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Creating A Love Bubble

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" Creating a Love Bubble "

By Peck

Co-Founder, TheLoveCenter

Here's one of the most powerful of all love skills to connect deeply

& soulfully with another person in less than a minute. Here's how it


First of all, let your heart pick someone you would like to connect with

soulfully. Without any words, focus on how valuable this person is,

becoming more fully aware of feeling this yourself. The love is already

with you. Allow yourself to feel it even more deeply. Let it encompass

your entire being. Let it soar within you. Say hello to love.

Now – without yet uttering a word – let your love radiate out to

the other person. Let your love flow create a bubble of love encircling

you both as though you are being warmed & enclosed in the same love

blanket. Within this love bubble, both hearts know they are safe, even

sacred. Your Love message is radiating to the other's heart,

acknowledging how precious & truly wonderful it is.

In this protected & sacred love bubble, your love message whispers,

" You are already qualified for love, respect, & appreciation. "

You remember & honor the divine self this person represents to you & the


Again, no word has yet been spoken.

Your love bubble becomes the conduit for all Love's healing messages

to you both. Perhaps you are supposed to say something from Love.

Perhaps not. Love is orchestrating this moment & the perfect message.

Love is speaking to you both simultaneously. What is Love saying?

You watch & wait. Continuing to be the bubble master, you feel

Love's living energy resonating within each of you & connecting you

both. Is this oneness? You notice no separation.

You begin to celebrate the very presence of love that each of you

contains. Love is being shared at a heart level. It is meaningful & it

is powerfully healing. You become aware that this is how your life can

be lived with everyone. You cherish this like no other experience.

Finally, you are connected in harmony & peace with another, full of

love. Love success!

Do you dare speak? What would you say?

You turn to Love & ask what Love most wants you to speak. Staying in the

love bubble that contains you both, you open your heart & words begin

flowing. What is it you are saying? It may be a love statement. Or it

may be a love question – from the heart of love.

For example, love might direct you to ask: " What is the most

significant thing going on in your life right now?

The question sounds sweet as you ask it. It may even bring a look of

wonder to the other person's face, interest in the question, even

flattery for being asked.

The person might turn to you & ask, " Do you really want to

know? " Think of the layers of distrust or past hurt that might have

to be sorted through in determining if this heart can be safe with you.

Yet the other person is touched. It's been awhile since anyone has

checked in like this at a heart level, so there may be a pause to go

within. Is there safety in answering? Will the heart be hurt? This is a

tender decision moment.

Your heart offers assurance. You let the genuineness of your love be

evident as you continue holding the love bubble. You feel the wonder of

the love that pours over you both. It feels wonderful.

Your question is so sweet that the other heart wants to answer, even

though words have not yet come forth in the sacred silence of the love


As the person savors the question with heart delight at being singled

out to be considered so important to you, the question begins to

register within this person at a soul level:

" What truly is the most significant thing going on in my life? "

this person wonders.

And Love will answer.

Because your love bubble is creating so much heart safety, words begin.

You listen, with joy. Perhaps this person is even a stranger, but

somehow, love makes you both familiar in soul's kindness.

As your soul friend answers, you continue to hold the love bubble,

cherishing this person's life & expression of divine being. You

realize, too, that this love bubble experience has already been a

success regardless of what is said or not said. Love has won again!

Welcome to heart of Love.

Copyright 2004 by & Peck

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