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Our prayers & needs were answered.

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I sent this letter out to but I want to acknowledge all of my

family here at H.H. & thank you all for the support - prayers - &

energy that were sent to us. Here's our up-date & please know how

special you all are & that you all (WE all!) DO make a difference in

peoples lives.

Dearest ~

Thank you so much for answering my cry for help at Humanity Healing.

I just wanted to update you & let you know that Creator has answered

our prayers & we have recieved more than we were asking for!

First off a lawsuit isn't in the future pertaining to the medication

that Doug went toxic on & caused the liver failure. It was from a

seizure med that he'd been on for 40 years & his body just went toxic.

We went through the Canadian sites but they cost as much as getting

the scripts here. The difference is that you don't need a script.

Walmart doesn't have the help with the medications that he needs

because they are so expensive.

My focal seizures are the complex ones. I do have some memory loss

(both short & long term), comprehension problems, problems sometimes

finding the right words I want to use, occassionally speech problems

where I say words out of order when I'm speaking. Sometimes I feel &

sound quite normal & then I'm hit with the problems again. This has

been attributed to the Carbon Monoxide that I was toxic on from

February of 2002. However I'm extremely hopeful because I've had

less effects for the last 6 months or so & am doing a lot better in

all of my problem areas except for the seizure activity in my cheek &


Ah Doug~ Yes he " goes blank " . I have been trying to get him to take

time out to meditate so your suggestion re-inforced what I was

thinking. He is starting to do that so we'll see where that leads.

Your suggestions for me about being in Nature were just awesome! As

a matter of fact, where we are staying with our friends is very much

in nature! They have 17 wooded acres on a river! My friend Karl

keeps the firepit by the river stacked and ready for me to light

whenever I want. Trees have always touched my heart & soul. I have

to say I'm definately a tree hugger! LOL! So that part of my life

has been going well.

We've had many exciting encounters with animals & insects as well as

birds especially in the last few weeks. We always see hawks, have

had an eagle flying over the river. Occassionally we've been blessed

with the sight of a blue heron. A family of raccoons makes its way

into the back yard & when we're on the deck we talk to them & they

don't run away. Deer of course are common to see. A red fox crossed

my path and stopped to look me right in the eye. He stayed and we

were both mesmerized for a few minutes before he turned and walked

away. There was a grasshopper who was sitting on the railing on the

deck. I started talking to him & he turned his head to look at me.

I patted my lap & told him to come see me & he did! After awhile he

hopped down onto the deck. I told him to come back & he hopped up

again. Doug had a Catydid crawl onto his hand, up his arm where she

proceeded to tug at his ear & climb aboard! She sat on his head for

a long time. Today we has a female hummingbird fly & hover within a

foot of our faces. Then she would fly to the feeder but wouldn't

land to drink. She flew back & forth several times before I got her

message. There was a bee on the feeder. We blew smoke on the bee

(we didn't want to hurt it) & finally the bee took off & the

hummingbird went to the feeder! How awesome is that!

Whatever is in our future is going to be very good! I've come to the

conclusion that Source knew we needed time out & instead of focusing

on everything we don't have, I realized how much we DO have! I said

we were homeless because we haven't had our own place for 6 months

now, but God gave us this great abode with very loving friends.

(By the way, we're currently in Belding Michigan but where we will be

living soon is back " home " in Traverse City, Michigan!)

I saved the best for last!!! A couple of days ago, Doug got a letter

from Medicare. He has applied for a subsidy to help pay his premiums

for his insurance. It was a letter that said they would not be

proccessing his application because upon looking into his case he

automatically qualifies for more medical help due to the cost of his

meds! Finally it got into the right hands! (after many prayers from

friends, family & Humanity Healing!) He can now get his meds that we

were paying $606.00 a month, for a co-pay of $2.10!!!

Thank you so much for answering my request so fast & with so

many helpful suggestions. It's a blessing to me to belong to our

group & to make friends with people like you. I feel your energy

every time I read your posts.

Sending lots of love & energy back to you! *HUGS* Char

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