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FW: Re: Morning Messages - Fear

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worry and fear... I have yet to find the problem which worry can solve. I

stopped looking long ago. It does not exist. When one understands lifes fullness

and the inevitability of death fear melts away. The wise mind in daily life must

sort what is fear and what is common sense not to do. It is as simple as this. I

suppose the correct truthful words would be listen always to the 6th sense. It

is seldom wrong. With compassion. Randy.

----- Original Message -----

Subject: Re: [] Morning Messages - Fear

Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 15:17:32

From: LAURIE WEXLER <wexlaur@...>

< >

Thank u, very helpful, and so right on.


T o worry, is like wishing for something you don't want !  

From: senegaladyaol (DOT) com <senegaladyaol (DOT) com> Subject: []

Morning Messages - Fear Date: Friday,

September 5, 2008, 2:58 AM


Message 55


When the human experiences fear…they drop into a place where they are

operating on automatic. It is “fear†that allows a human to be

manipulated…be it fear of the dentist or fear of death or fear evoked by the

evening news. It is in that place of unconsciousness… that mental place of

operating on automatic that the mass populace usually vibrates. Fear is the key

that triggers imbalanced and unconscious patterns.

Notice when you fear something you are becoming powerless. You are easy to

manipulate. You disconnect with your Source. You dropped into unconscious

behavior. Fear is the key that unlocked that door. Fear triggers your personal

insecurities. Be ever diligent…be ever aware…watch closely what

experiences…what thoughts…what images…what words trigger your personal

fear. Be aware of the ways that you divert your feeling of fear…the ways you

distract yourself…notice the tools you have learned to keep the feelings or

vibrations of fear at an unconscious distance When you experience “fear†in

the moment…grab it before it hides…expose it…express it and love it free.

“Fear†keeps you from staying in the NOW. So when you recognize your

personal “fearsâ€â€¦deactivate them. You can use your tools of sound…of

expression…of sharing…of exploring why the “fear†is there.

Where did it come from? How long have you hid it? You can process your

“fear†lovingly, consciously and as you do you are more available to

yourself…you are more available to others. You are more connected to your


Share with me your experiences and insights of how these Morning Messages have

served you, email me at: joyandgratitude@ aol.com Thank you.

For your personal reading/transmissio n, email me at: apersonalmessage@ aol.com

Copyright © Peggy Black, Transducer, Scribe and Witness. All rights reserved.

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In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl (translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other

Self) In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Library visit

me at: www.myspace. com/senegalady

May we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs, and

generous in our giving. Joanne Sunshower

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