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Re: Just believe and so shall it be

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This is a wonderful post and along these lines I would like to recommend Gregg Braden's book The Spontaneous Healing of Belief. I just finished reading it and I feel a profound difference in my thinking and core beliefs.

In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl(translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Libraryvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne Sunshower

In a message dated 6/16/2008 6:52:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, starlittlepieceofheaven@... writes:

The world is healing and altering each individuals perceptions of what is the truth, one being at a time. So many individuals have been brainwashed for too many years, making it impossible for recovery to come in one quick and fast miracle as people would like....In this way the ultimate effects of humanities healing can and will be greater than any earthquake or any horrendous tragedy which may occur upon this earth if only we all believe this to be so... Through one individual being at a time..Humanities healing will be greater than any war ever created as the concentration upon light and love will overcome all darkness and ideas of hatred.... Light and love empowers healing energy which can and will end all hatered and all wars as we grasp this concept that wars are created within the minds of men in their misguided idea that enforcement through pain and anger is the only solution, this only creates more enforcement pain and anger.... and as we look upon war we concentrate upon war, we manifest more pain and anger and in reflection we have manifested the catastrophic natural events which are occurring upon this Earth... It is not God that creates this string of events.. It is we.. and in this we have to get it one being at a time, we will get it.. and though we are given such knowledge we still have the choice to change or not to change. As you look in disbelief and fear creating more disbelief and fear..What is your choice? I choose to create my universe through a healing process of love and truth from myself outwards.. Change your thoughts..Change your perceptions and see the beauty of humanities healing..It isn't to late to stop such events unfolding before your eyes.. we must understand that this is our creation.. We have been concentrating upon war and greed and hatred for too long and in this we have manifested more pain and more greed and hurt..Look instead upon the love, upon the healing that goes on before your eyes.. watch how humanity attempts to rush to the aid of those injured. Do you not see the beautiful truth of humanity ? Do you not see that before we could even get this concept we first have to experience the darkness? Everything has its reasons.. everything has its reactions to your actions and in-actions..No conscious being is exempt..As you sit in you comfortable chair do not even contemplate upon the idea of being helpless. Since here you manifest more helplessness... If you were standing within the centre of such an event with a child trapped in front of you, what would you be doing? Empower yourself and in doing so you empower the healers just by recognizing that you too are a hero and you too are a healer as your energies surge towards the event willing love and pure healing light. You are powerful beyond belief.. You are the angel that aids..Spread this truth that we are each of us capable of empowering the healers, be content in the knowledge that as the waves of healing reach those who attempt to zip the mouths of those spreading the word of unconditional love.. Continue to shine and trust in the universe It really is working to alter our and their perceptions as they will be forced to feel the pain as they choose to remain in the lower energies, as they refuse to acknowledge and feel the freedom that the higher vision and higher energies of unconditional love to all men brings to those who accept and know the truth of love..Love all including the war mongers who benefit from the profits of war.. they no not what they do.. Shine your healing light regardless of threats and anger.. As they choose ignore the truth within this lifetime,we in reflection should ignore they, thus dis-arming their power.... Remember that we are each of us within a little universe of self..as events unfold before us allow those events to be events of love and peace..Live within your universe of pure love and beauty...Do not concern yourself with those who work within the lower energies, we are ignoring them.. we are disempowering them... this will have a longer effect upon their being through the karmic reactions which precede there negative actions since there is always a reaction to the negative energies which they create within their space.. Do not allow for their ripple of hatred to penetrate your universe and space....Love them anyway and realize that in doing so you are contributing still further to your own universe of love and contentment where you see only the beauty of the healers and care of the world around you..You are even more powerful beyond belief..more powerful than those that work in pain...Concentrate upon those that spread the word of truth and empower them to continue.. Concentrate upon the beauty of this world, its natural state, its love and its healing light.. send your ripples of truth beyond your Universe allowing it to reach the ears to those aggressors sent with love...If each and every one of us all do this.. we will eventually manifest in this world the peace on earth we so crave.. There are many more beings who crave peace than there are that crave war and destruction.. all spreading healing energy as they concentrate upon the good and the love that is now... Live in unconditional joy that the world is beautiful and trust in this .. It will be so.. Sending love and healing light to all soo much so so muchxxx..aka star aka love and all other qualifications I have recently been given.. ;) xxx bless all that read this xxx~ Madden------------------------------------Humanity Healing,Healing the heart of Humanity,one soul at the time. <*> To change settings online go to: /join(! ID required)<*>To download our new ToolBar http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com <*>www..netFAIR USE NOTICE: This page contains copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This website distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107.

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Thank you so Much .. I am very aware of Greg Bradens work. as well as Louse Hay. I am abosolutely in awe of these wonderful people in this time and space .. each piece of information is given to us in order for us to pass this on and bring realisation and healing to those who live in a world of anxiety stress lack of forgivness anger and retributions.

It does not serve us well to live in this way and creates illnesses within.. As we heal ourselves, we heal the world through love and forgivness.. the reality is we are all divine and we all have divine love to give .. If only we could each recognise the power within..

I send to you healing colours of love from my heart to yours.. lets all create rainbows. and bring the greatest healing energy to ourselves one beautiful being of vibrational light energy at a time. xx

x..x aka star, aka love .x raising your vibrations one soul at a time.x

From: senegalady@... <senegalady@...>Subject: Re: [] Just believe and so shall it be Date: Monday, 16 June, 2008, 12:01 PM

This is a wonderful post and along these lines I would like to recommend Gregg Braden's book The Spontaneous Healing of Belief. I just finished reading it and I feel a profound difference in my thinking and core beliefs.

In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl(translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Libraryvisit me at: www.myspace. com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne Sunshower

In a message dated 6/16/2008 6:52:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, starlittlepieceofhe aven (DOT) co.uk writes:

The world is healing and altering each individuals perceptions of what is the truth, one being at a time. So many individuals have been brainwashed for too many years, making it impossible for recovery to come in one quick and fast miracle as people would like....In this way the ultimate effects of humanities healing can and will be greater than any earthquake or any horrendous tragedy which may occur upon this earth if only we all believe this to be so... Through one individual being at a time..Humanities healing will be greater than any war ever created as the concentration upon light and love will overcome all darkness and ideas of hatred.... Light and love empowers healing energy which can and will end all hatered and all wars as we grasp this concept that wars are created

within the minds of men in their misguided idea that enforcement through pain and anger is the only solution, this only creates more enforcement pain and anger.... and as we look upon war we concentrate upon war, we manifest more pain and anger and in reflection we have manifested the catastrophic natural events which are occurring upon this Earth... It is not God that creates this string of events.. It is we.. and in this we have to get it one being at a time, we will get it.. and though we are given such knowledge we still have the choice to change or not to change. As you look in disbelief and fear creating more disbelief and fear..What is your choice? I choose to create my universe through a healing process of love and truth from myself outwards.. Change your thoughts..Change your perceptions and see the beauty of humanities healing..It isn't to late to stop such events unfolding

before your eyes.. we must understand that this is our creation.. We have been concentrating upon war and greed and hatred for too long and in this we have manifested more pain and more greed and hurt..Look instead upon the love, upon the healing that goes on before your eyes.. watch how humanity attempts to rush to the aid of those injured. Do you not see the beautiful truth of humanity ? Do you not see that before we could even get this concept we first have to experience the darkness? Everything has its reasons.. everything has its reactions to your actions and in-actions.. No conscious being is exempt..As you sit in you comfortable chair do not even contemplate upon the idea of being helpless. Since here you manifest more helplessness. .. If you were standing within the centre of such an event with a child trapped in front of you, what would you be doing? Empower yourself and in

doing so you empower the healers just by recognizing that you too are a hero and you too are a healer as your energies surge towards the event willing love and pure healing light. You are powerful beyond belief.. You are the angel that aids..Spread this truth that we are each of us capable of empowering the healers, be content in the knowledge that as the waves of healing reach those who attempt to zip the mouths of those spreading the word of unconditional love.. Continue to shine and trust in the universe It really is working to alter our and their perceptions as they will be forced to feel the pain as they choose to remain in the lower energies, as they refuse to acknowledge and feel the freedom that the higher vision and higher energies of unconditional love to all men brings to those who accept and know the truth of love..Love all including the war mongers who benefit from the

profits of war.. they no not what they do.. Shine your healing light regardless of threats and anger.. As they choose ignore the truth within this lifetime,we in reflection should ignore they, thus dis-arming their power.... Remember that we are each of us within a little universe of self..as events unfold before us allow those events to be events of love and peace..Live within your universe of pure love and beauty...Do not concern yourself with those who work within the lower energies, we are ignoring them.. we are disempowering them... this will have a longer effect upon their being through the karmic reactions which precede there negative actions since there is always a reaction to the negative energies which they create within their space.. Do not allow for their ripple of hatred to penetrate your universe and space....Love them anyway and realize that in doing so you are

contributing still further to your own universe of love and contentment where you see only the beauty of the healers and care of the world around you..You are even more powerful beyond belief..more powerful than those that work in pain...Concentrate upon those that spread the word of truth and empower them to continue.. Concentrate upon the beauty of this world, its natural state, its love and its healing light.. send your ripples of truth beyond your Universe allowing it to reach the ears to those aggressors sent with love...If each and every one of us all do this.. we will eventually manifest in this world the peace on earth we so crave.. There are many more beings who crave peace than there are that crave war and destruction. . all spreading healing energy as they concentrate upon the good and the love that is now... Live in unconditional joy that the world is beautiful and trust in

this .. It will be so.. Sending love and healing light to all soo much so so muchxxx.. aka star aka love and all other qualifications I have recently been given.. ;) xxx bless all that read this xxx~ Madden------------ --------- --------- ------Humanity Healing,Healing the heart of Humanity,one soul at the time. <*> To change settings online go to: http://groups. / group/HumanityHe aling/join( ID required)<*>To download our new ToolBar http://humanityheal ing.OurOrganizat ionToolbar. com <*>www. .netFAIR USE NOTICE: This page contains copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This website distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational

purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107.

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