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My Brother and Friend .. Bravo!To all other Precious Family Members; A gracious Hello.

Your post got my mind working and we all are faced with a barrage of truths, understandings and realizations.I do not consider myself an empath by common used definition. I have my ways just as we each do. There are things which we must put into a truthful perspective to walk the journey of helping and healing. First. often we ourselves feel down and out, sick, depressed, and th such. Why is this? Simple answer. We loose, and don't bother to keep up with where our own suffering ends and the absorption of others begins. This lack of "caring" is a sincere root of loving kindness, compassion and caring. To keep tabs of deeds would be ego. We must also accept out limitations while we wear these human bodies. Yes, we aspire with all of our heart amd very much efort but in truth, we fail probably as often as we succeed. This is (like stated) that in this body we cannot save the world. We do make a difference but we can never totally

win. When life ends... aspire to become an Angel, no body and the universe at your fingertips. Much more productive! Patience and perseverance. There also is the fact that there are situations in Buddhism it would be called Karmic Dues and in Christianity called Reap what we Soe, Trials and Tribulations, etc. So in these situations, there is no one capable of helping very much. These situations are meant to work themselves out from within. External help cannot succeed. We can bring a smile, an act of kindness, or a drunk man joke, but we cannot dissolve these kinds of problems. This must be accepted. There is no other choice. Care fully but realize what can and cannot be done. To dwell on failures is self destruction. All we can do is our heart motivated best and sometimes we win, sometimes we loose. Yes there is strength in numbers. the power of goodness and the such and we do more than we see physically. Guaranteed. Even those who do not have the

gifts of healing, just to aspire that they did and aspire that they could help... this is a beautiful thing also. The intention is equally as meritous as the deed. We do what we can and nothing more. (smiles). This will be a large pill to swallow but must be taken- Notice that our 3-d world and all in it, even beyond it is a balance of opposites. ie. good/bad. love/hate. sun/moon. God/ satan. This list is neverending. And seeing this, grasping this, we have no choice but to conclude that this battle of suffering and joy will not be ending any time soon. The word perseverance comes to mind again here. Personal keys to help us help others is inner control. Not becoming overly happy when things are going good, nor to become overly sad when life is throwing stones at us. Why is this? Because of the word Impermanence. Nothing lasts forever. Nothing. If we are floating on a happy balloon, it will pop and the more we are enjoying the ride, the harder

we will fall. Same with sadness; the more we roll into a little ball of sadness and dispare, curse fate, the world, shout "why me", etc. this will also pass. Why destroy the self when emotions are like season of the year. Constantly changing. The key is to relax and stay in the middle. The balance where we do not over-react or just as importantly, under-react. All is what it is, nothing more, nothing less. A meditation of Realization for those ready; Most sit and become one with the universe. They feel and recognize they are a part of everything and everyone. This is wonderful and opens many doors to tolorance, understanding, and harmony. Take the mirror and turn it around. Just sit and be you. Instead of touching oneness, bring it all into you. If this can be done, it is powerful and profound beyond any words. It also brings the ultimate view and understanding on how and why everything works. From this, adjustments can be made which can far

greater enable us to benefit others. It is the key to the puzzle. Also, those who work and have a handle on the sixth sense.... meditate on the 7th sense. It is very real. The sixth is intuition, the seventh is KNOWING. So many tools to diccover and use all waiting to be found, and will when the time is appropriate. If we lack something, we may not be ready to use it properly and simply put, we would make a mess.Plus, what we lack, another has and is using virtously and vice versa. To sum it up, in this here and now, this world, this human body and all it is and isn't.. we cannot win and we can't loose. Just play the game and never never give up! Light will always illuminate the darkness, yet darkness can never extinquish the light. Odds are on our side.

Om Mani Padme

Hum, Randy

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