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Re: Zinco Cream results...

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In a message dated 3/26/00 5:09:12 AM Pacific Standard Time

MugsViola2@... writes:

>I just received my first tube of zinco cream about 4 days ago. I used it

>twice per day in the am and in the evening. When I put it on initially you

>can feel the heat sensation come up on the skin. After staying the day in

>front of a fan cooling off it would calm down. After washing it off in the

>shower it would feel tight and turn red afterwards. I read that the

>ingredients contianed olive oil and bees wax. I understand bees wax clogs

>the skin and olive oil is high in histamines. Olive oil does come from

>olives, then hence it must not be good for the skin suffering from rosacea.

>I was wondering if anyone has had these reaction to the zinco cream. I'd

>thought I'd give it another try and see what happens.

I was a tester for both the tinted and untinted ZincO cream. I reacted

to both. I would feel itchy and bumps wanted to start after a couple of days

of using it. I didnt know at the time what the ingredients were. I stopped

using it. Now I see Olive Oil is an ingredient. I have reacted to Olive Oil

products in the past. Plain zinc oxide ointment works the best for me.

If you are reacting to ZincO stop using it. All products dont work the

same for all of us.


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I just started the Zinco too and my face feels hot when I first put it on

too.....am going to keep trying it for awhile.....


From: MugsViola2@...[sMTP:MugsViola2@...]

Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2000 8:08 AM

To: rosacea-supportegroups

Subject: Zinco Cream results...

I just received my first tube of zinco cream about 4 days ago. I used it

twice per day in the am and in the evening. When I put it on initially you

can feel the heat sensation come up on the skin. After staying the day in

front of a fan cooling off it would calm down. After washing it off in the

shower it would feel tight and turn red afterwards. I read that the

ingredients contianed olive oil and bees wax. I understand bees wax clogs

the skin and olive oil is high in histamines. Olive oil does come from

olives, then hence it must not be good for the skin suffering from rosacea.

I was wondering if anyone has had these reaction to the zinco cream. I'd

thought I'd give it another try and see what happens.

Also I developed an upper resparatory infection and I only devleoped this

from the last 2 years in a row since the rosacea. I wonder if there is any

correlation between the sinus infection and rosacea. I was prescribed

Zithromax (antibiotic) and Hycodone (cough syrup). My eyes have been

drying out. I wonder if anyone has had these problems. I read once on

these boards that Zithromax halped clear up the rosacea on a patient.




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Hi M.V.,

I haven't heard that olives or olive oil is high in histamine, but I

know olives are cured before they're bottled or canned. Maybe it's that

process that gives them a high histamine count? I don't think the

olives destined for olive oil are cured though. They use raw olives for


Putting plain old olive oil on my face does make it break out. In my

case, the olive oil in the ZincO Cream is far enough down the

ingredient list that it doesn't bother me. I know we're all different

in what we react to, so it may be that the smallest amount of it gives

you trouble.

I know there was a compounding pharmacist in Ohio who sells zinc oxide

mixed with dimethicone. I think his name is Glenn . You could

probably find his toll-free number listed in the archives somewhere.

It's not tinted but that might be better for your skin if you're

looking for a zinc product. If you're looking for a tinted product, I

have used Clinique's City Block spf 15 with good results. It has zinc

oxide and titanium dioxide. It's 100% oil-free too.

I hope that helps!


mugsviola-@... wrote:

original article:/group/rosacea-support/?start=14


> I just received my first tube of zinco cream about 4 days ago. I

used it

> twice per day in the am and in the evening. When I put it on

initially you

> can feel the heat sensation come up on the skin. After staying the

day in

> front of a fan cooling off it would calm down. After washing it off

in the

> shower it would feel tight and turn red afterwards. I read that the

> ingredients contianed olive oil and bees wax. I understand bees wax


> the skin and olive oil is high in histamines. Olive oil does come


> olives, then hence it must not be good for the skin suffering from


> I was wondering if anyone has had these reaction to the zinco cream.


> thought I'd give it another try and see what happens.


> Also I developed an upper resparatory infection and I only devleoped


> from the last 2 years in a row since the rosacea. I wonder if there

is any

> correlation between the sinus infection and rosacea. I was


> Zithromax (antibiotic) and Hycodone (cough syrup). My eyes have


> drying out. I wonder if anyone has had these problems. I read

once on

> these boards that Zithromax halped clear up the rosacea on a patient.

> Thanks,

> M.V.

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With your past history of hypersensitivity, it is possible that you may be

reacting to ZincO Cream. As I mentioned in my previous message, there is no

single product that can work for everyone. All our products carry 100%

guarantee; therefore, if you send the product back within 30 days from date

of purchase with your invoice, you will get a refund. I am sorry that it did

not work for you.

There are several issues you raised which I would like to address: 1.

Comedogenicity - When I develop a product, I am very aware of not including

ingredients that are highly comedogenic. Therefore, you can be assured that

neither the synthetic beeswax nor the olive oil in the formulation are

comedogenic. It is a good idea for consumers to read ingredients. This is

particularly important for those who are highly allergic. However,

superficial knowledge sometimes may not be sufficient. Comedogenicity

depends on the total formulation, the quantity of certain ingredients, the

quality and purity of said ingredients. That is why comedogenicity tests are

done to check finished products out. As a typical example of the topic of

comedogenicity: the issue of mineral oil and petrolatum. If you read any

book on cosmetics, particularly ones from non-medical sources, these two

ingredients are anathema because these books claim these two ingredients to

be highly comedogenic. In reality, there are many factors involved and

repeated clinical tests (and history of use by consumers) proved this

allegation to be not entirely accurate. From my personal experience, as a

dermatologist and formulator, I beg to differ and will stay independent and

clear in my thinking. Nothing in life is black and white: a blanket

statement is not a wise one.

2. Olive oil contains histamine? - I would appreciate it if you would give

me your source of this information; as this is the first I have heard of

this. Thank you in advance.

Sy M.D.

Sy Skin Care


Voice:Toll-free 877-sy (546-3279)


Zinco Cream results...

> I just received my first tube of zinco cream about 4 days ago. I used it

> twice per day in the am and in the evening. When I put it on initially


> can feel the heat sensation come up on the skin. After staying the day


> front of a fan cooling off it would calm down. After washing it off in


> shower it would feel tight and turn red afterwards. I read that the

> ingredients contianed olive oil and bees wax. I understand bees wax


> the skin and olive oil is high in histamines. Olive oil does come from

> olives, then hence it must not be good for the skin suffering from


> I was wondering if anyone has had these reaction to the zinco cream. I'd

> thought I'd give it another try and see what happens.


> Also I developed an upper resparatory infection and I only devleoped this

> from the last 2 years in a row since the rosacea. I wonder if there is


> correlation between the sinus infection and rosacea. I was prescribed

> Zithromax (antibiotic) and Hycodone (cough syrup). My eyes have been

> drying out. I wonder if anyone has had these problems. I read once on

> these boards that Zithromax halped clear up the rosacea on a patient.

> Thanks,

> M.V.


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In a message dated 3/26/00 5:08:51 AM Pacific Standard Time,

MugsViola2@... writes:

<< I just received my first tube of zinco cream about 4 days ago. I used it

twice per day in the am and in the evening. When I put it on initially you

can feel the heat sensation come up on the skin. After staying the day in

front of a fan cooling off it would calm down. After washing it off in the

shower it would feel tight and turn red afterwards. I read that the

ingredients contianed olive oil and bees wax. >>

Hi M.V.,

My skin was irritated by the ZincO cream, too. But, I doubt that it's

the olive oil. My skin has improved tremendously after switching to an olive

oil " soap " a couple of months ago. (Kiss my Face Herbal and Olive Soap).

And, I've switched to an olive oil shampoo which has helped my sensitive

scalp, too. I don't mean to scare anyone off of the ZincO, though. I'm sure

that most people can use it. As we all know, each of us is different with

different sensitivities.


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I started using the Zinco tinted cream about 7 days ago. My face got

irritated at first (not severely, but enough for me to notice). After a few

days of use my face is responding great to this Zinco cream. I am glad I

persisted and gave it a few days to work.


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