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Pulmonary Fibrosis in SD

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HI all, my hi res cat scan and chest films that my AP SD Dr ordered before my surgery in October came back with increased fibrosis...or scarring..

My chest films, done with the hi res cat scan, have always been normal, this time it came back with minimal linear scarring in the region of the lingula..Unsure what that means, but I read in Maureen Mays book that scarring and fibrosis are used interchangeably for the fibrosis seen in SD...Whats a lingula? Anyone know? Obviously, this is progression, since in early lung disease, fibrosis may show up on the hi res cat scan but not the chest film...YIPES...now, it is......(I have been on oral mino for 19 months, Harvard protocol, and then oral clindy, 300 mg, 4x a day..for 10 days every 8 weeks)

My hi res cat scans from the beginning have come back with some minimal scarring, from the first one done in May, 01 to the last one done in October..This one said that there is minimal linear scarring or atelectasis at the anterior right lung base....My first one done in May of 2001, after one month of AP, said, minimal degree of linear fibrosis is seen within the right middle lobe..Odd, the recent hi res cat scan said minimal linear scarring at the anterior right lung base....but did not mention the May cat scan report of minimal linear fibrosis within the right middle lobe...what happened to the minimal linear fibrosis within the right middle lobe????? or is the minimal degree of scarring at the anterior right lung base the same as the right middle lobe? Anyone?

My only conclusion since neither my PCP or the PULM have seen fit to call me about these reports is that since my chest films had all been previously normal, that the fact that scarring or fibrosis is now showing up on the chest film, this is not a good thing...I have mailed the reports to my PULM...(as the hosp did not) and to my rheumy...My PCP got them and apparently just files them away...jeez... I will keep you all posted..I intend to call the PULM and my rheumy in the am...DR W, my SD DR in NJ is out until November 19th...

Any ideas are much appreciated...thanks, DEBB

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Hi, Debb,

You said, " My hi res cat scans from the beginning have come back with some

minimal scarring, from the first one done in May, 01 to the last one done in

October..This one said that there is minimal linear scarring or atelectasis at

the anterior right lung base....My first one done in May of 2001, after one

month of AP, said, minimal degree of linear fibrosis is seen within the right

middle lobe..Odd, the recent hi res cat scan said minimal linear scarring at the

anterior right lung base....but did not mention the May cat scan report of

minimal linear fibrosis within the right middle lobe...what happened to the

minimal linear fibrosis within the right middle lobe????? or is the minimal

degree of scarring at the anterior right lung base the same as the right middle

lobe? Anyone? "



rheumatic Pulmonary Fibrosis in SD

HI all, my hi res cat scan and chest films that my AP SD Dr ordered before my

surgery in October came back with increased fibrosis...or scarring..

My chest films, done with the hi res cat scan, have always been normal, this

time it came back with minimal linear scarring in the region of the

lingula..Unsure what that means, but I read in Maureen Mays book that scarring

and fibrosis are used interchangeably for the fibrosis seen in SD...Whats a

lingula? Anyone know? Obviously, this is progression, since in early lung

disease, fibrosis may show up on the hi res cat scan but not the chest

film...YIPES...now, it is......(I have been on oral mino for 19 months, Harvard

protocol, and then oral clindy, 300 mg, 4x a day..for 10 days every 8 weeks)

My hi res cat scans from the beginning have come back with some minimal

scarring, from the first one done in May, 01 to the last one done in

October..This one said that there is minimal linear scarring or atelectasis at

the anterior right lung base....My first one done in May of 2001, after one

month of AP, said, minimal degree of linear fibrosis is seen within the right

middle lobe..Odd, the recent hi res cat scan said minimal linear scarring at the

anterior right lung base....but did not mention the May cat scan report of

minimal linear fibrosis within the right middle lobe...what happened to the

minimal linear fibrosis within the right middle lobe????? or is the minimal

degree of scarring at the anterior right lung base the same as the right middle

lobe? Anyone?

My only conclusion since neither my PCP or the PULM have seen fit to call me

about these reports is that since my chest films had all been previously normal,

that the fact that scarring or fibrosis is now showing up on the chest film,

this is not a good thing...I have mailed the reports to my PULM...(as the hosp

did not) and to my rheumy...My PCP got them and apparently just files them

away...jeez... I will keep you all posted..I intend to call the PULM and my

rheumy in the am...DR W, my SD DR in NJ is out until November 19th...

Any ideas are much appreciated...thanks, DEBB

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