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I found a 'Candex' I think at www.gutdoctor.co.uk when I was looking for Uk

supplier of the Custom Brand Probiotics that Patti used

MAndi in UK

> >>> Hi Charlie

> Here are some more main enzyme vendors:


> www.serenaid.com


> Tyler (similase, similase jr.)


> Pure Essence (Candex - HFS and online)


> Wobenzyme (HFS and online)


> www.enzymedica.com (HFS and online)


> Enzymatic Therapy has some too.


> I read in a health magazine last month that Candex had 'new and

> improved' their formulation for yeast control...but I couldn't find

> anything online about it.


> .


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>>> Hi Charlie

Here are some more main enzyme vendors:


Tyler (similase, similase jr.)

Pure Essence (Candex - HFS and online)

Wobenzyme (HFS and online)

www.enzymedica.com (HFS and online)

Enzymatic Therapy has some too.

I read in a health magazine last month that Candex had 'new and

improved' their formulation for yeast control...but I couldn't find

anything online about it.


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  • 2 years later...


I have been getting your posts in my e-mail.

homefreemuff <homefreemuff@...> wrote:


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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 years later...
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In a message dated 7/21/2008 7:04:05 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

It is well said that the mind is the crucible in which the ideal istransmuted into the real.

This is quite a brilliant post, thank you!

Love and Light,


http://www.angelmystics.comGet fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

You've done a super job, Dr. Rima, thanks for your article, very much. I'd like to point out that the link you inserted for making comments is only the comment page, it doesn't include the article, or apparently any reference to it. I don't know how I could improve on your own comments, either, but was willing to take a shot at it. I think I'm getting too old, and no one would take it seriously, anyway, but you might like my own unpaid contribution to high end research design that I call the Randomized Block Theorem, not that anyone cares that much about legitimate, unbiased research or would even be able to recognize such a thing! But I'm still here!

Alan Foos


From: Natural Solutions Foundation <dr.laibow@...>Subject: Postno-forced-vaccination Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 3:14 PM

Here is a post which I just entered re: an article discussing the mandatory HPV vaccination of girls in Panama: As a physician, I am deeply distressed to learn that the dangerous, poorly tested and unnecessary HPV vaccine was made mandatory in Panama. Here's why:1. HPV vaccine is, according to the US FDA's own documents, generated prior to the vaccine's approval, effective on 4 strains of HPV, all of which are self-limited infections which have NO RELATIONSHIP WHATSOEVER TO CANCER OF ANY KIND so the vaccine is not useful for any sort of prevention.2. HPV vaccine increases the incidence, according to the US FDA, of cervical cancer 44.7% in girls and women who already have HPV.3. HPV vaccine has been associated with literally thousands of serious adverse events in girls and women who have received even 1 shot in the 3 shot series including death, seizures, crippling degenerative diseases like "juvenile ALS", previously virtually

unknown, muscle aches, persistent weakness and neurological disorders. These adverse reactions are both immediate, delayed and chronic.4. HPV vaccines contain Polysorbate 80 ("Tween 80"), a well known cause of sterility and potentially lethal anaphylactic reactions (ls of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7).Tween 80 is also associated with an increase in cervical cancer, rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, blurred vision or vision changes, chest pain, confusion, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, sore throat), one-sided weakness, pale skin color, seizures, redness, tenderness, or swelling of the calf, severe diarrhea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, or vomiting, severe or persistent tiredness or weakness, slurred speech, sudden pain or numbness of an arm or leg, sudden

shortness of breath, sudden trouble walking or loss of balance, swelling of the arms or legs, vision or speech problems, weight gain.Other less severe adverse effects include constipation, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, muscle, joint, back, or stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, pain, swelling, irritation, redness, or bruising at the injection site, unusual tiredness or weakness. Severe genital warts have resulted in children following injection with the HPV vaccine.5. Cervical cancer is well detected by Pap smears, and inexpensive, painless and safe detection method. The epidemiology of cervical cancer does not warrant an expensive, dangerous and ill-tested vaccine. According to Cancer.org, "Only some women with pre-cancerous changes of the cervix will develop cancer. This process usually takes several years but sometimes can happen in less than a year. For most women, pre-cancerous cells will remain unchanged and go away without any

treatment. But if these pre-cancers are treated, almost all true cancers can be prevented." Between 1955 and 1992, cervical cancer rates dropped over 70% due to pap screenings. Most cases occur in middle-aged women, and it is rare in women under age 20. The 5-year survival rate for cervical cancer is 72%. 6. HPV vaccine contains sodium borate, which, according to the National Library of Medicine, causes convulsions, collapse and seizures (twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs and feet). These symptoms are among the adverse effects seen within 6 months of HPV vaccine administration. 7. HPV vaccine contains amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate80. The amount of injected aluminum is 18,000 times higher than what the FDA previously considered safe in injectable products. Aluminum is linked with neurological damage, including Alzheimer's Disease.8. HPV vaccine contains L-Histidine, an essential amino acid. Injecting it makes it

likely that the immune system will be "trained" to attack it by producing antibodies to it, thus resulting in low histadine levels. This could help to explain many of the post HPV vaccine adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting and irritable bowel (histadine is required to regulate digestive functions), signs suggestive of heavy metal poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, sweating (histadine is essential for the metabolism and excretion of heavy metals in the body), joint pain (low histadine levels are associated with rhumatoid arthritis), spontaneous abortions and fetal malformations (histadine passes through the placental barrier).9.Polysorbate 80, a surfactant, and L-Histadine are a toxic mixture causing increased thrombin production leading to blood clots which can have lethal consequences.10. Histadine is necessary for histamine production. Antibodies to histadine would result in low histamine levels. Low

histamine levels are associated with auto immune encephalopathy, which is associated with the symptoms commonly seen in MS. Many of the adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine are MS-like reactions with progressive, degenerative neurological deterioration.11. Seizure disorders are frequent adverse events with HPV vaccine. Low histamine is a well established precipitating factor for the development of seizures.12. Life-long protection from the 3 shot series is far from certain. If HPV vaccines do, in fact, protect against cervical cancer, and that is far from certain, they are said to provide protection for only 6 years, for only 2-4 types of HPV virus out of at least 30 types and to have dose characteristics which are, at this point in time, totally unknown.Given that the push for mandatory HPV vaccination is based on deceptive and incomplete information provided to parents/guardians, and that the vaccine itself is far from safe or

adequately tested, this is a wrong headed, dangerous policy which I devoutly hope will be halted immediately.http://www.medicaln ewstoday. com/youropinions .php?associatedn ewsid=143594I believe that this type of response is vitally important and each of us should take the time to enter posts, comments and information whenever we see articles touting vaccine programs as good ideas.Yours in health and freedom,Dr. Rima

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Guest guest

You've done a super job, Dr. Rima, thanks for your article, very much. I'd like to point out that the link you inserted for making comments is only the comment page, it doesn't include the article, or apparently any reference to it. I don't know how I could improve on your own comments, either, but was willing to take a shot at it. I think I'm getting too old, and no one would take it seriously, anyway, but you might like my own unpaid contribution to high end research design that I call the Randomized Block Theorem, not that anyone cares that much about legitimate, unbiased research or would even be able to recognize such a thing! But I'm still here!

Alan Foos


From: Natural Solutions Foundation <dr.laibow@...>Subject: Postno-forced-vaccination Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 3:14 PM

Here is a post which I just entered re: an article discussing the mandatory HPV vaccination of girls in Panama: As a physician, I am deeply distressed to learn that the dangerous, poorly tested and unnecessary HPV vaccine was made mandatory in Panama. Here's why:1. HPV vaccine is, according to the US FDA's own documents, generated prior to the vaccine's approval, effective on 4 strains of HPV, all of which are self-limited infections which have NO RELATIONSHIP WHATSOEVER TO CANCER OF ANY KIND so the vaccine is not useful for any sort of prevention.2. HPV vaccine increases the incidence, according to the US FDA, of cervical cancer 44.7% in girls and women who already have HPV.3. HPV vaccine has been associated with literally thousands of serious adverse events in girls and women who have received even 1 shot in the 3 shot series including death, seizures, crippling degenerative diseases like "juvenile ALS", previously virtually

unknown, muscle aches, persistent weakness and neurological disorders. These adverse reactions are both immediate, delayed and chronic.4. HPV vaccines contain Polysorbate 80 ("Tween 80"), a well known cause of sterility and potentially lethal anaphylactic reactions (ls of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7).Tween 80 is also associated with an increase in cervical cancer, rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, blurred vision or vision changes, chest pain, confusion, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, sore throat), one-sided weakness, pale skin color, seizures, redness, tenderness, or swelling of the calf, severe diarrhea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, or vomiting, severe or persistent tiredness or weakness, slurred speech, sudden pain or numbness of an arm or leg, sudden

shortness of breath, sudden trouble walking or loss of balance, swelling of the arms or legs, vision or speech problems, weight gain.Other less severe adverse effects include constipation, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, muscle, joint, back, or stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, pain, swelling, irritation, redness, or bruising at the injection site, unusual tiredness or weakness. Severe genital warts have resulted in children following injection with the HPV vaccine.5. Cervical cancer is well detected by Pap smears, and inexpensive, painless and safe detection method. The epidemiology of cervical cancer does not warrant an expensive, dangerous and ill-tested vaccine. According to Cancer.org, "Only some women with pre-cancerous changes of the cervix will develop cancer. This process usually takes several years but sometimes can happen in less than a year. For most women, pre-cancerous cells will remain unchanged and go away without any

treatment. But if these pre-cancers are treated, almost all true cancers can be prevented." Between 1955 and 1992, cervical cancer rates dropped over 70% due to pap screenings. Most cases occur in middle-aged women, and it is rare in women under age 20. The 5-year survival rate for cervical cancer is 72%. 6. HPV vaccine contains sodium borate, which, according to the National Library of Medicine, causes convulsions, collapse and seizures (twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs and feet). These symptoms are among the adverse effects seen within 6 months of HPV vaccine administration. 7. HPV vaccine contains amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate80. The amount of injected aluminum is 18,000 times higher than what the FDA previously considered safe in injectable products. Aluminum is linked with neurological damage, including Alzheimer's Disease.8. HPV vaccine contains L-Histidine, an essential amino acid. Injecting it makes it

likely that the immune system will be "trained" to attack it by producing antibodies to it, thus resulting in low histadine levels. This could help to explain many of the post HPV vaccine adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting and irritable bowel (histadine is required to regulate digestive functions), signs suggestive of heavy metal poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, sweating (histadine is essential for the metabolism and excretion of heavy metals in the body), joint pain (low histadine levels are associated with rhumatoid arthritis), spontaneous abortions and fetal malformations (histadine passes through the placental barrier).9.Polysorbate 80, a surfactant, and L-Histadine are a toxic mixture causing increased thrombin production leading to blood clots which can have lethal consequences.10. Histadine is necessary for histamine production. Antibodies to histadine would result in low histamine levels. Low

histamine levels are associated with auto immune encephalopathy, which is associated with the symptoms commonly seen in MS. Many of the adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine are MS-like reactions with progressive, degenerative neurological deterioration.11. Seizure disorders are frequent adverse events with HPV vaccine. Low histamine is a well established precipitating factor for the development of seizures.12. Life-long protection from the 3 shot series is far from certain. If HPV vaccines do, in fact, protect against cervical cancer, and that is far from certain, they are said to provide protection for only 6 years, for only 2-4 types of HPV virus out of at least 30 types and to have dose characteristics which are, at this point in time, totally unknown.Given that the push for mandatory HPV vaccination is based on deceptive and incomplete information provided to parents/guardians, and that the vaccine itself is far from safe or

adequately tested, this is a wrong headed, dangerous policy which I devoutly hope will be halted immediately.http://www.medicaln ewstoday. com/youropinions .php?associatedn ewsid=143594I believe that this type of response is vitally important and each of us should take the time to enter posts, comments and information whenever we see articles touting vaccine programs as good ideas.Yours in health and freedom,Dr. Rima

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I have a feeling these will render a lot of girls infertile Post

Here is a post which I just entered re: an article discussing the mandatory HPV vaccination of girls in Panama: As a physician, I am deeply distressed to learn that the dangerous, poorly tested and unnecessary HPV vaccine was made mandatory in Panama. Here's why:1. HPV vaccine is, according to the US FDA's own documents, generated prior to the vaccine's approval, effective on 4 strains of HPV, all of which are self-limited infections which have NO RELATIONSHIP WHATSOEVER TO CANCER OF ANY KIND so the vaccine is not useful for any sort of prevention.2. HPV vaccine increases the incidence, according to the US FDA, of cervical cancer 44.7% in girls and women who already have HPV.3. HPV vaccine has been associated with literally thousands of serious adverse events in girls and women who have received even 1 shot in the 3 shot series including death, seizures, crippling degenerative diseases like "juvenile ALS", previously virtually unknown, muscle aches, persistent weakness and neurological disorders. These adverse reactions are both immediate, delayed and chronic.4. HPV vaccines contain Polysorbate 80 ("Tween 80"), a well known cause of sterility and potentially lethal anaphylactic reactions (ls of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7).Tween 80 is also associated with an increase in cervical cancer, rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, blurred vision or vision changes, chest pain, confusion, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, sore throat), one-sided weakness, pale skin color, seizures, redness, tenderness, or swelling of the calf, severe diarrhea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, or vomiting, severe or persistent tiredness or weakness, slurred speech, sudden pain or numbness of an arm or leg, sudden shortness of breath, sudden trouble walking or loss of balance, swelling of the arms or legs, vision or speech problems, weight gain.Other less severe adverse effects include constipation, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, muscle, joint, back, or stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, pain, swelling, irritation, redness, or bruising at the injection site, unusual tiredness or weakness. Severe genital warts have resulted in children following injection with the HPV vaccine.5. Cervical cancer is well detected by Pap smears, and inexpensive, painless and safe detection method. The epidemiology of cervical cancer does not warrant an expensive, dangerous and ill-tested vaccine. According to Cancer.org, "Only some women with pre-cancerous changes of the cervix will develop cancer. This process usually takes several years but sometimes can happen in less than a year. For most women, pre-cancerous cells will remain unchanged and go away without any treatment. But if these pre-cancers are treated, almost all true cancers can be prevented." Between 1955 and 1992, cervical cancer rates dropped over 70% due to pap screenings. Most cases occur in middle-aged women, and it is rare in women under age 20. The 5-year survival rate for cervical cancer is 72%. 6. HPV vaccine contains sodium borate, which, according to the National Library of Medicine, causes convulsions, collapse and seizures (twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs and feet). These symptoms are among the adverse effects seen within 6 months of HPV vaccine administration. 7. HPV vaccine contains amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate80. The amount of injected aluminum is 18,000 times higher than what the FDA previously considered safe in injectable products. Aluminum is linked with neurological damage, including Alzheimer's Disease.8. HPV vaccine contains L-Histidine, an essential amino acid. Injecting it makes it likely that the immune system will be "trained" to attack it by producing antibodies to it, thus resulting in low histadine levels. This could help to explain many of the post HPV vaccine adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting and irritable bowel (histadine is required to regulate digestive functions), signs suggestive of heavy metal poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, sweating (histadine is essential for the metabolism and excretion of heavy metals in the body), joint pain (low histadine levels are associated with rhumatoid arthritis), spontaneous abortions and fetal malformations (histadine passes through the placental barrier).9.Polysorbate 80, a surfactant, and L-Histadine are a toxic mixture causing increased thrombin production leading to blood clots which can have lethal consequences.10. Histadine is necessary for histamine production. Antibodies to histadine would result in low histamine levels. Low histamine levels are associated with auto immune encephalopathy, which is associated with the symptoms commonly seen in MS. Many of the adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine are MS-like reactions with progressive, degenerative neurological deterioration.11. Seizure disorders are frequent adverse events with HPV vaccine. Low histamine is a well established precipitating factor for the development of seizures.12. Life-long protection from the 3 shot series is far from certain. If HPV vaccines do, in fact, protect against cervical cancer, and that is far from certain, they are said to provide protection for only 6 years, for only 2-4 types of HPV virus out of at least 30 types and to have dose characteristics which are, at this point in time, totally unknown.Given that the push for mandatory HPV vaccination is based on deceptive and incomplete information provided to parents/guardians, and that the vaccine itself is far from safe or adequately tested, this is a wrong headed, dangerous policy which I devoutly hope will be halted immediately.http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/youropinions.php?associatednewsid=143594I believe that this type of response is vitally important and each of us should take the time to enter posts, comments and information whenever we see articles touting vaccine programs as good ideas.Yours in health and freedom,Dr. Rima

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I have a feeling these will render a lot of girls infertile Post

Here is a post which I just entered re: an article discussing the mandatory HPV vaccination of girls in Panama: As a physician, I am deeply distressed to learn that the dangerous, poorly tested and unnecessary HPV vaccine was made mandatory in Panama. Here's why:1. HPV vaccine is, according to the US FDA's own documents, generated prior to the vaccine's approval, effective on 4 strains of HPV, all of which are self-limited infections which have NO RELATIONSHIP WHATSOEVER TO CANCER OF ANY KIND so the vaccine is not useful for any sort of prevention.2. HPV vaccine increases the incidence, according to the US FDA, of cervical cancer 44.7% in girls and women who already have HPV.3. HPV vaccine has been associated with literally thousands of serious adverse events in girls and women who have received even 1 shot in the 3 shot series including death, seizures, crippling degenerative diseases like "juvenile ALS", previously virtually unknown, muscle aches, persistent weakness and neurological disorders. These adverse reactions are both immediate, delayed and chronic.4. HPV vaccines contain Polysorbate 80 ("Tween 80"), a well known cause of sterility and potentially lethal anaphylactic reactions (ls of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7).Tween 80 is also associated with an increase in cervical cancer, rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, blurred vision or vision changes, chest pain, confusion, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, sore throat), one-sided weakness, pale skin color, seizures, redness, tenderness, or swelling of the calf, severe diarrhea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, or vomiting, severe or persistent tiredness or weakness, slurred speech, sudden pain or numbness of an arm or leg, sudden shortness of breath, sudden trouble walking or loss of balance, swelling of the arms or legs, vision or speech problems, weight gain.Other less severe adverse effects include constipation, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, muscle, joint, back, or stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, pain, swelling, irritation, redness, or bruising at the injection site, unusual tiredness or weakness. Severe genital warts have resulted in children following injection with the HPV vaccine.5. Cervical cancer is well detected by Pap smears, and inexpensive, painless and safe detection method. The epidemiology of cervical cancer does not warrant an expensive, dangerous and ill-tested vaccine. According to Cancer.org, "Only some women with pre-cancerous changes of the cervix will develop cancer. This process usually takes several years but sometimes can happen in less than a year. For most women, pre-cancerous cells will remain unchanged and go away without any treatment. But if these pre-cancers are treated, almost all true cancers can be prevented." Between 1955 and 1992, cervical cancer rates dropped over 70% due to pap screenings. Most cases occur in middle-aged women, and it is rare in women under age 20. The 5-year survival rate for cervical cancer is 72%. 6. HPV vaccine contains sodium borate, which, according to the National Library of Medicine, causes convulsions, collapse and seizures (twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs and feet). These symptoms are among the adverse effects seen within 6 months of HPV vaccine administration. 7. HPV vaccine contains amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate80. The amount of injected aluminum is 18,000 times higher than what the FDA previously considered safe in injectable products. Aluminum is linked with neurological damage, including Alzheimer's Disease.8. HPV vaccine contains L-Histidine, an essential amino acid. Injecting it makes it likely that the immune system will be "trained" to attack it by producing antibodies to it, thus resulting in low histadine levels. This could help to explain many of the post HPV vaccine adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting and irritable bowel (histadine is required to regulate digestive functions), signs suggestive of heavy metal poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, sweating (histadine is essential for the metabolism and excretion of heavy metals in the body), joint pain (low histadine levels are associated with rhumatoid arthritis), spontaneous abortions and fetal malformations (histadine passes through the placental barrier).9.Polysorbate 80, a surfactant, and L-Histadine are a toxic mixture causing increased thrombin production leading to blood clots which can have lethal consequences.10. Histadine is necessary for histamine production. Antibodies to histadine would result in low histamine levels. Low histamine levels are associated with auto immune encephalopathy, which is associated with the symptoms commonly seen in MS. Many of the adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine are MS-like reactions with progressive, degenerative neurological deterioration.11. Seizure disorders are frequent adverse events with HPV vaccine. Low histamine is a well established precipitating factor for the development of seizures.12. Life-long protection from the 3 shot series is far from certain. If HPV vaccines do, in fact, protect against cervical cancer, and that is far from certain, they are said to provide protection for only 6 years, for only 2-4 types of HPV virus out of at least 30 types and to have dose characteristics which are, at this point in time, totally unknown.Given that the push for mandatory HPV vaccination is based on deceptive and incomplete information provided to parents/guardians, and that the vaccine itself is far from safe or adequately tested, this is a wrong headed, dangerous policy which I devoutly hope will be halted immediately.http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/youropinions.php?associatednewsid=143594I believe that this type of response is vitally important and each of us should take the time to enter posts, comments and information whenever we see articles touting vaccine programs as good ideas.Yours in health and freedom,Dr. Rima

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From: putney1963@... <putney1963@...>Subject: Re: Postno-forced-vaccination Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 1:06 PM

Or a whole lot worse--including paralysis, degenerative diseases of several kinds [i.e. ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), and death. ~~Ruth

Re: [no-forced-vaccinat ion] Post

I have a feeling these will render a lot of girls infertile [no-forced-vaccinat ion] Post

Here is a post which I just entered re: an article discussing the mandatory HPV vaccination of girls in Panama: As a physician, I am deeply distressed to learn that the dangerous, poorly tested and unnecessary HPV vaccine was made mandatory in Panama. Here's why:1. HPV vaccine is, according to the US FDA's own documents, generated prior to the vaccine's approval, effective on 4 strains of HPV, all of which are self-limited infections which have NO RELATIONSHIP WHATSOEVER TO CANCER OF ANY KIND so the vaccine is not useful for any sort of prevention.2. HPV vaccine increases the incidence, according to the US FDA, of cervical cancer 44.7% in girls and women who already have HPV.3. HPV vaccine has been associated with literally thousands of serious adverse events in girls and women who have received even 1 shot in the 3 shot series including death, seizures, crippling degenerative diseases like "juvenile ALS", previously virtually

unknown, muscle aches, persistent weakness and neurological disorders. These adverse reactions are both immediate, delayed and chronic.4. HPV vaccines contain Polysorbate 80 ("Tween 80"), a well known cause of sterility and potentially lethal anaphylactic reactions (ls of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7).Tween 80 is also associated with an increase in cervical cancer, rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, blurred vision or vision changes, chest pain, confusion, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, sore throat), one-sided weakness, pale skin color, seizures, redness, tenderness, or swelling of the calf, severe diarrhea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, or vomiting, severe or persistent tiredness or weakness, slurred speech, sudden pain or numbness of an arm or leg, sudden

shortness of breath, sudden trouble walking or loss of balance, swelling of the arms or legs, vision or speech problems, weight gain.Other less severe adverse effects include constipation, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, muscle, joint, back, or stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, pain, swelling, irritation, redness, or bruising at the injection site, unusual tiredness or weakness. Severe genital warts have resulted in children following injection with the HPV vaccine.5. Cervical cancer is well detected by Pap smears, and inexpensive, painless and safe detection method. The epidemiology of cervical cancer does not warrant an expensive, dangerous and ill-tested vaccine. According to Cancer.org, "Only some women with pre-cancerous changes of the cervix will develop cancer. This process usually takes several years but sometimes can happen in less than a year. For most women, pre-cancerous cells will remain unchanged and go away without any

treatment. But if these pre-cancers are treated, almost all true cancers can be prevented." Between 1955 and 1992, cervical cancer rates dropped over 70% due to pap screenings. Most cases occur in middle-aged women, and it is rare in women under age 20. The 5-year survival rate for cervical cancer is 72%. 6. HPV vaccine contains sodium borate, which, according to the National Library of Medicine, causes convulsions, collapse and seizures (twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs and feet). These symptoms are among the adverse effects seen within 6 months of HPV vaccine administration. 7. HPV vaccine contains amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate80. The amount of injected aluminum is 18,000 times higher than what the FDA previously considered safe in injectable products. Aluminum is linked with neurological damage, including Alzheimer's Disease.8. HPV vaccine contains L-Histidine, an essential amino acid. Injecting it makes it

likely that the immune system will be "trained" to attack it by producing antibodies to it, thus resulting in low histadine levels. This could help to explain many of the post HPV vaccine adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting and irritable bowel (histadine is required to regulate digestive functions), signs suggestive of heavy metal poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, sweating (histadine is essential for the metabolism and excretion of heavy metals in the body), joint pain (low histadine levels are associated with rhumatoid arthritis), spontaneous abortions and fetal malformations (histadine passes through the placental barrier).9.Polysorbate 80, a surfactant, and L-Histadine are a toxic mixture causing increased thrombin production leading to blood clots which can have lethal consequences.10. Histadine is necessary for histamine production. Antibodies to histadine would result in low histamine levels. Low

histamine levels are associated with auto immune encephalopathy, which is associated with the symptoms commonly seen in MS. Many of the adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine are MS-like reactions with progressive, degenerative neurological deterioration.11. Seizure disorders are frequent adverse events with HPV vaccine. Low histamine is a well established precipitating factor for the development of seizures.12. Life-long protection from the 3 shot series is far from certain. If HPV vaccines do, in fact, protect against cervical cancer, and that is far from certain, they are said to provide protection for only 6 years, for only 2-4 types of HPV virus out of at least 30 types and to have dose characteristics which are, at this point in time, totally unknown.Given that the push for mandatory HPV vaccination is based on deceptive and incomplete information provided to parents/guardians, and that the vaccine itself is far from safe or

adequately tested, this is a wrong headed, dangerous policy which I devoutly hope will be halted immediately.http://www.medicaln ewstoday. com/youropinions .php?associatedn ewsid=143594I believe that this type of response is vitally important and each of us should take the time to enter posts, comments and information whenever we see articles touting vaccine programs as good ideas.Yours in health and freedom,Dr. Rima

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From: putney1963@... <putney1963@...>Subject: Re: Postno-forced-vaccination Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 1:06 PM

Or a whole lot worse--including paralysis, degenerative diseases of several kinds [i.e. ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), and death. ~~Ruth

Re: [no-forced-vaccinat ion] Post

I have a feeling these will render a lot of girls infertile [no-forced-vaccinat ion] Post

Here is a post which I just entered re: an article discussing the mandatory HPV vaccination of girls in Panama: As a physician, I am deeply distressed to learn that the dangerous, poorly tested and unnecessary HPV vaccine was made mandatory in Panama. Here's why:1. HPV vaccine is, according to the US FDA's own documents, generated prior to the vaccine's approval, effective on 4 strains of HPV, all of which are self-limited infections which have NO RELATIONSHIP WHATSOEVER TO CANCER OF ANY KIND so the vaccine is not useful for any sort of prevention.2. HPV vaccine increases the incidence, according to the US FDA, of cervical cancer 44.7% in girls and women who already have HPV.3. HPV vaccine has been associated with literally thousands of serious adverse events in girls and women who have received even 1 shot in the 3 shot series including death, seizures, crippling degenerative diseases like "juvenile ALS", previously virtually

unknown, muscle aches, persistent weakness and neurological disorders. These adverse reactions are both immediate, delayed and chronic.4. HPV vaccines contain Polysorbate 80 ("Tween 80"), a well known cause of sterility and potentially lethal anaphylactic reactions (ls of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7).Tween 80 is also associated with an increase in cervical cancer, rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, blurred vision or vision changes, chest pain, confusion, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, sore throat), one-sided weakness, pale skin color, seizures, redness, tenderness, or swelling of the calf, severe diarrhea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, or vomiting, severe or persistent tiredness or weakness, slurred speech, sudden pain or numbness of an arm or leg, sudden

shortness of breath, sudden trouble walking or loss of balance, swelling of the arms or legs, vision or speech problems, weight gain.Other less severe adverse effects include constipation, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, muscle, joint, back, or stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, pain, swelling, irritation, redness, or bruising at the injection site, unusual tiredness or weakness. Severe genital warts have resulted in children following injection with the HPV vaccine.5. Cervical cancer is well detected by Pap smears, and inexpensive, painless and safe detection method. The epidemiology of cervical cancer does not warrant an expensive, dangerous and ill-tested vaccine. According to Cancer.org, "Only some women with pre-cancerous changes of the cervix will develop cancer. This process usually takes several years but sometimes can happen in less than a year. For most women, pre-cancerous cells will remain unchanged and go away without any

treatment. But if these pre-cancers are treated, almost all true cancers can be prevented." Between 1955 and 1992, cervical cancer rates dropped over 70% due to pap screenings. Most cases occur in middle-aged women, and it is rare in women under age 20. The 5-year survival rate for cervical cancer is 72%. 6. HPV vaccine contains sodium borate, which, according to the National Library of Medicine, causes convulsions, collapse and seizures (twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs and feet). These symptoms are among the adverse effects seen within 6 months of HPV vaccine administration. 7. HPV vaccine contains amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate80. The amount of injected aluminum is 18,000 times higher than what the FDA previously considered safe in injectable products. Aluminum is linked with neurological damage, including Alzheimer's Disease.8. HPV vaccine contains L-Histidine, an essential amino acid. Injecting it makes it

likely that the immune system will be "trained" to attack it by producing antibodies to it, thus resulting in low histadine levels. This could help to explain many of the post HPV vaccine adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting and irritable bowel (histadine is required to regulate digestive functions), signs suggestive of heavy metal poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, sweating (histadine is essential for the metabolism and excretion of heavy metals in the body), joint pain (low histadine levels are associated with rhumatoid arthritis), spontaneous abortions and fetal malformations (histadine passes through the placental barrier).9.Polysorbate 80, a surfactant, and L-Histadine are a toxic mixture causing increased thrombin production leading to blood clots which can have lethal consequences.10. Histadine is necessary for histamine production. Antibodies to histadine would result in low histamine levels. Low

histamine levels are associated with auto immune encephalopathy, which is associated with the symptoms commonly seen in MS. Many of the adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine are MS-like reactions with progressive, degenerative neurological deterioration.11. Seizure disorders are frequent adverse events with HPV vaccine. Low histamine is a well established precipitating factor for the development of seizures.12. Life-long protection from the 3 shot series is far from certain. If HPV vaccines do, in fact, protect against cervical cancer, and that is far from certain, they are said to provide protection for only 6 years, for only 2-4 types of HPV virus out of at least 30 types and to have dose characteristics which are, at this point in time, totally unknown.Given that the push for mandatory HPV vaccination is based on deceptive and incomplete information provided to parents/guardians, and that the vaccine itself is far from safe or

adequately tested, this is a wrong headed, dangerous policy which I devoutly hope will be halted immediately.http://www.medicaln ewstoday. com/youropinions .php?associatedn ewsid=143594I believe that this type of response is vitally important and each of us should take the time to enter posts, comments and information whenever we see articles touting vaccine programs as good ideas.Yours in health and freedom,Dr. Rima

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So true! [no-forced-vaccinat ion] Post

Here is a post which I just entered re: an article discussing the mandatory HPV vaccination of girls in Panama: As a physician, I am deeply distressed to learn that the dangerous, poorly tested and unnecessary HPV vaccine was made mandatory in Panama. Here's why:1. HPV vaccine is, according to the US FDA's own documents, generated prior to the vaccine's approval, effective on 4 strains of HPV, all of which are self-limited infections which have NO RELATIONSHIP WHATSOEVER TO CANCER OF ANY KIND so the vaccine is not useful for any sort of prevention.2. HPV vaccine increases the incidence, according to the US FDA, of cervical cancer 44.7% in girls and women who already have HPV.3. HPV vaccine has been associated with literally thousands of serious adverse events in girls and women who have received even 1 shot in the 3 shot series including death, seizures, crippling degenerative diseases like "juvenile ALS", previously virtually unknown, muscle aches, persistent weakness and neurological disorders. These adverse reactions are both immediate, delayed and chronic.4. HPV vaccines contain Polysorbate 80 ("Tween 80"), a well known cause of sterility and potentially lethal anaphylactic reactions (ls of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7).Tween 80 is also associated with an increase in cervical cancer, rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, blurred vision or vision changes, chest pain, confusion, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, sore throat), one-sided weakness, pale skin color, seizures, redness, tenderness, or swelling of the calf, severe diarrhea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, or vomiting, severe or persistent tiredness or weakness, slurred speech, sudden pain or numbness of an arm or leg, sudden shortness of breath, sudden trouble walking or loss of balance, swelling of the arms or legs, vision or speech problems, weight gain.Other less severe adverse effects include constipation, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, muscle, joint, back, or stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, pain, swelling, irritation, redness, or bruising at the injection site, unusual tiredness or weakness. Severe genital warts have resulted in children following injection with the HPV vaccine.5. Cervical cancer is well detected by Pap smears, and inexpensive, painless and safe detection method. The epidemiology of cervical cancer does not warrant an expensive, dangerous and ill-tested vaccine. According to Cancer.org, "Only some women with pre-cancerous changes of the cervix will develop cancer. This process usually takes several years but sometimes can happen in less than a year. For most women, pre-cancerous cells will remain unchanged and go away without any treatment. But if these pre-cancers are treated, almost all true cancers can be prevented." Between 1955 and 1992, cervical cancer rates dropped over 70% due to pap screenings. Most cases occur in middle-aged women, and it is rare in women under age 20. The 5-year survival rate for cervical cancer is 72%. 6. HPV vaccine contains sodium borate, which, according to the National Library of Medicine, causes convulsions, collapse and seizures (twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs and feet). These symptoms are among the adverse effects seen within 6 months of HPV vaccine administration. 7. HPV vaccine contains amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate80. The amount of injected aluminum is 18,000 times higher than what the FDA previously considered safe in injectable products. Aluminum is linked with neurological damage, including Alzheimer's Disease.8. HPV vaccine contains L-Histidine, an essential amino acid. Injecting it makes it likely that the immune system will be "trained" to attack it by producing antibodies to it, thus resulting in low histadine levels. This could help to explain many of the post HPV vaccine adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting and irritable bowel (histadine is required to regulate digestive functions), signs suggestive of heavy metal poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, sweating (histadine is essential for the metabolism and excretion of heavy metals in the body), joint pain (low histadine levels are associated with rhumatoid arthritis), spontaneous abortions and fetal malformations (histadine passes through the placental barrier).9.Polysorbate 80, a surfactant, and L-Histadine are a toxic mixture causing increased thrombin production leading to blood clots which can have lethal consequences.10. Histadine is necessary for histamine production. Antibodies to histadine would result in low histamine levels. Low histamine levels are associated with auto immune encephalopathy, which is associated with the symptoms commonly seen in MS. Many of the adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine are MS-like reactions with progressive, degenerative neurological deterioration.11. Seizure disorders are frequent adverse events with HPV vaccine. Low histamine is a well established precipitating factor for the development of seizures.12. Life-long protection from the 3 shot series is far from certain. If HPV vaccines do, in fact, protect against cervical cancer, and that is far from certain, they are said to provide protection for only 6 years, for only 2-4 types of HPV virus out of at least 30 types and to have dose characteristics which are, at this point in time, totally unknown.Given that the push for mandatory HPV vaccination is based on deceptive and incomplete information provided to parents/guardians, and that the vaccine itself is far from safe or adequately tested, this is a wrong headed, dangerous policy which I devoutly hope will be halted immediately.http://www.medicaln ewstoday. com/youropinions .php?associatedn ewsid=143594I believe that this type of response is vitally important and each of us should take the time to enter posts, comments and information whenever we see articles touting vaccine programs as good ideas.Yours in health and freedom,Dr. Rima

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So true! [no-forced-vaccinat ion] Post

Here is a post which I just entered re: an article discussing the mandatory HPV vaccination of girls in Panama: As a physician, I am deeply distressed to learn that the dangerous, poorly tested and unnecessary HPV vaccine was made mandatory in Panama. Here's why:1. HPV vaccine is, according to the US FDA's own documents, generated prior to the vaccine's approval, effective on 4 strains of HPV, all of which are self-limited infections which have NO RELATIONSHIP WHATSOEVER TO CANCER OF ANY KIND so the vaccine is not useful for any sort of prevention.2. HPV vaccine increases the incidence, according to the US FDA, of cervical cancer 44.7% in girls and women who already have HPV.3. HPV vaccine has been associated with literally thousands of serious adverse events in girls and women who have received even 1 shot in the 3 shot series including death, seizures, crippling degenerative diseases like "juvenile ALS", previously virtually unknown, muscle aches, persistent weakness and neurological disorders. These adverse reactions are both immediate, delayed and chronic.4. HPV vaccines contain Polysorbate 80 ("Tween 80"), a well known cause of sterility and potentially lethal anaphylactic reactions (ls of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7).Tween 80 is also associated with an increase in cervical cancer, rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, blurred vision or vision changes, chest pain, confusion, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, sore throat), one-sided weakness, pale skin color, seizures, redness, tenderness, or swelling of the calf, severe diarrhea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, or vomiting, severe or persistent tiredness or weakness, slurred speech, sudden pain or numbness of an arm or leg, sudden shortness of breath, sudden trouble walking or loss of balance, swelling of the arms or legs, vision or speech problems, weight gain.Other less severe adverse effects include constipation, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, muscle, joint, back, or stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, pain, swelling, irritation, redness, or bruising at the injection site, unusual tiredness or weakness. Severe genital warts have resulted in children following injection with the HPV vaccine.5. Cervical cancer is well detected by Pap smears, and inexpensive, painless and safe detection method. The epidemiology of cervical cancer does not warrant an expensive, dangerous and ill-tested vaccine. According to Cancer.org, "Only some women with pre-cancerous changes of the cervix will develop cancer. This process usually takes several years but sometimes can happen in less than a year. For most women, pre-cancerous cells will remain unchanged and go away without any treatment. But if these pre-cancers are treated, almost all true cancers can be prevented." Between 1955 and 1992, cervical cancer rates dropped over 70% due to pap screenings. Most cases occur in middle-aged women, and it is rare in women under age 20. The 5-year survival rate for cervical cancer is 72%. 6. HPV vaccine contains sodium borate, which, according to the National Library of Medicine, causes convulsions, collapse and seizures (twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs and feet). These symptoms are among the adverse effects seen within 6 months of HPV vaccine administration. 7. HPV vaccine contains amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate80. The amount of injected aluminum is 18,000 times higher than what the FDA previously considered safe in injectable products. Aluminum is linked with neurological damage, including Alzheimer's Disease.8. HPV vaccine contains L-Histidine, an essential amino acid. Injecting it makes it likely that the immune system will be "trained" to attack it by producing antibodies to it, thus resulting in low histadine levels. This could help to explain many of the post HPV vaccine adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting and irritable bowel (histadine is required to regulate digestive functions), signs suggestive of heavy metal poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headache, sweating (histadine is essential for the metabolism and excretion of heavy metals in the body), joint pain (low histadine levels are associated with rhumatoid arthritis), spontaneous abortions and fetal malformations (histadine passes through the placental barrier).9.Polysorbate 80, a surfactant, and L-Histadine are a toxic mixture causing increased thrombin production leading to blood clots which can have lethal consequences.10. Histadine is necessary for histamine production. Antibodies to histadine would result in low histamine levels. Low histamine levels are associated with auto immune encephalopathy, which is associated with the symptoms commonly seen in MS. Many of the adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine are MS-like reactions with progressive, degenerative neurological deterioration.11. Seizure disorders are frequent adverse events with HPV vaccine. Low histamine is a well established precipitating factor for the development of seizures.12. Life-long protection from the 3 shot series is far from certain. If HPV vaccines do, in fact, protect against cervical cancer, and that is far from certain, they are said to provide protection for only 6 years, for only 2-4 types of HPV virus out of at least 30 types and to have dose characteristics which are, at this point in time, totally unknown.Given that the push for mandatory HPV vaccination is based on deceptive and incomplete information provided to parents/guardians, and that the vaccine itself is far from safe or adequately tested, this is a wrong headed, dangerous policy which I devoutly hope will be halted immediately.http://www.medicaln ewstoday. com/youropinions .php?associatedn ewsid=143594I believe that this type of response is vitally important and each of us should take the time to enter posts, comments and information whenever we see articles touting vaccine programs as good ideas.Yours in health and freedom,Dr. Rima

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