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Divine Expression

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Divine ExpressionBy Auriella O'Neill*edited by K/I The Divine "expression" is given forth to man and woman through the thoughts and actions of his/her person. It is through this expression that one comes to know fully the "divinity and fullness" of the expressed being that they are.But many do not recognize, are not aware of, or do not honor their own divinity for they feel that it is something separate from themselves that can only be achieved by certain selected individuals in history . In fact, many today would scoff at someone living in "this present time" if that person were thought to be holy or divine and living a "regular" life. It is more accepted if that person is a guru sitting on some mountain top...[or not living in this present time.]The full and whole expression of the divinity and wholeness in a person is best expressed in the everyday life and not when the person is separate from all others. True, many who are achieving this state of being , consciously separate themselves from the masses for they have reach[ed] a state of mind and being, that no longer desires or needs the affairs and things of everyday life. But if man or woman is to move forward in fully expressing his or her full divine nature then it must be done in the every action of your life as it is now. It is not necessary to remove your self from your present life, but it is necessary that you "accept the divine person that you are" and that you "express this divinity in all your actions and thoughts".Now to be divine does not mean that you are holier than your fellow being, but it does mean that you recognize, are aware of, and accept the wholeness of your "whole being". For when you accept your wholeness you then become (w)holy. [living as a "whole-ly be-ing] It is in accepting this wholeness that you see and are aware of whom you are beyond this physical body. Now there are probably a number of people who are thinking – "Well, I am in knowing and awareness of that part of me that is non-physical. The pure energy part of myself." Well, that's a good start, but that does not make you whole. For it is your thoughts that fracture you and separate you from the true holiness that you are.It is "through your thoughts that you achieve that state of being" that is truly the [truth] of the Divine expression of who you are. It is through your thoughts that you achieve the true expression of your Divine wholeness and holiness. It is here that is found the key to becoming a greater, stronger, more powerful expression of Divinity. It is your thoughts that separate you from this Divine holiness and keep you separated from the powerful Divine being that you are.So how do you change your thoughts and what thoughts do you have to change? And what do you have to change them to? This is where "your full awareness" of "the Divine you" comes "into being". It is through man's thoughts of anything being not good that there causes the separation from the Divine-ness of their being. What would be the Divine thoughts that God would have? Hold those thoughts in your mind and you will "become as those thoughts". For it is the thoughts that you are holding in your mind presently that you are now in your life.If you are holding the negative thoughts of mankind... these are thoughts of jealousy, resentment, fear, evil, lack, and so forth. These are the thoughts that are keeping you separate from the Divinity that is yours and you are seeing these thoughts manifest in the expression of your life. Hold instead the thoughts of graciousness, abundance, fearlessness, goodness, perfection, joy, happiness, prosperity, non-judgment, non-resistance, etc. and you will move into your Divine state of being and see expression of these thoughts manifest in the experience of your life.For those of you who are saying that this is good and you would like to have this type of manifestation and feelings in your life, but feel resistance within your self for you feel God is a powerful separate entity from you and feel that only God can be Divine and holy. Does it not say you are in the image of God and do you not believe that you are the child of God? [think as in "cell" of a body is a mirror of the whole being.] And does not the child have the attributes of the parent? [a cell can re-create the entire body or being - DNA] And so therefore would you not have the same Divine nature as God? The one known as Jesus was not the only son of God. We are all sons or daughters of God, extensions of God and therefore we are as Divine, powerful, and as holy as God. We have moved away from those attributes through the thinking of mankind's thoughts instead of God thoughts...or, thoughts of LOVE.Jesus came into his full Divinity and wholeness "through the thoughts that he held within his mind" and these thoughts were "therefore seen in the expression of his life". Each and every one of us also have the capability and right to achieve what Jesus achieved, [as many others have] and even more. He was an example of what could be done by all and is not to be held as an exception to what could be achieved only by one.Do you want to continue to on the path you are on now and have feelings of emptiness, dis-empowerment, separateness? Or do you want to be fully the Divine, whole, powerful being that you are. It is in the changing of your thoughts that you can achieve this Divine wholeness. You are here as a physical expression of God. Let the energy of God flow freely, fully, and powerfully through you to manifest in Divinity and (w)holiness.Copyright 2007 Auriella O'Neill*If you were given the part in a Play, and find out it is YOU that you will be playing...what do you then do? Remember WHO you are...remember WHAT you are. LIVE YOUR PART.Author's BioAs a successful owner of a multi-million dollar company, Auriella became aware of how her thoughts were contributing to the growth and success of the company. After studying mind empowerment, consciously creating her life successfully, and healing several physical health issues through the changing of beliefs she held, Auriella formed Unlimited Mind Unlimited Power, Inc. to assist others in using the power of their minds to consciously create the lives they desire as well as to release and replace any beliefs that are limiting you from achieving all you desire.www.UnlimitedMind-Power.com SourceLiving On Love Social NetworkLiving On Love Group

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