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Messages from the Future, Part Six By DL Zeta

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Meeting Your Future Self in ConsciousnessConnecting with your future self in consciousness allows you to accessthe wealth of information and guidance you have attained in futuretime. Your future self carries the same energetic signature that youdo and has walked the path that stretches before you. For this reason,it can help you focus your mind and energies to embrace rather thanresist times to come.The only pre-requisite for this process to work is that you are takingsteps within your present moment to create the causes of an advancedfuture self. The fact that you are reading this says this is the case.Connecting with Your Future Self in ConsciousnessYou can connect with your future self in consciousness by setting theintention to do so, then energizing this intention through focus andattention. Send this future "you" unconditional love as you energizeyour connection. As this self becomes aware of your intentions, itwill send you unconditional love in return. This begins building abridge in consciousness that extends from future to past and from pastto future.Your future self knows of the efforts you made to contact the futureand will "know" when you have begun initiating contact.You will know when you have made contact because you will begin todownload images of your future self. As you bring your focus to theseimages, you strengthen your connection. You can think of these imagesas an address that helps you focus your energy and intention on aparticular location on the map of your own future consciousness.Notice the feeling states you experience when you are connecting inconsciousness with your future self. Notice where you are, noticeyour state of mind. In the beginning, you will find it is easiest tomake the connection when you eat light and spend time in silence andmeditation. Set aside time each day to focus on this connection and itwill grow and strengthen over time.Steps to Begin Working with your Future SelfOnce you have made contact with your future self, there are furthersteps you can take to begin working with this future "you."There are several ways your future self can communicate with you.Messages from the future initially arrive as images and insightsdownloaded into your consciousness. These "downloads" arrive asdirect downloads you are able to translate through various techniqueswe will describe here.You can allow these downloads to unravel in the pages of your journalthrough automatic writing, or you can enter a light trance state andallow your future self to speak through your voice. You may want touse a tape recorder if you choose the trance method. This helps you toremember the information that comes through. Another way to decodemessages from your future self is to remember and write down theimages that are downloaded into your consciousness through yournightly dreams. Through intention, patience and practice you canbecome fluent in translating the messages your future self downloadsinto your consciousness.You may find it helpful to keep an intuitive journal and recordinsights and images you receive. In the beginning, you are building abelief in your own skill in translating the downloads. Keeping note ofthe information you receive and how this information unfolds over timewill provide feedback for your skills at translating and help youlearn to use the information you receive.Seeking Guidance from your Future SelfIn time, your ability to ask your future self for guidance and receiveanswers will become telepathic. In the beginning, one of the simplestways you can begin communicating with your future self is throughautomatic writing. Automatic writing is a particular form ofjournaling that involves entering a relaxed, receptive state of mind.To begin automatic writing, sit at a table with pen and paper; putyourself in a 'receptive' frame of mind. Write out questions for yourfuture self on one side of the page, leaving space on the other sidefor answers to flow through your consciousness onto the page.Take a deep breath and start writing as quickly as you can, withoutthinking of what is appearing beneath your pen. If, for some reason,the flow stops, leave a space and immediately begin again by writingdown the first letter of the next sentence. Choose this letter atrandom before you begin, for instance, a 't', and always begin thisnew sentence with a 't'.One of the first questions you will want to ask your future selfconcerns ways you can strengthen your ability to connecttelepathically in consciousness. Beyond this, you may want to askabout: 1) The higher vision and purpose of events that have occurredin your life; 2) The highest and best thing you can do within yourpresent moment; 3) Anything that stands in the way of your spiritualgrowth; 4) Anything that needs to be healed and released. Your futureself can help you understand any issues you are working with. It canalso help you understand and fulfill your life purpose.As you strengthen your connection with your future self, you will beable to ask more detailed questions. For instance, you can ask yourfuture self where it is located in time in what its life is like.This is one way in which you can learn more about your field ofpossibilities. To become fluent in communicating with your futureself, you can simply ask for daily guidance and insights toautomatically arrive in your consciousness. Remember to open each dayto any steps your future self brings you.Next week, we will describe the way in which you can access and workwith your "mastery self" that exists somewhere in "future time."For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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Thankyou so much for posting this you have brought me much comfort in

my time of need from my Heart


> Meeting Your Future Self in Consciousness


> Connecting with your future self in consciousness allows you to access

> the wealth of information and guidance you have attained in future

> time. Your future self carries the same energetic signature that you

> do and has walked the path that stretches before you. For this reason,

> it can help you focus your mind and energies to embrace rather than

> resist times to come.


> The only pre-requisite for this process to work is that you are taking

> steps within your present moment to create the causes of an advanced

> future self. The fact that you are reading this says this is the case.


> Connecting with Your Future Self in Consciousness


> You can connect with your future self in consciousness by setting the

> intention to do so, then energizing this intention through focus and

> attention. Send this future " you " unconditional love as you energize

> your connection. As this self becomes aware of your intentions, it

> will send you unconditional love in return. This begins building a

> bridge in consciousness that extends from future to past and from past

> to future.


> Your future self knows of the efforts you made to contact the future

> and will " know " when you have begun initiating contact.


> You will know when you have made contact because you will begin to

> download images of your future self. As you bring your focus to these

> images, you strengthen your connection. You can think of these images

> as an address that helps you focus your energy and intention on a

> particular location on the map of your own future consciousness.


> Notice the feeling states you experience when you are connecting in

> consciousness with your future self. Notice where you are, notice

> your state of mind. In the beginning, you will find it is easiest to

> make the connection when you eat light and spend time in silence and

> meditation. Set aside time each day to focus on this connection and it

> will grow and strengthen over time.


> Steps to Begin Working with your Future Self


> Once you have made contact with your future self, there are further

> steps you can take to begin working with this future " you. "


> There are several ways your future self can communicate with you.

> Messages from the future initially arrive as images and insights

> downloaded into your consciousness. These " downloads " arrive as

> direct downloads you are able to translate through various techniques

> we will describe here.


> You can allow these downloads to unravel in the pages of your journal

> through automatic writing, or you can enter a light trance state and

> allow your future self to speak through your voice. You may want to

> use a tape recorder if you choose the trance method. This helps you to

> remember the information that comes through. Another way to decode

> messages from your future self is to remember and write down the

> images that are downloaded into your consciousness through your

> nightly dreams. Through intention, patience and practice you can

> become fluent in translating the messages your future self downloads

> into your consciousness.


> You may find it helpful to keep an intuitive journal and record

> insights and images you receive. In the beginning, you are building a

> belief in your own skill in translating the downloads. Keeping note of

> the information you receive and how this information unfolds over time

> will provide feedback for your skills at translating and help you

> learn to use the information you receive.


> Seeking Guidance from your Future Self


> In time, your ability to ask your future self for guidance and receive

> answers will become telepathic. In the beginning, one of the simplest

> ways you can begin communicating with your future self is through

> automatic writing. Automatic writing is a particular form of

> journaling that involves entering a relaxed, receptive state of mind.

> To begin automatic writing, sit at a table with pen and paper; put

> yourself in a 'receptive' frame of mind. Write out questions for your

> future self on one side of the page, leaving space on the other side

> for answers to flow through your consciousness onto the page.


> Take a deep breath and start writing as quickly as you can, without

> thinking of what is appearing beneath your pen. If, for some reason,

> the flow stops, leave a space and immediately begin again by writing

> down the first letter of the next sentence. Choose this letter at

> random before you begin, for instance, a 't', and always begin this

> new sentence with a 't'.


> One of the first questions you will want to ask your future self

> concerns ways you can strengthen your ability to connect

> telepathically in consciousness. Beyond this, you may want to ask

> about: 1) The higher vision and purpose of events that have occurred

> in your life; 2) The highest and best thing you can do within your

> present moment; 3) Anything that stands in the way of your spiritual

> growth; 4) Anything that needs to be healed and released. Your future

> self can help you understand any issues you are working with. It can

> also help you understand and fulfill your life purpose.


> As you strengthen your connection with your future self, you will be

> able to ask more detailed questions. For instance, you can ask your

> future self where it is located in time in what its life is like.

> This is one way in which you can learn more about your field of

> possibilities. To become fluent in communicating with your future

> self, you can simply ask for daily guidance and insights to

> automatically arrive in your consciousness. Remember to open each day

> to any steps your future self brings you.


> Next week, we will describe the way in which you can access and work

> with your " mastery self " that exists somewhere in " future time. "


> For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org


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