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Messages from the Future, Part Seven By DL Zeta

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Messages from the Future, Part SevenComing into Resonance with Your Mastery SelfOnce you begin connecting in consciousness with your future selves,you will become aware of the many aspects of your self that exist in"future time."Outside linear reality, all-time exists as one quantum moment pulsingwith many energetic threads. There is no "past or future." Wedescribe here versions of your self that hold fewer understandingsthan you have in your present moment as "past selves." Those selveswith greater understandings than your present moment are "futureselves." This is regardless of where they exist "in time."When we speak of the "number of understandings," we are talking aboutvibratory levels. The degree of spiritual understandings you hold isdirectly related to the rate at which you are vibrating. You mightthink of a slower, denser rate of vibration as being weighed down withthe energy of unresolved emotions and denser, heavier energies.Greater spiritual understandings pave the way to greater feelings ofinner peace and unconditional love. These inner states dirrectlycorrespond to a lighter, higher vibration.A past self can be a self from your present lifetime or a self from apast lifetime at any point in your arc of incarnations. The same istrue for a future self.Your Future Selves Assist Your Guides and AngelsThroughout time, whenever you have asked for guidance and assistancebeyond the physical realm, this assistance has been immediatelydownloaded into your consciousness. The only "waiting" or "lag time"for its arrival into your physical reality has been a matter ofbringing your consciousness into resonance with these downloads. Whenyou "opened" sufficiently to become an energetic match for theinformation and assistance you were seeking, it showed up in your life.Your higher self orchestrates these downloads in conjunction with yourspirit guides and angels. In order to deliver what you are seeking,these high-vibrational beings "amp down" the vibration of the downloadso it is in closer resonance with you in your present moment. One waythis "amping down" takes place is by filtering it through theconsciousness of future versions of your self. This is possible asthese selves carry your energetic signature. Their vibratory level ishigher than yours because they hold a greater degree of spiritualunderstanding, Your future selves are closer in resonance to you thanyour spirit guides and your higher self, which exist in an expandedrealm beyond the Earth plane. When you have created the causes ofadvanced future selves in your near future, you are able to receive agreat deal of spiritual insight and understanding through these selves.Your Mastery or "Ascension" SelfSomewhere in time -- in this lifetime or another -- exists a versionof you that has achieved spiritual mastery. This self has healed andreleased all that stands in the way of complete spiritual alignment.Your mastery self is spirit incarnate; it is your spirit walking theEarth. This is the complete unification of Heaven and Earth.A being that exists on the Earth as spirit incarnate serves as aportal for all who seek spiritual knowledge and communion. This beingis able to see the higher purpose of each moment that unfolds upon theEarth plane. In their eyes, each moment is perfection. That isbecause they see each event in the context of the centuries of itsmaking; they see each person in the context of their arc of lifetimes.Inside this spiritual vision, there exists complete awareness,acceptance, detachment, discernment, complete love and compassion.It is possible for you to seek guidance and assistance from yourmastery self. All that is necessary in order to contact this self isto come into resonance with it.Harmonizing with Your Mastery SelfWhen you set your intention to harmonize with your mastery self, youbegin to receive a great deal of guidance concerning steps you need totake to clear the way for this connection. You will begin to see anyareas where you still hold blame, resentment or other negativeemotions. Your attention will be drawn to any limiting beliefs youhold and any way you have limited your vision of what is possible foryour self. As you take the steps to raise your vibration, you becomea stronger vibrational match for your mastery self. Once you haveevolved your consciousness to a certain vibratory level, you will findyou have a clear and direct channel to your "mastery self." This isthe point where you find your self drawn to new ideas, new people andactivities. At times, you may not feel like the same person. Youwill experience a greater sense of peace and unconditional love. Yourspiritual awareness will expand as you begin to glimpse the worldthrough the eyes of your mastery self.Working with Your "Near-Mastery Self"As you begin coming into closer resonance with your mastery self, youwill encounter your "near-mastery self." This is a future self thatis nearing mastery understanding. A near-mastery self is assigned thetask of uniting all its selves throughout time. This self will sensethose past aspects that are awake and aware of its presence and willcall upon them to work with less aware aspects to help bring abouthealing and understanding. As you work with your near-mastery self tobring about healing, understanding and unification, you take quantumsteps on your spiritual path and towards resonance with your mastery self.Next week we will describe ways in which you can work with your futureselves to help seed the future of the New Earth.For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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