fear,brothers and sisters of light, for the fear is not part of your path. It isnot of the light; allow your fear to be released and healed. Allow your heart to surrender the fear to the blue flame . See all yourfears being dissolved . Now as your fears are being dissolved, allow theempty space to be filled with Universal Light. Breathe in the White Lightof the Universe. Feel it fill your body . feel it fill your cells untilyour nerve endings are tingling and alive with the energy of the UniversalLight. Feel the love, joy, the lightness of laughter, happiness and joywithin your heart explode and merge with your energy field . Feel the joyof a peaceful heart . a heart that carries no fear, only faith . love .peace . abundance . health . truth and light . Your dreams, brothers and sisters, become your realities. So createpositive, happy, and prosperous futures for yourselves, for today's thoughtsare tomorrow's reality. Create your life from your heart, from the truththat lives within your heart; enjoy creating an abundant and joyful futurefor yourselves and the loved ones around you. As you create from the truthwithin your heart, so you will encourage those around you to create from thetruth within their hearts. Darkness cannot survive in the Light. Live in joy, happiness, in love, and truth. When you wake each morning, beaware of your first thought, and make it a happy thought, for this thoughtwill set the theme for your day. Make it a day of fun, creating your life inlove, happiness and laughter. Remember, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is yetto come, but today is now. So make the most of it, so that tomorrow isfilled with more light and love. Make all your tomorrows happy by livingeffectively and positively in today - for it is the present. Now allow yourself to be sealed in the Universal Light. Allow the UniversalLight to move through all of your energy centres, beginning at the crown,moving down to your base centre . connecting with mother earth so as to keepyour energy grounded. Know that the blue flame is always available to youto burn away the fears that hinder your heart. Always allow the light tofill the space that has been left by the cleansing. Now imagine a violet and silver flame igniting within you . In your mind,set an intention by saying "May these flames dissolve all and any negativitywithin me . that are hampering my movement forward on my life path. . Mayall negativity be replaced within me . with the Divinity of my Soul and itspurpose."Now imagine the violet and silver flame manifesting around you and say "Maythe violet and silver flame protect me from and dissolve . all negativityprojected toward me . consciously or unconsciously . by any and allbeings . incarnate and discarnate. . May my truth be my motivating force." Do this last section as often as you like and at least twice per day - whenyou start your day and when you go to bed. May the Love of God and His Light be the driving force that spurs you aheadand inspires you to embrace your true, authentic self. Blessing be withyou. Farewell. Beloved Leaders of Light, know that you are all very much loved. Know thatyou are always protected and guided. Trust in the invisible arms that holdyou, and remember - we are only a thought away. We bless you in the loveand light of the divine. Peace be with you all. I am Kuthumi - Lord ofLight, Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless you in Love. Adonai. The "LightNews.us" is Free and so are You! www.AWAKENING-HEALING.com formerly the "Awakening-Healing News"Our work can aid your Awakening process! Get a "DIVINE TUNE-UP" :Advanced Multi-Dimensional Healing and Light/SoulBody Work. Soular Astrology, personal Intuitive Counseling & Healing.Also unique Astrology Reports: life maps for knowing yourself better. We assist your Healing, Karmic Clearing, Harmonic Balance and DNA Advancement, Facilitating joyful Relationships, Abundance and a Healthy Body. We help Empower you to Remember who you are and Why you are here,by Phone ~ 727-842-6788, House of Grace, Tampa Bay, Gulf Coast FL We ask you to please share in our Work, the LightNews and our Web Site.Your Donations and Patronage allow us to create these NewsLetters for You. Please print, forward and Share, as long as you retain All of This contact information !Let your Heart discern the validity of this information for you.For more, see the NewsLetter Index on our Web Site. LightNews Index 2003or paste http://www.awakening-healing.com/A-HNewsLetters/2003/AHNL_Index2003.htm Will be sending out the NewsLetters in the future, now they are all posted on our Web Site for you..To Subscribe: email Subject: Subscribe LightNews@... or Unsubscribe NoNews@... Many BLESSINGS Keth Luke, editor, with Jan , Dr Light and our Cosmic, ET, Earthly Crew www.LightNews.us

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