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Healing Your Life

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Healing Your Life

By Carolyn Porter, D. Div.

We are celebrating the Spring Equinox once again. What a wonderful

time of the year as nature bursts with new life, shedding the old and

decayed that covered it through the winter months. Buds are opening

and beautiful flowers spring forth with their fragrant beauty, dotting

the landscape with spectacular color. Some trees display clusters of

pinks and whites while others share new foliage as splashes of green

come into our view. Taking a deep breath of spring air refreshes the

soul, but for some it creates uncomfortable experiences like sneezing,

watery eyes, and stuffy noses.

Such it is in our life. We are continually given the opportunity to

spring forth with new life, but we first must shed the old and decayed

that are covering our forward movement. Sometimes the steps we take

can be uncomfortable and create experiences that are not pleasant, but

that is all part of the journey. In the end, however, with

perseverance and willingness through the cycles in our life, we can

burst forth with new vitality and life, and heal.

From the time we take our first breath we are being conditioned and

programmed with certain beliefs and patterns from the people in our

life. We accept them as truth because that's all we know. As we grow

into adulthood, we continue to accumulate more beliefs from those

around us, and most of these are formed from negativity. Those beliefs

belong to other individuals and have been born from the fears of this

world, yet we have adopted them as truth for us with little if any

thought. Those negative patterns and beliefs create imbalance within

us because they are fear-based and do not resonate with our Divine

essence of love. Those beliefs are products of the ego mind and its

thought-forms, and listening to and following the ways of the ego are

never truth, they are illusion.

When we experience disorders and disease in our physical form, there

is always a core in our mental and emotional universe. This is how it

works. First there is the thought that originates from the beliefs of

someone else that we accept. This affects our mental body, which

spills into the emotional body - our feelings (heart). It is a

shadowing from the illusion of someone else but we accept it because

we do not recognize it as their illusional truth, and it becomes our

truth. This fear-based, negative belief alienates us from our

spiritual body because it doesn't resonate with our true essence,

which is unconditional love. Now there is no escape and the tracks

begin showing up in our physical body as anxiety, worry, anger, blame,

disenchantment, stress, procrastination, restlessness, unhappiness and

ultimately disorders and disease.

" But, " you say, " isn't that all part of living on this earth? " It

certainly doesn't have to be. You were born with your truth inside,

and the power of choice within you, so it's really all up to you. When

things drop onto our path that feel like pain or a challenge, they are

actually a lesson to help us grow into someone stronger with greater

awareness. However, the lesson is often discarded and without the

release of that pain it will continue to gain momentum inside of us

until the day it erupts with a loud explosion as angry behavior,

illness or even violence.

So how does a person remove the negative, unhealthy patterns and

beliefs so they can heal their life? If a person is honest, they will

tell you they long for a life of joy, happiness, peace, fulfillment,

and vibrant health.

Healing has many facets. Although the symptoms and reactions have

appeared in the physical realm, there is always a core issue in the

emotional realm, so that is where we must begin. The first aspect of

healing is to recognize there is a problem. Part of this is acceptance

of your accountability to make the necessary changes. Addictive

behavior of any kind requires the recognition and acceptance that

there is a problem that needs to be healed. Once you've accepted the

truth of where you are, the next step is possible.

The second step is deciding you are ready and willing to make changes;

that you really want to heal. Many people say they want to make

changes, but often they are just words and do not align with what they

really feel. They resist change. Perhaps the words are uttered for the

other people around them. Once you know you are ready and willing, you

are ready to release the old programming so you can accept new

thoughts, the third step. We refer to this as letting go, releasing

your hold on whatever isn't working in your life, the fear-based

negativity. This step is comparable to the shedding of old decaying

coverings that allow the trees and flowers to burst forth with new

life each spring. As we shed the old patterns and beliefs, we allow

the new to enter our hearts and minds. Willingness to move into new

territory lets go of resistance.

Once the belief is released, then it's time for new growth. New growth

requires nurturing and the benefits of the elements, the fourth step.

For new growth in the human life, forgiveness is one of the necessary

elements. This forgiveness is for yourself and any blame or anger you

have held in your account: old pain and hurt, feelings of retaliation,

feeling like a victim, or low self-worth. After forgiving yourself,

you are ready to forgive those in your life whom you feel have done

something to you. Forgiveness frees you completely so you can open to

all the new.

Another element needed for new growth is to release the need to be

right. When you feel you need to defend yourself to preserve your

dignity and worth, you are listening to the ego and fighting to feel

better about yourself.

In the long run, since each person has their own truth, it makes no

difference whether you feel you are " right " or not, because each

person is right! When you don't feel the need to be right, you are

peaceful and free.

Once you've forgiven and released the need to be right, freedom

prevails. The freedom to grow allows for new ideas and truths to be

incorporated into your heart. What do you want for your life? Joy?

Peace? Happiness? Fulfillment? Excitement? Vibrant Health? The fifth

step is simply allowing the good into your life and knowing you

deserve it. Allowing is something that doesn't come easy for most of

us. We want to make it happen and force something into being. Allowing

doesn't do anything, it simply waits for it all to unfold. Just as the

plant or tree does nothing to grow except allow the sun, rain and soil

nutrients to be absorbed into its roots, so is it for us. Once you've

decided what you want in your life, the secret is to simply allow it

to come to you, doing nothing.

Healing takes time and has many layers. Just about the time you think

you've completed the healing process, something happens that tells you

there are still things needing to be released. Like the onion, there

are many layers, and as you peel away one layer, another emerges.

However, do not be discouraged, for this is the continuous process as

long as you live on this earth. But what happens is over time, as

layers are peeled away, the healing time becomes shorter in duration

and incidents become fewer and spread further apart. And you recognize

what is happening and do not remain in the negative space for very long.

Healing your life requires many facets in order for you to shine. A

diamond must be cleaned and the non-valuable parts chiseled or scraped

away. Then it takes time to polish and buff the diamond so it can

shine. Like the diamond, you require cleaning, chiseling, discarding,

polishing and buffing so you can shine. So while it may not appear

that this diamond is magnificent, after the process is complete it is

indeed a masterpeice. The healing that takes place in your life has

one purpose, and that is to make you shine with brilliant magnificence!

Author's Bio

Carolyn Porter, D. Div., is a Self-Esteem & Health Coach, Speaker,

Trainer for Speaking, Coaching and Angel Practitioner, Author of 5

books and 2 audios, Co-author of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life

Vol I, and owner of Where Miracles Happen Healing Center in Woodstock,

GA. Carolyn has dedicated her life to helping individuals step into

their own power and accept their brilliance so they can create the

life they truly want and deserve. For more information or to view her

books, visit www.drcarolynporter.com or www.wheremiracleshappen.com.



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