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Messages from the Future, Part Eight By DL Zeta

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Messages from the Future, Part Eight Working with your Future Self to Seed the New EarthOver time as you work with your future self in consciousness, you willreceive information about events unfolding in Earth's future. Thiswill be scenes from future time frames where future "yous" areincarnated. Some of the scenes are taking place in the future of thislifetime, while others are unfolding in more distant times.At first these "future visions" will be downloaded into your nightlydreams and subconscious mind. You may not be consciously aware ofthem until you encounter or experience something that triggers amemory of them. When this happens, you will feel a great sense ofexcitement. It may seem you are "recognizing" something you havenever seen before. This is a form of "déjà vu," when an image or ideatriggers subconscious memories. Record these occurrences in yourintuitive journal, for they represent previously unknown aspects ofyour self you are now encountering in physical reality. In time, youwill come to recognize these moments of future vision as a result ofyour developing connection with future aspects of your self.Assisting Your Future Selves in ConsciousnessJust as your future selves are able to provide guidance and assistancefor you, you are able to assist them as well. You assist your futureselves by taking steps in your present moment that free energy andpave the way for future expansion and growth. The steps you takewithin your present moment toward healing and wholeness allow yourfuture selves to become brighter lights on the planet in future timeson the Earth and other planes of existence.Another way you are able to assist your future self is to work with itto seed a more holistic and unified vision for Earth's future. Thishigher vision will in time help usher in the New Earth that has justbegun to crystallize on the horizon of many minds in your present timeframe.Future Selves as Pioneers of a New Stewardship EthicThere are those in your world who have begun to "reach back" and joinforces with future aspects of themselves to envision and build a newand more holistic future on Earth. These pioneers of advanced futureholograms are working from their future time frames to plant the seedsof the New Earth in your present time frame. One of the ways theyaccomplish this is by seeding images and ideas to their "past selves"which exist in your present time.Think of all the visionaries you honor in your present time frame.Those who have led the way in alerting humanity to a futureenvironmental crisis received images and guidance from aspects ofthemselves incarnated in the future. Once awakened to potentialitiesunfolding in Earth's future, they opened to steps they could take nowto minimize and stem the tide of these events. In cases where eventscannot be averted, their guidance shows them how to minimize theeffects through alternative practices.Transforming the Ethic of Poor StewardshipSome beings from the future who have present moment selves that arecurrently exploiting the Earth through an ethic of poor stewardshipare now "reaching back" to work with their past selves. These aresouls who have volunteered to "walk back to spirit" the poorstewardship ethic, transforming it in their future consciousness.In this way, even those who seem to work against the highest good inyour present moment are acting in accordance with their spiritualguidance. By acting out situations on the world's stage that reflectthe consequences and realities of poor stewardship toward the Earthand all life are helping awaken many to the need to create a moreholistic future.Those who volunteer to portray the "movie" of an ethic that exploitsthe Earth and places little value on life will be blessed for thesacrifices they are making to assist others. Imagine dedicating anentire lifetime to illustrating the reality and consequences of apurely material-based consciousness. Another blessing these beingsreceive is the spiritual understanding they gain in their life schoolcurriculum. This understanding affords them the opportunity to evolvea more holistic ethic in future incarnations.Bless those who through their actions (what you perceive as positiveas well as negative) help you gain awareness of the need for a newethic of stewardship on the Earth plane. All these efforts,understandings and insights are helping usher in a new and moreholistic future time.Next week in our final installment of this series we will discuss theworkings of Future Vision and opening to receive visions for the NewEarth.For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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