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A Father's Day search for a child to adopt

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Dear HH Family,

I am passing on this letter for a friend in hopes that someone might

be able to give an extra-special Father's Day gift to this couple. If

you can help, please pass this email on.

My Blessings to all of you this Father's Day.

Much Metta,



Tim and I have decided, after suffering many fertility woes, to

complete our family by adoption. Eleanor just turned 4 in April and

wants a sibling desperately, and we also badly want another child in

our home.

Why am I telling you this? Because I am hoping that you can help. We

want to adopt within the United States, because I want a newborn baby,

and babies adopted from foreign countries are usually several months

old before they come to live with their adoptive families. Ideally,

the adoption would be private, meaning that we would adopt directly

from the birth parent(s), using an adoption agency only to assist us

in limited ways. This way, we can gain legal custody of our adoptive

child as quickly as possible.

We are very open regarding the ethnicity of our adoptive child and

would welcome a child of either sex. Also, we are open to the idea of

adopting twins or a newborn in combination with an older sibling.

Please let us know if you learn of someone who may need to give up a

child for adoption or who may know someone in that position. Also,

please feel free to pass this message on to anyone that you know who

may be able to help us. Professionals likely to know potential birth

parents include college professors, ministers,

obstetricians/gynecologists and municipal health nurses. Also, in the

course of completing our home study we have heard several stories of

placements that have been facilitated by relatives or friends when a

high-school- or college-aged young woman becomes pregnant and is not

in a position to keep her child.

We are willing to travel anywhere within the U.S. to meet the birth

parents, ideally prior to the baby's birth. We also have available to

us the services of a lawyer who has facilitated many adoptions

country-wide and can help us determine the best way to accomplish the


Following the adoption, Tim and I would welcome continued contact with

the birth parents, ranging from photos and letters a few times a year

to in-person visits on a mutually-agreed schedule. We believe this to

be in the best interest of all involved: it will enable our adoptive

child to have information about his or her biological and familial

roots, it will allow the birth parents to know that their child is

doing well, and it will help us to be able to answer many of the

questions that come when an adoptive child starts to wonder about his

or her birth family.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch. We have

prepared a profile that tells our family's story that we are ready to

send to any birth parent interested in placing a child for adoption.

Potential adoptive parents can reach us at (888) 330-8915 or


Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers at this time.

Anne and Tim

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