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Re: Numbness Anyone?

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Hey Baudette, Hi to Angie and rest of group reading this,


I don't think you have any mental issues. You almost sound like a

typical book case of fibro. My story is almost same as yours. Auto accident 1991

and 92. Also had tragic death of mom from breast ca at age 54 in 1990 to add to

stress. My symtoms r about same as yours pain everywhere, pressure points

especially and lots of numbness tingling legs falling asleep quickly.

Fortunately, I have great rhemy, and keep pain under control. There are lots of

great supplements out there that will help you with the pain and weakness

besides the prescription meds u may need if not already taking. I personally

take all the supplements from Melaleuca. www,Malaleuca.com. It is a wellness co.

They have personally saved my life as far as energy and even less pain. Also,

Mona Vie is a great product if u know any one who sells it or get it online. If

you just want local drugstore products best would be for energy-COQ10,a really

good multi vitamin of course and some gingo biloba for

memory if u are having problems with memory(fibro fog). These are things that

have helped me. I also take alot of script meds, You may need an antidepressant

type med such as Zoloft or Cymbalta(also helps with pain)/If you are taking

Lyrica with success that is great, I am not on it, They tried it on my dtr and

she had many side effects so I never wanted to try it. I take Oxy. Cymbalta

Ibuprofen and then bp meds diuretics and other meds for asthma. I somehow manage

to still work part time as a home health nurse and have a home based buisness I

am expanding on so I can quit nursing since it is getting more difficult by the


Anyway,it is late gtg to bed. You are welcome to email me privately if u want

to talk anytime. Hope you have pain free day.

Jodi M.

Angie wrote:


I don't know what to call you. Yes I just went to the doctor with the numb

places, tingling etc. It had just started up about 3 weeks after I took a fall

down the stairs. I had random arms or hands go numb, a buzzing painful back from

my hips to my neck, etc. My Rheum told me myofascial pain. You can look it up

and look at the symptoms. She gave me muscle relaxants and its helped quite a

bit. There are more treatments they can do also.

I have Fibro as well and Lupus. I also have some osteoarthritis. So I have pain,

at least some almost always. I don't ever have a pain-free day. But some days

are better than others.

Hope that helps some.

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats, snow skiing,

camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers

member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.

" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

" While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow

part of us to die - whether it is our spirit,our creativity, or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner







Numbness Anyone?


I'm new here. I haven't been officially diagnosed yet, though my

nurse- practitioner is pretty positive. I see a Rheumatologist March

20th. I was in a car accident in 2001, rear ended real good. I had

injuries to my mid-back disc's, super bad whip-lash, and TMJ from it.

I have spent the last seven years playing doctor pass on to doctor,

with no one figuring out what was causing all this pain. They all said

that I couldn't be in this much pain from my injuries. I have been

given medication for the muscle cramps, pain and sleep trouble. My

present nurse-practitioner finally tried me on Lyrica and I saw such

good improvement from the pain , though the side affects are

something. It wasn't until after I say the commercial for Lyrica that

I looked up fibromyalgia and it's symptoms. OH MY GOSH IT'S ME! I

could not believe I have had all the symptoms, and complained about

them, for soooo long and no one figured it out! I honestly was

thinking that I must have a mental problem and had those lovely

thoughts of doing myself in. When I brought it up to my NP she almost

slapped herself in the head for not thinking of it herself.

So, anyway, I am now 47 years old and have lost the most productive

years, sans children at home, of my life. I can't work. I pretty much

can't do a heck of a lot. Even sitting at this computer too long hurts

my back quite a bit.

You'all have quite a group here so maybe you can tell me if you have

problems with numbness? Tingling? Legs falling asleep quickly? Also,

did you all have pain at the tender points? What if you take

medication? Will it cause it to be gone. I'm afraid I won't hurt

enough at the doctors and I still won't have any answers to what is

wrong with me.

Okay, that's enough for now I guess. " Talk " to you in a bit.



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Hi Baudette - Welcome to the group. My search that led me to diagnosis kind

of began with numbness down my right leg, on the outer thigh, above the

knee. Doctors couldn't figure out what was causing it. Oh, and it would

turn into searing, burning pain when I was on my feet for too long. I had a

job on my feet at that time, so I quit working on my feet and it improved.

The numbness has never gone away, but I only notice it when I shave there,

or dry my leg off.

Anyway, glad you finally have a " name " for your suffering. You're not

alone. We're all in the same boat together. Being on meds should not

affect your tender points. They'll still hurt like heck when pushed. Well,

that's all for now. Take care.

Jeanne in WI

> Hi,

> I'm new here. I haven't been officially diagnosed yet, though my nurse-

> practitioner is pretty positive. I see a Rheumatologist March 20th. I was

> in a car accident in 2001, rear ended real good. I had injuries to my

> mid-back disc's, super bad whip-lash, and TMJ from it.

I have spent the last seven years playing doctor pass on to doctor, with no

one figuring out what was causing all this pain. They all said that I

couldn't be in this much pain from my injuries. I have been given medication

for the muscle cramps, pain and sleep trouble. My present nurse-practitioner

finally tried me on Lyrica and I saw such

good improvement from the pain , though the side affects are something. It

wasn't until after I say the commercial for Lyrica that I looked up

fibromyalgia and it's symptoms. OH MY GOSH IT'S ME! I could not believe I

have had all the symptoms, and complained about

them, for soooo long and no one figured it out! I honestly was thinking that

I must have a mental problem and had those lovely thoughts of doing myself

in. When I brought it up to my NP she almost slapped herself in the head for

not thinking of it herself. So, anyway, I am now 47 years old and have lost

the most productive years, sans children at home, of my life. I can't work.

I pretty much can't do a heck of a lot. Even sitting at this computer too

long hurts

my back quite a bit.

> You'all have quite a group here so maybe you can tell me if you have

> problems with numbness? Tingling? Legs falling asleep quickly? Also, did

> you all have pain at the tender points? What if you take medication? Will

> it cause it to be gone. I'm afraid I won't hurt enough at the doctors and

> I still won't have any answers to what is wrong with me.

> Okay, that's enough for now I guess. " Talk " to you in a bit.

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