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prayer and healing request

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Dear Family,

I have a very sick Mom.

It started about a month ago with her feet swelling.

Dr gave her a water pillshe took medicine as directed.

Nothing happened so back to the Dr, who doubled the water pill.

Nothing happened except Mom complaining her legs hurt and she thinks

she has an infection in them.

Back to the Dr, who not only kept the water pill at double dose but

prescribed an enhancer to make water pill work. Also gave her an

antibiotic for cellulitis in her legs.

A week later Moms health is failing so bad she cant get out of bed

and refuses hospital.

We spent 4th of July forcing her to drink liquids including g2 from

gator ade fo the elctolites.

This Momday I get Mom back to the Dr who says hmmmm maybe you should

see heart specialist.

So yesterday we see heart specialist.

We tell him of all the meds she has had to take...and he freaked out.

He said you never give this water pill to someone who has anemia.

Needless to say Moms gp almost killed her with the water pill.

SHe is very weak but improving she no longer huffs and puffs after 3

feet of walking.

I am asking for prayers for Mom and I and if so inclined please send

her healing energy too. Her name is Dorothy Trumble

I am also updating prayer request for my best friend Guson.

Her chemo has left her so sick and weak....she has decided to quit

all treatments.

SO major request from me for her healing.

Blessings and Gratitude,


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  • 3 months later...


Love is already pouring into the matter, creating an over-flow of

energy, for her, and a return of calm and serenity. It is also going

out to those there. Take notice however, that because the love is

coming to her in such intense measures, to change the " circumstances "

she may need to understand within this can create void of " unlike "

energy. In other words, that which is not resonating as she is/will be

now, will be compelled to leave because the energy is so different.

This means that things could become, " touchy " , even explosive in

nature, as the " universe " " ejects them, so to speak. She will also

feel the vacuum of them leaving, her daughter included. This is where

it will be good to send love after them through this, as well as the

energy and prayers through here. With awareness towards those leaving

receiving love as well so that this will be much easier.

Energy can and is very powerful, and some are not always ready for it

to show up. She should simply be aware of this while it works, and

know all is well, and getting better.

When she knows, she will become aware of what's happening, and can

watch with a calm understanding, while sending [activating] her own

love centers.


--- In , " Peace " <iampeacewalker@...>



> Dear Family,

> Some friends of mine from Phoenix Az have written and asked for help.

> I am enclosing a portion of their email.

> Hi Peace

> laura and I have had an

> overload of stress as of lately. she has been deathly ill. my

> daughter has

> really put us in loads of stress with two of her children and some

> guy in our

> place that we don't even know. i am going to have to ask them all to

> leave, this using has got to end, there is no room to live or to

> breath. i

> could not get to my computer in months. my chest has been hurting and

> my

> arthrtis has gotten so bad i cannot even walk. i need energy help

> right now like

> you cannot imagne. i need energy and prayers that four people will

> leave on

> their own. Chrissie is 32 and a real user of everyone, i am ashamed

> that she

> came from me. she has used everything out of me, i do not know what

> to do, i

> feel like running away. i have used every crystal every herbal

> aromatherapy i

> can to keep us alive for even our lives have been in danger as of

> lately. please

> help. and

> Blessings and Gratitude,

> Peace


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  • 2 weeks later...

you made me laugh gigglin silly you I pray your arm pits can handle 6 more weeks soft giggles just baby it if you don't let it heal all the way it will bug you forever so baby yourself sending you oooodles and oooodles of healing prayers and electric giggles for of course where else ? love mePeace <iampeacewalker@...> wrote: Dear Family, I have just done a number on my knee. It appears that I have torn the maniscus and

well, please send healing energy as well as prayers. It is my right knee and both armpits...these crutches hurt...lol Thank You in advance. In Gratitude, Peace Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of lovewritten by jenny'smedicine man

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