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Can A Southern Woman Be A Lightworker?

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Can A Southern Woman Be A Lightworker?

Oh I'm sure there are lots of southern women lightworkers. But I'm

talking about one in particular. Me.

I'm just a simple southern woman. Not a farm girl. Not even a

country girl (though I desperately want to live in the country). But

I am definitely southern. Born and bred. The south flows through my

veins. I love the south. And I love being a southern woman.

Maybe its just the Lightworker " venacular " . I don't get it. Take for

instance: Go within.

I ask for a solution. He says " go within " .

" Okay " , I say. " Go within where? "

" Go within yourself. " (big eye roll from ).

" Okay " , I say " How? "

" Meditate " he says.

" But when I meditate I fall asleep! "

(Another eye roll)

Which reminds me of a postcard I got from my Dad one time. On the

front was this really fat orangutang. On the back was written:

" When I work, I work hard.

When I play, I play hard.

And when I think, I fall asleep! "

He knew me so well.

Anyway, there are lots of phrases and words used by lightworkers that

just totally scramble my brain. " Let it go " ...now thats a biggie for me.

I have this issue, probably goes back to my childhood. I know (and

everyone tells me) I need to " Let it go " . Sure, I'd be happy to - but

how. Surely someone in this big wide cyberspace has come up with some

steps for me. A book... " Letting Go For Dummies " . But I can't even

google a good step by step manual on how to " let it go " . So I'm

working on making up my own steps. I'll share them when they're done.

Got to give it a little time though to see if they actually work!

In the meantime, if you know of such a list - please, pretty please,

send it to me!

Chakras, dimensions, ascension...oh boy.

Right now I'm trying to learn, really learn and understand, about

chakras. pointed out to me a pretty box on the bookshelf that

had been there for heaven knows how long, and said " There's a course

we have on chakras " . Okie dokie. Where'd that come from??? So, I

dive in. I read about 10 pages or so and have reread them 5 or 6

times. I'm getting nowhere. They didn't teach me about chakras in

school. I can't imagine that little round twirly thing! I close my

eyes. Nope, still not gettin' it. Who came up with this " chakra "

stuff anyway? And auras??? I don't see 'em. When I " unfocus " my

eyes, all I see is what looks like smoke. Good grief. To " unfocus "

all I have to do is take off my glasses. Nope...still no auras.

Different dimensions...geez I'm still trying to figure out this one!

And ascension...don't even get me started. I guess I'm just not

" there " yet.

I think if you guys would talk " southern " or even say these things

with a southern drawl I might understand a little better. Right now

though...I'm feeling like a fish out of water.

However, I'm loving every minute of it. At first, I was feeling

really " out of my comfort zone. " But loving it nonetheless.

You guys are great.

And I'm gettin' there. Just a little slower than my brothers and sisters.

Be patient.

I love you all,

~ a true G.R.I.T.S (Girl Raised In The South)

Please visit me at:





or better yet come to Alabama! I'll be here ~ with a big glass of

sweet tea and a big bowl of turnip greens for ya dawlin'.

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