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How to work with Reiki and animals by a Dutch practitioner

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Reiki for AnimalsHow to work with Reiki and animals by a Dutch practitioner

by Hendriks in HollandFor

several years I had a practice at home for alternative treatments for

people, although “practice†wasn’t the right word for it, because I

never asked money for treatments at that time and I treated people that

asked me for help. My husband and I had a company at home and between

my busy work in our company I treated people. At the beginning friends

and neighbours came and after a while friends from friends came and

friends from neighbours. So more and more people came to me for

treatments. At that time I started to take Reiki courses, because I

thought it would be wonderful to teach people how to treat each other.

Reiki seemed a way to teach people who don't know about their inborn

talent for healing. I myself was born with healing and psychic

abilities. As a child I had very special friendships with animals and

that was still the same when I grew up. I talked with animals; I felt

their emotions and shared my own with them. By touching them with my

hands I got information about their mental state, most of the time with

people the same things happened. Hendriks as a child. ‘By touching an animal I got information about their mental state’. When

I grew up I noticed that it wasn’t common that people had that ability.

I did see colours around people and I thought this was normal and that

everybody had that, my parents just thought of me as a crazy child.

During puberty I noticed that not everybody had those abilities and I

wished it would go away, because I didn’t want to be different from

other people. But years later it still didn’t go away and I contacted

people about it, like for instance a parapsychologist. Then I developed

those skills and started to treat people. Although I felt very insecure

at the beginning I knew this was an ability I needed to use because it

was a tool that was given me by birth. As a Buddhist (I have a lot of

interest in Tendai Buddhism) I feel that those ability’s are nothing

special, they are just a tool, so I don’t think of myself as a “giftedâ€

person. But this is a way to be compassionate and it is helpful for

those who are in need. I tried to use hands-on-healing with my own

animals and I noticed the effect of healing on animals. At the same

time that I started to experiment with healing on my own animals,

people started coming to me with their animals. It was remarkable to

see how animals responded to treatments. The unloading reactions for

instance that animals show during treatment are quite the same as with

people. Dogs that start howling to release emotional pains, cat’s that

start to shake and shiver while energy is floating through their

meridians, horses that seem to fall asleep when I touch them. Some animals do feel really relaxed when undergoing a treatment. The

important thing for people that visit me with their animals is of

course the effect of a treatment. Sometimes wonders happen, like for

instance a paralysed tail that starts to move after only a few

treatments and tumours that get smaller. Many times a sick animal uses

the treatment for pain release or feels happier after the treatment. In

a lot of cases an energy treatment is the last straw for some animal

owners. Sometimes the result are remarkable, sometimes a very sick

animal uses the energy to die. Many very sick animals died in my hands,

which is very sad but also beautiful because they use the energy for

their transmission. I think Reiki is a wonderful way to get in contact

with energy, but I don't believe there is a separate Reiki source. I

think that what I call “the source†is a natural force, Reiki is just a

way to get in contact with it, but other healing techniques are also a

way to contact it. Like you can choose a different way to Rome. Now I

have an animal practice. I decided this because so many animals came my

way that this was what I should follow. As an animal-friend this also

is an obvious choice. Incidentally I still treat people and sometimes

when people visit me with their animals I treat the owner also when I

am asked to do so. I developed myself with other treatment styles too

and combine them sometimes with Reiki, but I also use Reiki as a

separate therapy. I am an animal homeopath, Bachflower therapist,

Aromatherapist and I am almost finished with my study as a

Dogbehaviourtherapist. I think you could say Reiki showed me this way

and direction.

and her Newfoundland dog called Bear. She adopted bear when he was age

2. He had a very difficult start in his life; he was underfed and very

unhappy. When she started treating him with Reiki he cried every time

and could let loose the emotional damage he went trough the first years

of his life. For those of you that treat animals I would like

to say that it is important to look at the signs an animal gives during

treatment because there are differences between treating animals and

humansFor instance a human lays still when he or she is

treated. An animal doesn’t do that, the animal decides how long the

treatment needs to be and most animals decide to take a pause when they

want to. I always respect those choices animals make, even when it is a

small creature like a rabbit. Also animals choose their own position.

For example, some animals choose to be treated on the floor, other

animals would like to sit on my lap or want to lie down on a sofa.

Sometimes they move to put your hands in the right position for them.

They also sometimes take my hand in their mouth and put it in the right

position. Big animals like horses and cows I treat on location in their

own stable. Look at the signs they give and trust on your intuition.

But also respect the animal and its behaviour. If you don’t know

anything about dogs it is important you learn about dog behaviour, if

you don’t know anything about horses deepen yourself into the specific

behaviour. A mistake people make is to think that an animal is a human

being in a hairy coat. Sometimes this is sad because it is a lack of

respect for the animal and its behaviour. Also this can cause accidents

for you as a therapist. Because for instance when you put your hands on

the head of a dominant dog, you give that dog a dominant signal, and it

could respond in a way you don’t want. A treatment should be a safe

action and for that you need to learn more about the subject you treat.

A last comment I would like to make is that I love to work

with animals and that they are great teachers themselves. I don’t have

an anthropomorphic view on them but I do believe animals have a soul. A

soul that can develop during different lives. A soul that is on earth

to learn things. During treatments I have a way to connect my soul to

their soul. Our baggage is gone when I connect to the energy source and

there is just soul-soul contact. Try to listen to the animals, the

people that are experienced in working with animals know what I mean by

that. You can read more about my practice on my Internet homepage. This

page is located at: http://home.wanadoo.nl/praktijkparcival/ when you

use the “enter†button and after that click on the English flag you can

see some pictures of me treating animals. Because I am Dutch my site is

mainly Dutch orientated.May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.Be well with Gassho, HendriksReiki Master in the Usui System of Natural Healingpraktijkparcival@...

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