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The Healing Power Of Your Core Being

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The Healing Power of

Your Core Being

By Dr. Peck & Peck

Co-Founders, TheLoveCenter

Your core being has immense healing power and value.

Each of us, at our core, is pure, innocent, divine, and exquisitely

beautiful. There is even a radiant energy that flows from our core

when we know ourselves at this inner level of substance.

Do you know your core value?

If you made a list of your top qualities, what five qualities would

most describe your inner core self? If you're not sure, think of what

others who know you well would say. The truth about each of us is

really not a secret. And the truth about our core being has nothing to

do with ego. We each have healing core strength, but we need to have

the spiritual courage to see and accept our talents. You honor

yourself at the deepest level – and you bring yourself into highest

service – when you honor your core being.

For example, 's core being could be described as nurturing,

honoring, healing, comforting, expanding, and inspiring. The core

qualities driving 's life could de described as compassionate

loving, unifying, peacemaking, and honoring. Again, this is not about

ego. It's about honoring the core talents given to each of us. Without

such honoring, we lose touch with the power of our core being and the

ability to live at the possibilities of our healing strength.

Take a moment and participate with us. Are you willing to love

yourself enough to truly honor your long or short list of positive


If so, use a sheet of paper and don't hold back listing the core

qualities you know you were given to serve the universe. And don't

judge the list. Your list may say you are playful or goofy, wise or

calming, thoughtful or helpful, committed or fatherly, generous or

supportive. Whatever is on your list, your job is to value it as a

universal treasure. Be as generous and accurate as you can.

Sometimes, as you make your list, you may hear a little voice in your

head that is someone else's negativity about you – or your own

negative self talk. Let this go and honor your core talents. Knowing

yourself is preceded by a willingness to love yourself.

Over the coming days, keep adding more qualities as they come up. And

remember not to judge them or yourself. Consider yourself as a

scientist gathering data. It is personal. But it is also objective.

As you look over your list, practice honoring your core self. This

creates a radiant wave coming out from you. It causes you to carry an

added energy of confidence which comes from inner valuing. The energy

is powerful to bless and heal. The closer you stay to your core

awareness, the more you will feel the power of it. Others will feel it


As you continue to value yourself, you will find this attracting

people to you who also appreciate your values, and people who need

your core talents and your wave of radiance. This is the beginning of

your life that steps out of the shadows into the bright light. And it

can all occur without a word being spoken about your value. Our inner

core values are mostly invisible, operating quietly. But we need to

acknowledge them with ourselves to give them birth and energy.

Whenever our thoughts or actions stem from our core being, we are in

our power of radiance. This heals.

For example, was traveling alone and hoped the day of travel

could somehow be meaningful. She spent awhile honoring her core

identity and remembered its great value in the world. The lady next to

her seat on the plane began to open up about half way through the

flight and shared that she was trying to make a decision whether to

have an operation recommended by her doctor. The surgery sounded

complicated, serious, and necessary according to her doctor. Because

her fear was so great, the woman had not been able to think about it

to make a decision.

During their conversation, allowed her core qualities to

radiate. She let core qualities of nurturing, comforting, and healing

simply flow to this new friend. There was so much love and honoring

present that the woman ended the conversation smiling and saying she

felt that she could now go forward peacefully and have the operation.

This is a simple example of what happens when we know our core and let

it flow freely in our lives.

There is immense healing power in your core being.

Each of us has a distinct influence to bring to every situation. It

may be our laughter one time, our acknowledgment another time, or even

our smile radiating to a stranger. We don't need to know how our core

being will act as a healing influence to others. But we do need to

honor our core being so we can let our healing power out of the bag.

Welcome to the heart of Love!

© Copyright 2005 by Dr. Peck & Peck

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