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Re: how is your mental state?

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In a message dated 12/4/02 11:02:37 AM, dianeclaire2002@... writes:

<< If someone wants me to get involved in a program locally, I back right

down. I don't have a lot of energy to spare, but it goes beyond that. Can

anyone relate? >>

I sure can .

I try and " save " every bit of energy.

I really dont have the energy to laugh and talk to friends anymore so I keep

mt relations with people very casual.

It's like all my addrenalin is gone. It is hard to get excited about anything

anymore. It's not that I don't care, it's just that I can't " rise to the

ocassion " .

My spirit, spunk and enthusuasm is gone, as well aas my sense of humor and


I don't care about eating food or even drinking water (have to force myself).

There has to be something that will help this.

If I was an animal, they would put me to sleep, lol.

Speaking of animals, there will be a half hour show on me and my pets on

Animal Planet, Dec. 16th, 4:30 PM ET. It's called " That's My Baby " . We will

also be on " Pet Star " ( new Animal Planet show where most talented animal

wins $25, 000)

" Planets Funniest Animals " , and " Amazing Animals " in Jan.


Disobedient pig?

" Potbellied Pig Behavior and Training " book for piggy Xmas gift!


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I'm sure many of us on this list can relate to your experience. Not only

is it thoroughly depressing to deal with theses debilitating diseases

ongoingly, the diseases themselves have a depression component. I think Dr.

Brown mentioned that in his book and we have talked about it here before. I

was on anti-depressants for a while. I have been on AP for 4 1/2 years and

am doing splendidly well. I am so grateful. For me the fatigue was the last

to leave, this past spring. It made all the difference in the world to have

more energy again. Before I did not have the energy to do much of anything

and even joy seems to take energy to experience. As my energy increases, so

does my capacity to enjoy life. So, I'd like to encourage you to hang in

there. Take care of yourself as much as you can. Conserve your energy when

you don't have much. As you get better things will look up again. Help

yourself by keeping a fairly " clean " diet, drink water, and do whatever you

can to boost your immune system to help the AP. Keep gentle stretching

going to keep the body from seizing up. Also it is allowed to whine here

once in a while. Believe it or not, it can help. We understand, because we

are going, or have been going through similar experiences. Most of us try

to show our best face to family and co-workers, but here we can let it out

how we really feel.

Best wishes to all for recovery. I'd like to say " speedy " , but AP is

usually not speedy, but it does do the trick for many of us.

Take care,


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Hi Diane,

I suffered emotionally with my RA. Most of the time I did not realize how much

it had affected my emotional state. Yes, I did find times when I was very

snippy, especially when I was in pain. My family did not always understand this

either. I did not realize how much I had lost my sense of humor and had

depression until I found AP. It opened up a world of difference for me and

brought back my sense of humor because I realized that there was help for this

disease and not years stretching out in front of me getting worse and worse.

Fortunately my RA is the slower acting kind. It has not crippeled me but it has

made it very difficult to get up in the mornings and do much. And it had also

been very difficult to get much sleep at all because of the pain from the

pressure of my joints from laying down.

I think that some of our moods become so ingrained because we have had them so

long that we are too used to them. I have to consciously make myself have a

happy attitude or else I slip right back into the old grumpy self too easily. I

have to choose to laugh and be postitive because it is too easy to be negative.

I have always made myself get out and be as active as I could whether I felt

like it or not. If I was having a particularly horrible day, then I would stay

in as I was no good to anyone...LOL! I found that if I did not push myself to

be active and move, then I would be all the more stiffer and could do even less

the next day. I kind of feel like my joints are like a rusty hinge. If you

don't move them every day, they stiffen up even worse. AP is like putting oil

on these hinges and makes them much easier to move every day.

I do have days where I don't want to face a lot of noise and activity and

people. On those days I give myself the day off and rest and be by myself, read

a good book, watch a good movie (make sure it's something funny with the book or

the movie, NOT depressing), play on the computer finding interesting things or

just nap. I give myself permisison to do this because I know I will feel MUCH

better the next day.

I am a people person so I do need friends around. I do have some good friends

that are understanding when I don't feel good and don't bother me to go places

when I feel like that. Thankfully, those days are getting less and less and the

good days are getting more and more thanks to AP.

I don't believe that you're permanently damaged Diane, I think it's just a

matter of retraining yourself to help change your attitude. Make it a point to

try it a little each day, set yourself some small goals and make yourself do

them, it will get easier like a good habit. I don't think you're ready for that

mental institution yet...LOL!



Diane Humpal wrote: www.rheumaticsolutions.org

> Hi All,


> I was just wondering if anyone else here has suffered mentally and emotionally

since becoming ill? I have gone through a great deal of suffering in the last

twenty years and I admit that I " m moodier then I used to be, lack of joy, less

patient, less tolerable of others, desire more quiet and prayer time. I love

being around my family, but there is definitely a shield up so that others don't

get close to me. Is this just me, or does this apply to anyone else here? I

have tried the Prozac and some of the mood altering drugs, but I think I am

permenantly damaged or...........my focus on what is really important, may be

way beyond my years. If someone wants me to get involved in a program locally,

I back right down. I don't have a lot of energy to spare, but it goes beyond

that. Can anyone relate? So........should I sign myself into a mental hospital

for evaluation? Hubby has noticed that I'm snappy with my remarks. I don't

mean to be.


> Diane


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Hi Diane! You wrote:

" I was just wondering if anyone else here has suffered mentally and

emotionally since becoming ill? (snip) I " m moodier then I used to be, lack

of joy, less patient, less tolerable of others, desire more quiet and prayer

time. (snip) Hubby has noticed that I'm snappy with my remarks. "

All the things you describe are common to many of us. All of them can

easily be attributed to the diseases, the drugs used in routine treatment of

the diseases such as anti-inflammatories, corticosteroids, etc., and

unfortunately even the antibiotics we use. Fortunately virtually __all__ of

this can be turned around; it need not be permanent!

There are many people who will poo-poo the importance of diet, but diet

cannot be overstated. What we eat turns into our skin, our eyes, our brain

cells, bone, etc. To disregard the importance of diet is like building a

structure without a foundation.

There are two vitamins which may especially help you with the issues you

mentioned, K & D. Interestingly, both of these are specifically effected by

drugs. For example, antibiotics kill off bacteria -- good and bad. Those

who disregard the importance of diet also tend to disregard the importance

of probiotics, good bacteria. But good bacteria form... VITAMIN K. Kill

them off, you all kill off the K. Tetracyclines carry warnings to limit sun

exposure, but the skin creates VITAMIN D via exposure to sunlight. Why

these two vitamins and their roles in our health don't take greater presence

on the stage of this list I don't know. What I do know, is that their lack

can definitely create the very issues you describe in your post, hence they

are worth examining.

You can find out more about Vitamin K, its relationship to diet, probiotics,

antibiotics, Osteoporosis, menorrhagia, etc., here:







There are complications with K if you use warfarin...


Lack of Vitamin D, the sunlight vitamin, is known to result in depression,

moodiness, loss of tolerance, loss of libido, etc. The problem is

compounded by the fact that people on the tetracyclines have to take steps

to limit or avoid their exposure to sunlight. For more information on

Vitamin D and its relationship to the diseases we suffer, the drugs we take,

and the diets and lifestyles we employ go here:








soli Deo gloria

www.HealingYou.org - Your nonprofit source for remedies and aids in fighting

these diseases, information on weaning from drugs, and nutritional kits for

repairing damage; 100% volunteer staffed.

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Not good.

I saw a new homeopathic doctor this week. I was trying to explain to

him how this disease has totally changed my personality. " I used to be

Sunshine, " I told him. " I used to LOVE Christmas and making presents,

baking and homemade decorations. Now I won't even buy a tree. I used to

laugh and bring fun into the home and workplace. I'd find joy is simple

pleasures, like gardening and walking through the woods. I would get home

from work, put on music, and dance my way through making dinner. Now it

takes all my strength just to be civil to the only person I see, my husband

who, of all people, does not deserve my rancor. "

Diet and vitamins and fish oil have not alleviated this depression.

Neither did Prozac and talking 'til I was blue in the face. Nor did

re-birthing or meditation. I take my minocin, which has lessened the pain

and helped with the morning stiffness, but I am one of the unfortunate ones

whose joint destruction hasn't stopped or even slowed down with antibiotics.

I can chart my degeneration monthly. Even if a miracle were to happen and

the arthritis halt today, I've lost my life -- there's too much damage done.

And other problems have been added, osteoporosis pain and connective tissue

damage so I'm constantly dislocating joints. If I WEREN'T depressed I'd

consider myself insane. It would take a labotamy.

Well, for years my doctor thought it was all in my head...she's finally



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Doggone, I used to be just like you, except the only medications I took was

the AP. I added digestive enzymes and colostrum and moducare to my

supplements. Once I began to optimally absorb the nutrients from my food and

supplements and boost my immune system, all my joy of life returned. I have

dermatomyositis, not RA, and due to long term prednisone use at the

beginning of my disease I have osteoporosis as well. A turn around can be

achieved. It took a lot of patience on the part of my family as well as

myself. There must be something that will eventually help and turn it

around for you.

Good luck and God Bless,


Re: rheumatic how is your mental state?

> Diane,


> Not good.


> I saw a new homeopathic doctor this week. I was trying to explain to

> him how this disease has totally changed my personality. " I used to be

> Sunshine, " I told him. " I used to LOVE Christmas and making presents,

> baking and homemade decorations. Now I won't even buy a tree. I used to

> laugh and bring fun into the home and workplace. I'd find joy is simple

> pleasures, like gardening and walking through the woods. I would get home

> from work, put on music, and dance my way through making dinner. Now it

> takes all my strength just to be civil to the only person I see, my


> who, of all people, does not deserve my rancor. "


> Diet and vitamins and fish oil have not alleviated this depression.

> Neither did Prozac and talking 'til I was blue in the face. Nor did

> re-birthing or meditation. I take my minocin, which has lessened the pain

> and helped with the morning stiffness, but I am one of the unfortunate


> whose joint destruction hasn't stopped or even slowed down with


> I can chart my degeneration monthly. Even if a miracle were to happen and

> the arthritis halt today, I've lost my life -- there's too much damage


> And other problems have been added, osteoporosis pain and connective


> damage so I'm constantly dislocating joints. If I WEREN'T depressed I'd

> consider myself insane. It would take a labotamy.


> Well, for years my doctor thought it was all in my head...she's


> right.


> Doggone






> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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Thanks, . You're right, even feeding myself is beyond me. I've been

through all the antidepressants. I don't know what to do. My husband is

worn out just trying to keep his business going and taking care of me. He's

been right with me through 12 years of trying to figure out what was wrong

(I got as many different diagnoses as doctors; everything from food

allergies to yeast infections.), through 5 years of every wazoo alternative

therapy for RA you can think of because I was afraid to take drugs, through

two years of minocin -- that works but increased the rate of joint damage.

I am so tired of failed procedures. My hopes would be so high and,

eventually, all the doctors would back off, saying that they just didn't

understand it; it must be me. This year alone I have been through two CAT

scans, one 1 1/2 hour long MRI, and 12 x-rays. I have taken drugs which

have left me with damage and persistent migraines that now require I go to

the hospital. All ordered by well-meaning doctors trying to cure me, who

eventually had to look at me and say they were sorry, that there was nothing

they could do for me. I will keep Dr. Sinnott in mind, but I don't

know...Thank you so much for your kind words, though. Doggone

Re: rheumatic how is your mental state?


Not good.

I saw a new homeopathic doctor this week. I was trying to explain


him how this disease has totally changed my personality. " I used to be

Sunshine, " I told him. " I used to LOVE Christmas and making presents,

baking and homemade decorations. Now I won't even buy a tree. I used


laugh and bring fun into the home and workplace. I'd find joy is simple

pleasures, like gardening and walking through the woods. I would get


from work, put on music, and dance my way through making dinner. Now it

takes all my strength just to be civil to the only person I see, my


who, of all people, does not deserve my rancor. "

Diet and vitamins and fish oil have not alleviated this depression.

Neither did Prozac and talking 'til I was blue in the face. Nor did

re-birthing or meditation. I take my minocin, which has lessened the


and helped with the morning stiffness, but I am one of the unfortunate


whose joint destruction hasn't stopped or even slowed down with


I can chart my degeneration monthly. Even if a miracle were to happen


the arthritis halt today, I've lost my life -- there's too much damage


And other problems have been added, osteoporosis pain and connective


damage so I'm constantly dislocating joints. If I WEREN'T depressed I'd

consider myself insane. It would take a labotamy.

Well, for years my doctor thought it was all in my head...she's




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Dear Doggone,

There is so much to say I don't know where to start.

Firstly, remember that there are people reading your posting that are going

through exactly what you are. Use them, if only for that reason. When I am

feeling much pain, I often overlook the more medical postings and read the ones

that remind me I am not alone. Yes when you have children and a spouse things

are more difficult but then you have more support don't you? My kids remind me

why I am still fighting the good fight and don't think for a minute that your

children wont be better humans for learning young the importance of caring for

those you love. They will be more sensitive to those with troubles and more

appreciative of what they have and the wholeness of their bodies. ( I have a

teenager now and believe me it makes a difference!)

As far as all of your different diagnoses go, they are probably all correct.

Food allergies, chemical sensitivities and yeast are all strong antagonists and

cause as as much trouble as mycoplasmas. If you work on the body holistically

you will see how all this has connected to work against us. Knowing your enemy

is half the battle when it comes to strategy. Ethel and people like her know

all of the complimentary therapies and treatments for these problems. Also, I

wouldn't discount your " wazoo " therapies as you may have benefited in ways

unseen. There is a lot of evidence to support that some of these wazoos have

been able to help people. Food , BTW is a toughie and I struggle with it. I

do my best and work on all the things I can to lower my total load and regain my

immune system.

As for doing your best, that is all we can do isn't it? As far as these disease

go, frankly the whole thing sucks. But, that being said, is irrelevant when

deciding how to deal with the lot you have been dealt. I used to watch people

on the street. I would see them smoking, living on coffee, soda and other junk

and say " Okay God, I'm the one that's sick????? Hello! " With some good advice

from the spousal unit I realized that whether I was justified or not didn't do

me a lick of good when it came to getting better. A friend of mine with

scleroderma told me about a an old hebrew saying. It went something like " when

you are stuck in a pile of horseradish all you can see is horseradish. " If I am

misquoting I apologize but the just of it is you have to lift yourself out of

the horseradish if you are going to see anything else. If we try, ( and it's

hard) to throw the doom and gloom out then we have a better chance of solving

our problem. Sick people can afford negative thoughts less than any body else

on the planet.

Just in case you think I am Molly Sunshine please know that I am heavily into

the " one step back " of the protocol right now. Everything hurts, I am scared

of joint damage and have been recently told I have osteoporosis. I have gone

through the " this isn't working " and " why is this happening to me " yet again.

But now I'm done with it so all that is left is to work on the problem. Maybe a

different anti biotic? Maybe blood thinners, acupuncture, exercises, herbs, who

knows? I just know I'm not giving up. Anti depressants ? When I feel lousy

I spoil myself with my favorite books, movies etc. And I go back and read

success stories. I read them over and over again.

Sorry this is long but it is so important to remind us of the power of our

mind. I know we can't think the pain away, but we can decide how we will handle

it. We can decide to take it and learn from it and enjoy all of the good it

brings into our lives. Yes it does believe it or not? ( I'm not talking about

the best parking spots either!) Actually one of my favorite compensations is

when there are large steps or jumps and some strong man has to carry

me.............did I type that?????

Dear Doggone,

I wish you and me and all of us the best of health because we will be the ones

who appreciate it the most. Until then, hold on to all the good in your life

because it is what will save you.




Doggone wrote:

> Thanks, . You're right, even feeding myself is beyond me. I've been

> through all the antidepressants. I don't know what to do. My husband is

> worn out just trying to keep his business going and taking care of me. He's

> been right with me through 12 years of trying to figure out what was wrong

> (I got as many different diagnoses as doctors; everything from food

> allergies to yeast infections.), through 5 years of every wazoo alternative

> therapy for RA you can think of because I was afraid to take drugs, through

> two years of minocin -- that works but increased the rate of joint damage.

> I am so tired of failed procedures. My hopes would be so high and,

> eventually, all the doctors would back off, saying that they just didn't

> understand it; it must be me. This year alone I have been through two CAT

> scans, one 1 1/2 hour long MRI, and 12 x-rays. I have taken drugs which

> have left me with damage and persistent migraines that now require I go to

> the hospital. All ordered by well-meaning doctors trying to cure me, who

> eventually had to look at me and say they were sorry, that there was nothing

> they could do for me. I will keep Dr. Sinnott in mind, but I don't

> know...Thank you so much for your kind words, though. Doggone

> Re: rheumatic how is your mental state?


> Diane,


> Not good.


> I saw a new homeopathic doctor this week. I was trying to explain

> to

> him how this disease has totally changed my personality. " I used to be


> Sunshine, " I told him. " I used to LOVE Christmas and making presents,

> baking and homemade decorations. Now I won't even buy a tree. I used

> to

> laugh and bring fun into the home and workplace. I'd find joy is simple

> pleasures, like gardening and walking through the woods. I would get

> home

> from work, put on music, and dance my way through making dinner. Now it

> takes all my strength just to be civil to the only person I see, my

> husband

> who, of all people, does not deserve my rancor. "


> Diet and vitamins and fish oil have not alleviated this depression.

> Neither did Prozac and talking 'til I was blue in the face. Nor did

> re-birthing or meditation. I take my minocin, which has lessened the

> pain

> and helped with the morning stiffness, but I am one of the unfortunate

> ones

> whose joint destruction hasn't stopped or even slowed down with

> antibiotics.

> I can chart my degeneration monthly. Even if a miracle were to happen

> and

> the arthritis halt today, I've lost my life -- there's too much damage

> done.

> And other problems have been added, osteoporosis pain and connective

> tissue

> damage so I'm constantly dislocating joints. If I WEREN'T depressed I'd

> consider myself insane. It would take a labotamy.


> Well, for years my doctor thought it was all in my head...she's

> finally

> right.


> Doggone



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